Monitor model sizes
Periodically we are making an overview of all our models and their size. This is a manual exercise and only possible to collect via 'manage models' in each separate workspace. We then copy the model sizes every month in one of our models to monitor growth. It would be nice to be able to see the model size via the Anaplan…
Ability to include a timestamp on exported XLS files
Description of the enhancement required: Date Time Stamp as data field in the exported file (accurate to DDMMYYYY HHMMSS) An example of the enhancement: Formula which captures the current system time at time of export would be highly appreciated. How would it help the business process: The customer server would be able to…
Option to open Settings Menu Items as Tabs
In our model, we have 220+ dashboards and 400+ modules. When going between looking the list of modules and the list of dashboards, the lists reset my view at the top, causing me find the one I wanted to look at again, this can be very time consuming. Ideally I'd be able to open these Settings Menu items as tabs, so that…
Show Subsets in the General List area in settings under the List they belong to
I would love to see the subsets created under the list they belong to in the General List area in settings. It would make using them and maintaining them easier. And, when learning new models, it's really hard to tell the difference b/n a subset and a list and to what list the subset belongs to.
Community: Add fields to user profiles to allow community members to share their experience
I think it would be really interesting if Community members could share additional information on their background/Anaplan experience. I could envision this being helpful if you were looking for other uses who come from a similar industry or use case, so thus would also request the fields to be seachable. Below are some…
Bulk Delete Models
a workspace admin, I should be able to bulk delete models, rather than 1 by 1
Block any other transactions being processed between actions in a Process
Description of the enhancement required: We are requesting that Anaplan implement changes so that, when a process with multiple actions is run, no updates (manual data updates or configuration updates) are allowed to occur in between each action's running. This means that the process should be treated as a global action…
Hiding Saved Views in Classic UX
At the moment within our many models there modules with several saved views. Would be good to be able to "hide" the saved views so that as a modeller I can see the list of modules and then I can see the views either by clicking to expand or via the normal open command in module view. Would make model development a lot…
Ability to modify user details
Description of Enhancement: Customer would like the ability to modify user details; name, email address How this would help their business process: Would avoid having to create new users
Calculation on top level selection in line item subsets and list item subsets
Hi Anaplan Community, Currently it is not possible to use a summary top level of a list subset or line item subset in a calculation without using a workaround using a boolean and using the complete list or line item list. If anaplan had the capability to allow modellers to use the top level in a line item subset or list…
Bulk Copy in Versions through Actions
Hi Team, We get request from customers where they have multiple versions of Budget like maintaining it quarterly. Like Budget should be open like * Budget V1 : Jan Onwards * Budget V2: April Onwards * Budget V3: July Onwards * Budget V4: Oct Onwards However, When we switch between the versions we should be able to copy the…
Add 'spacer' cards to new UX.
Adding spacer cards would be a great way to easily change the look and feel of the new UX. A workaround exists by using blank text cards with no background, however I think spacer cards could add more functionality as: * You could precisely dial in the size of the spacer. * Spacers could come with default vector images to…
Rollback caused by "Is Summary"
Description of the enhancement: When a user incorrectly selects "is summary" for any line item with non simple formulas they hit a rollback. A rollback consists of a model closing, opening, reapplying a changelog, and saving. Can we look into a solution to capture that the formula isn't a summary line item before it causes…
Ability to import from subsidiary view with one dimension or from module without dimensions
Description: Being an Anaplan Builder, I would like to be able to perform imports from subsidiary view with one dimension and from modules without dimensions. Example of Enhancement: Working with different models, it is sometimes required to perform and import from line item without dimensions or with only one, but being…
Attribute Module for Inbuilt Users List
Suppose I have a module with Inbuilt Users list as a dimension (No other list should be used as a dimension in that module). Now if I can create a line item which will pull the attributes from Users Command of Anaplan into this module. Just click and refer. For example If I want to see what is the model role of the User I…
Tooltips on hover when text is cut off
