Add Automated Line Item Reference if a Field is used in an Import/Export action
It would be extremely beneficial and time saving if you could add a reference to a line item that states if it is being used in any import or export action and what that action is. This would be similar to if a line item is used in another line item or module.
Excel Add-in - Add Ability to remove connection from tab
Hi, Currently there is no button or feature to remove an Anaplan connection from an Excel tab, only to add a new one or modify an existing one. Please add a button to delete a connection. Thanks,
Ability to define type of license for users
Would be great to have an ability to set license type for users, so no one could accidentelly give a user contributor role when there's only viewer license purchased for him
Model builder role needed
Description of the enhancement required: Ability of having an user to access model building funcionality without granting access to add/remove users. This could be a new role for model builders with no access to add/remove users How would it help your business process: We have some Anaplan users in our work environment, as…
Delete Comments as an Admin within NUX
An admin could have the ability to mass delete comments or delete comments associated with specific cards. Currently a comment stays forever and is only refreshed when a new version of the card is published. We could allow users to delete their own comments but I am suggesting just an admin has the ability to wipe them…
Comment in Worksheet Page
I as a model builder want to have consistent system. In Page type Board, the Page has a Comment and the cards as well. However in Page type Worksheet, a Comment on the Page is not available nor on the primary grid. I want to to have Comments on Page type Worksheet so I can deliver the same Comment user experience on the…
Automatically rollback the model if an action within a process fails
Description of the enhancement required: Process rollback upon failure. An example of the enhancement: If an action within a process fails, then all the prior actions that succeeded should be erased How would it help their business process: The fact that a process "half-way" runs and my end user doesn't tell me, has…
Merged: Multi select for page selector
This discussion has been merged.
Bulk Data Change Details in History Log
As a model builder and administrator, it would be a huge improvement if the history log could provide details into Bulk Data Changes. Our company utilizes user imports, and it is very difficult to track down changes when everything is grouped into one line of history. One option is to run history on individual cells of…
Timeline Chart with Dynamic Start/End Date
It would be nice if Timeline Charts allowed for the start and end date settings to be dynamic (or assigned to a line item). Currently, you have to choose a start and end date when you create a timeline chart, which effectively limits the chart to your initial publication. For example, if you are using a timeline chart to…
TEXT() function to follow Excel rules
Being a Anaplan builder, I would like to extend TEXT() functionality to work similarly to excel function, exactly: 1) Follow different format conversions 2) Follow preset patterns, to exclude unexpected text from numbers results etc. Example of wrong work to be prevented with new functionality: Text(1504322.40)= 1504322.4…
Warning when attempting to change a saved view used by an action
No small amount of problems have been caused in our model by someone unknowingly altering a saved view that is used by an import action. It seems reasonable to me to tell the builder who is about to delete, or overwrite a saved view that is used by an action so they can make a decision to proceed or not. Ideally, it would…
New UX: Row label width displays differently on New UX compared to module view
On the New UX the default column width for row labels displays differently compared to the classic module view. This can lead to a row label on a column displaying fully on a module view but when created as a grid on the New UX it can sometimes cut the text, requiring manual adjustment of the width. Example below: As you…
Know which view is in use on dashboard
When reviewing a dashboard, we do not know which view among the 10's of views of the module is used for that dashboard element. Only way is to review each view, and then make the changes. Ability to find which view is being used would help navigate better.
Ability to reference a Line Item generically.
I am requesting the ability to use a generic 'me/myself/self/here' reference in functions that require a Line Item. An example: Original: PREVIOUS(Total Average Balance) + MOVINGSUM(Total Average Balance, -11, -10, AVERAGE) New: PREVIOUS(Here) + MOVINGSUM(Here, -11, -10, AVERAGE) The benefit of this is: if the Planner…
Change NAME() and add CODE() to Users list
As a Model Builder, I need a function to return User's First & Last Name, so I think the best solution would be adding CODE() function for Users list (which would have current functionality of NAME()), and change behavior of NAME() function applied to Users list. For backward compatibility, if NAME() cannot be changed,…
Customisable pop-up messages to warn end users of bad input values
Description of the enhancement required: Pop-up messages which can be customized to show error/ warning messages to end users An example of the enhancement: A user logs into Anaplan, goes to a dashboard and in one of the fields inputs a number. Based on a pre-defined rule, if the number that is input by the users goes…
Ability to monitor workspace space usage in Tenant Administration
Description of the enhancement required: As a tenant administrator I should be able to monitor the Workspace size Allowance and Last Known Used GB in the tenant admin interface An example of the enhancement: Having all workspace statistics in the same user interface How would it help the business process: It is useful to…
User List Top Level
The users' list should have a top-level for calculations. Currently, the users' list can't be used for inputting data as there is no top-level so errors occur when referenced by a line item without the user dimension.
Ability to Reorder Users
It will be very helpful if there is an option to reorder the names in the Users list. Since we can use users as a dimension now, some of our use cases need users in alphabetic orders or to have all users in one role together. This will help in user administration as well.
Select a specific version when creating lookup formulas
Hi, It would be great if we could have formulas where we can specify a version (like it works for actuals) or if we could apply any line item to a specific version.
Make Versions a Format (DataType)
Make Versions a list format so we can use with LOOKUP logic based on user selections. Would prevent the need for versions mapped to a pseudo-verison list with IF/THEN logic, ultimately reducing complexity and increasing ease-of-build.
Allow Multiple layers of Conditional formatting with more flexible color options
Let conditional formatting options be stackable in layers (similar to MS Excel). In my current model we have a table that uses color across all cells based on the development stage. At times we also want to color cells that have an error to a particular color of red, however this is not possible without stackable…
Ability to create Version subsets allowing to have many different versions without impacting size
Hi Anaplan, As Anaplan grows users will require to create multiple versions allowing them to look at historical information without creating many archived models. The solution to this is to have many versions and be able to subset version lists, therefore saving on space and being able to view historical information…
Formula for current user
It would be useful to have a formula to determiner a user from the users list so I could write lookup statements to source data from modules with users list in dimensions
Show existing saved views when saving a view
Description of the enhancement required: It would be helpful to have the ability to, when saving a Saved View, see a list of all of the existing Saved Views and select the one that I want to overwrite. How it would help business processes: Primarily, this would be beneficial to model builders who are creating and saving…
Have better filter options on the Idea Exchange items
I am browsing thru the Idea Exchange, would be very helpful if their are filter options (posted, status, etc)
New UX: Ability to enter carriage returns on text fields
This seems pretty basic to request, but I'd like to be able to drop down a line or two in a text field, without having to use another text field (classic does this). For example, in our classic model, all of our pages have a Single text field below the page's title that include something like this... PURPOSE: (description…
Single Sign on security enhancement
We got a requirement recently to limit access to single sign-on setting. At the moment all administrators are able to deactivate this for themselves at any given moment and effectively skip all security controls. We believe that not all admins should be able to do this. In companies which have more builders (for example…
New UX needs to have a multi-lingual user interface to allow non-english language implementations
Hi Anaplan, The New UX does not currently support a multi-lingual interface. Many of our clients are asking for this to be implemented. It would be really beneficial for many Anaplan Users across the world (Europe, Asia, Africa, South America) for the new UX and UI to support a multi-lingual interface. Great idea suggested…