Set global defaults for column settings
Hi all, I think it would be extremely useful for users to set a global default for column settings when publishing modules to dashboards. These settings would include; - Default Wrap Text in Headers - Eg. 3 lines - Default Column Width - Eg. 100 px - Default Width for Row Labels - Eg. 200 px I think it would be useful to…
Add Dashboard Copy to Main Dashboard Screen
Just found out from @usman.zia that you can copy a dashboard but only when it's open, which is a huge time saver. It would be great if the copy dashboard function could also be on the main dashboard screen, where you can see all the dashboards.
Add search to the list move reorder dialog box
I'm pretty sure I submitted this before a few years ago but still hoping it can be added. The issue is for long lists that can't be reordered in the "tree" view, it would be extremely helpful for the Move function to have a search or type ahead ability in the move reorder dialog box. Anaplan has added search to nearly…
Automatic save to drafts when working on New UX Pages
It would be useful to have some functionality that autosaves work every 60 seconds or so to a draft area in when creating new pages in the New UX, a couple of times I have lost connection to the page and lost my progress - this would bring it more in line with autosaving progress in other cloud solutions at the present…
Ability to use add-ins in cloud based software
We would like to use the same capabilities of the Excel and PowerPoint Anaplan add-ins in Google slides and Google spreadsheets.
Dashboard Customization
Dashboard personal view is a fantastic feature that significantly improves end user experience, allowing a wide range of personal customizations to be made on dashboards. Currently we have a Master and Personal view available. In our scenario, we have a single Master Development copy, which is being deployed to multiple…
Customize Branch Copy Action
Branch copy is a very powerful action, widely used in what-if-scenario analysis. It can also be used to copy, for example, promotion events. The problem is, when we create a copy of a completed promotion event also the status is copied indicating that the newly copied event is also completed, which obviously is not the…
HyperBlock Performance Improvement: TRUE-->TRUE change
The Anaplan platform leverages a patented in-memory, Java-based, planning engine for calculation called Hyperblock", as we can read in the CIO Guide White Paper on anaplan.com. The engine allows to rapidly calculate billons of cells. It is also important to understand that it recalculates only what needs to be…
Defaulting filters in Assign Action Screen
Assign functionality can be used, for example, to add products to customers. But how will we make sure, that only active products will be added? We can define a filter in assign actions (we can't use Boolean as a filter, but we create a list formatted property for that purpose). The main problem is, that when we open the…
Performance of line items calculations with cell count 0
Anaplan platform gives to modelers great flexibility in terms of how it is used, once in a while leading to situations, where modelers design solutions, which were never considered by Anaplan Platform developers. One example like that is usage of a single element list with subset as a module dimension - to turn on or…
Ability to open more than one page in New UX
It'd be good to be able to open more than one page at the same time in the new UX. For example, you may want a summary dash open at the same time as a dash that shows underlying detail. At the moment you have to swap page views which means syncing detail dash views with summaries as you can in classic isn't possible.
Consistent columns headers in model history
Description Currnently, the columns headers seen in model history are dynamic and change depending on what is in the history. We would like the column headers to be consistent and not change depending on what is in the history. Example of Enhancement All column headers remain the same, regardless of the content. Benefit /…
Provide model builders a "Model Cleanup View"
Our model is rather large, and over multiple development cycles and many different developers we have a large amount pieces of the model that may now be obsolete. The trouble is with a large model it is incredibly cumbersome to locate safely remove clutter without the fear of causing major issues in the model. The only way…
New enhanced color for conditional formating ,charts and graphs
Anaplan has very few coloring options for conditional formating and visualization. Looking about for possiblity of adding more colors. Eg,RGB(Red,Green,Blue) combination is often used in reporting which is absent in Anaplan. Of course we can start modelling this but at times become inconvenient.
New UX: Give builders control over amount of white space in and between cards
The amount of empty space between cards and around the edge of information within a card is excessive. I would like the ability to build a little more compactly but this empty space spreads everything way out. I would like some control over: * how much space cards have between them by default * how big the empty buffer…
Specify Card size in new UX
It would be useful to have the functionality to specify a card height and width to ensure all are uniform size like is possible in the current dashboard designer
'Last Modified: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss' in Model Management
Think it would be a good idea for 'Last Modified: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss' to be present as a 'column' that you can also use as a sorting option for your models in Model Management. Would be particularly helpful for determining the date a model was archived, which is a semi-common request made to Anaplan Support.
Process include the ability to OPEN a DASHBOARD
I have dashboards filled with buttons, because i can't include all actions in a process. So i have a button to create a blank record in a list, then another button to open the dashboard to enable the user to edit the new record. If we had the ability to assign 'Open Dashboard' actions within a process, this halves my…
Remove Anaplan Header Link
Description: Being an Anaplan user, I would like to avoid re-loading of Anaplan page if I occasionally click on "Anaplan" header on the top of the page. Benefit/Impact: Removing of occasional re-load of the page with loosing all of set tabs/modules etc. will allow not to break business work with preparing working view…
Option to ignore duplicates during import action
We have import actions to lists where we have and expect duplicates. We receive the ‘Another row has been processed with this key’ error because we are loading list items that already exist. Given the way we are processing the data, this error is unavoidable. Our automation saves all the error logs and due to these…
Change Justification of Line Items - Left/Right/Centered
It would be helpful to be able to be able to change the justification format of a line item for enhanced reporting purposes. For example, we've been asked to have both the text and number formatted line items to be centered to create better readability in a report (as the module has both text and number lines, currently…
Export from Dashboard based on Current View (in synch rows)
I want to have a saved export assigned to a button on the dashboard so that users can easily export the same view that they are looking at
Create a PDF/PPT Template in New UX to allow customers to create dashboards for exports
Let users create specific dashboards for PPT presentations or PDFs. Doesn't need to be a new board/worksheet, just a specific report that generates and export
Import User List into the model in Deployed Status
Being an Anaplan admin, I would to be able to upload User List into the model in Deployed Status following general approach of imports from files (with ability to upload .csv file). Currently, the only way to do it is to check the import in the system as "Production Data", re-upload source file directly in production model…
Show all references (full chain) from a line item in the model map
I would like to visualise a calculation reference chain from a line item as a starting point using the model map. This will help in maintainability of the model and in the ability to refactor model design or calculations.
Dynamic Cell Access and Copy Branch
Copy branch is widely used functionality with multiple use cases. We can copy a whole nested hierarchy with just a single click. Currently there is limited way to control what exactly will be copied... By default it just copies everything. Can we control that? We can remove write access on a module level and it is working…
Re-Order Conditional Formatting Rules
Hi Anaplan, When you have multiple conditional formatting rules or you create a new conditional formatting rule you currently cannot re-order the conditional formatting rules. This can make it difficult when reviewing conditional formatting rules to understand what you have defined. It would be great if you could re-order…
Allow for selecting of hierarchy levels in page selectors published independently to a dashboard.
Description of the enhancement required: Allow for selecting of hierarchy levels in page selectors published independently to a dashboard. An example of the enhancement: I have published a given page selector to a dashboard that will update 3 views on the dashboard in sync. In the page selector I only want to show Ccs, not…
cell security change for model builder
Hi All, The cell security is a great feature, but I find it a bit confusing that as a model builder you are able to upload data where a normal contributor is not able to upload data. This makes it more difficult to test solutions, because the model will behave differently if you are a model builder versus when you are a…
Master views to have the same behavior as the Personal views
We always have this issue when in a dashboard is published a selector list and a table (module) that need to need to be synchronized. In the master view: When a user opens for the first time the master dashboard, the selector is on the default element ( first level 0 element from the list or total element of the list) and…