Description of the enhancement: Request to have tool tips in Anaplan so that when you hover over text that may be cut off in a cell, you can see all the text in the tool tip. I envisage a box that would open over the cell showing the complete text. How it would help their business process: It would mean we don’t need to…
Add default 'Security Admin' and 'Data Admin' roles to support formal segregation of duties
Many enterprise customers have security policies require different administrative roles to support segregation of duties. Today, when we encounter these, we need to build them from scratch and manage them at the model level. I propose that in addition to 'Workspace Administrator'', we also have 'Security Admin' and 'Data…
Excel Add-In model view
Currently when creating a new connection from Excel Add-In, The wizard picks up all modules that are available to Read, Read/Write for the end user. We want to limit the modules that are shown in this dialog without having to remove the 'Read' permissions. can we either add something like 'invisible in Excel' in the 'Roles…
Support aggregation over time dimension
Description of the enhancement: Currently if the Source has a time dimension then the result must also when using SUM. Users would like to be able to aggregate over time dimension. How this would help our business processes: It would remove the need to do the following workaround. If you have: Result = A.a[Sum A.b] Result…
Ignore Timescale as a dimension if Time formatted mapping line item is used for aggregation
I ran into the issue when I needed to pull the data from the module with a timescale as a one of dimensions to another module that also contains timescale as dimension. I used time formatted line item in the source module for aggregation but it's been ignored in the Result module and error message box has been appeared.…
Option to open saved views in a new tab
Description of the enhancement: End users should have the option to be able to open a modules' saved views in separate tabs. Currently Saved Views open in the same tab that the module was opened in. This will allow multiple operations such as adding, deleting or editing views.
DCA, Filtering and Export Referencing
Few things make me happier than tidying up a model. It's good to delete out redundant content to remove clutter and reduce model size. The first place to look when doing this is list, module and line item 'references'. If it's used by another module or on a dashboard then you know it's in use. However, there are scenarios…
Search Functionality in 'Manage Models' Window
With mature Anaplan workspaces, there are typically dozens of models that would have been created during Foundations, development or for sandbox uses. As the list of models grows, it becomes hard to scroll through the list to find a specific model. This difficulty is especially evident in partners' workspaces, where there…
New UX : Define homepages for apps
It would be great for user experience if we were able to define specific homepages for apps (kind of actual "Landing Dashboard" concept).
The ability to see entire Note, Applies to, Referenced By fields inside blueprint view
It would be great ot see the entire Note section in the blueprint view without having to copy and paste it into another tool, double click into the note section, etc. Double clicking into the note section isn't ideal in Standard (Non-Deployed) models, as it can lead to the accidental editing/deletion of the note field. One…
Page Anchors for Dashboards and New UX
My understanding is that there is no limit to how 'long' a dashboard / page can be, provided there is content to fill it. Page anchors and subsequently actions to navigate to them, similar to 'open dashboard', would be great (Including 'open' and 'navigate' behavior so that content is refreshed just like 'open dashboard').…
Selecting 'All Periods' does not display all Time periods
Description - Model has a timescale with 6 years and 'Total of All Periods' enabled - Open the dashboard 'Time only dashboard' - Synchronised rows is enabled for the grid 'Time only' (Time on rows) - Select 'All Periods' from the time page selector on the dashboard Expected result - The grid updates to show all time…
Function that returns a User's Model Role
It would be really helpful to be able to query a user's model role, and with that information be able to do things like: * Allow / Limit access to information based on a user's role * Use in dynamic cell access formulas * Allow a module on certain dashboards to be read-only (for larger audiences), while the same module on…
[ALM] Data refresh development model with data of the production model
In most of our models we are using ALM. With this we promote structural changes from development into test/production model. Sometimes our dev/test model has messed-up data, which causing we can't do proper testing. To avoid this we sometimes delete the dev/test model (after all changes has been synchronized to…
LOOKUP does not work on list parents and only leaf items
When a LOOKUP is done on a parent item in a module, the result does not resolve to the column with that respective parent. Subsequently the value shows 0. To reproduce: 1. Create list with leaf item and parent 2. Create module with column 1 as "Data", column 2 as "Parent", and column 3 as "Lookup", using list from 1. as…