Add ability to assign a functional area to a new module in the create a module dialogue box
It would save time to not have to always go back to the modules tab and assign a functional area if I could do it upon creating the module, which seems sensible!
Import action should not ignore Selective Access for a Workspace Administrator
Description of the enhancement required: Workspace admin with applied selective access to only one region had affected data in other regions because selective access does not work on Workspace admins. An example of the enhancement: As a workspace admin if I change my profile to only have access to a specific region, and…
Allow semi colon as a delimiter for emails as this is the default in outlook
As a user I should not have to configure Outlook to use commas as a delimiter for sending to multiple recipients as this option is not checked by default. The MAILTO function in Anaplan only accepts commas as separators for multiple email addresses. It would be useful if it also accepted semicolons.
New UX - ‘Publish selected line items to dashboard’ on Cards
Hi, I’m wanting to add a card on the below Worksheet in the new UX, and I’ve got 2 questions/enhancement suggestions. Firstly, when I’ve pivoted my saved view to how I want to show it in my card, I only want to see the text box, and in my saved view, I’ve reduced the left hand column, to 6pixels in length, but when it…
Add preview view and customisation options for exporting dashboards to PDF
The ideal scenario would be to have an interactive "export dashboard" dialogue box, allowing users to make basic layout changes to PDF exports of dashboards. With this, a user could preview the PDF before export, and make basic layout changes such as changing column widths (or just bringing the column widths already set in…
Totals position for formatted list items
It would be very useful to be able to adjust the behaviour of the totals when displaying a list formatted item. Within a module one can control where the parents appear; it would be good to give this option for list formatted items too. It is possible to "create" this behaviour using dependent drop downs or by activating…
NUX Comments - Include comments when duplicating a page or duplicating an app
Currently when you duplicate a page or even the app, you do not bring with it any of the comments. This can be quite limiting when building, as then you cannot pivot the information of your page without losing the comments. Also, if that page is deleted, you will lose all of the comments permanently (as Anaplan cannot…
Allow history export to be limited on hours
As a model builder and auditor I would like to limit the history export on 'hours' to enable a more precise search in the history log. This is particularly important for our Data Hub where a 'Last 24 hours' selection creates a 4 GB log file. Excel can't handle that, so it requires analytical tools like Tableau or Spotfire…
Export module with comma as decimal separator
Requesting an enhancement to be able to export to file with comma's as the decimal delimiter. At the minute the export is not using the Number format options of the line items. So if I set my line item format to have Comma as the decimal separator, the export ignores it. If there's an Import option to do this, shouldn't…
Allow ALM synchronisation to be scheduled
This enhancement idea originated from a customer conversation around the process of synchronising a development model to a production model using ALM. There is sometimes a need to perform the syncronisation process outside of office hours to minimise/avoid any impact on end users. Currently, the synchronisation process can…
Time Stamp Formula
An example of the enhancement: A frontend Tool is provided to an End User where they can review data housed within Anaplan. Functionality within the Tool allows the End User to submit changes to this data An approval workflow is set in place to ensure there are no erroneous change submissions Action is created to Capture…
Open the saved view if you save a view
When creating a saved view, it will not open by default, but you need to open the saved view in order to finetune it. It will benefit the model builders, because now a lot of times you create a saved view and you need to remember to open it again before making more changes to the view and continue saving. A lot of times…
Excel Add In: remove a connection and multiple connections in one sheet
Idea 1: Currently we have the option to create Read / Read-Write Connection. But when I no longer want an active connection on a sheet, i am not able to remove it. This limits my ability to add a new connection or replace connection on the same sheet. Idea 2: Also, we cannot have more than one connection on a single sheet.…
Add properties to line item subset
Description of the enhancement required: Add List Properties for Line items subset and a full menu (like ordinary Lists have). Currently there is only one “Description” property available An example of the enhancement: Adding properties section for a line item subset would allow the business to store non numeric…
Ability to have multiple sort dependencies
A description of the enhancement requested: Hierarchy multi-factor sort - allow admins to easily set complex / multi-factor sort within hierarchies (sort parent by A and child by B) A story for why they want the enhancement (specifically how would it help their business process): Pre-setting a complex sort saves users time…
Use Non-numeric Value to Drive Conditional Formatting
Ability to use a non-numeric value to drive conditional formatting. Ex. I have a text formatted line item where my values are Red or Green. For my values to set the condition, I can have text = "red" or text = "green" rather than having to create an additional line item that that resolves to a numeric value for my…
Jump to specific page based on list property (similar to 'dashboard driver' in Classic UX)
Classic UX has the very useful feature where the 'Open Dashboard' action can be configured to point at different dashboards depending on a property in the Driver list. It would be massively useful to migrate this to 'New' UX, so that the 'Link to a page' setting could be similarly configured to point at different Pages…
Excel Add in inheriting flow from the web UX
Does anyone know if there are plans for the Excel add in to more closely align with the web UX? For example, a few things that would be a big help in my opinion: -Allowing user to select a dashboard by name, which would then then filter down to show only the modules on that dashboard (obviously this wouldn't pull KPIs or…
'Referenced By' Column in Blue Print View should expand or drop down to show full detail
Hi Anaplan, The 'Referenced By' column in the blue print view should expand or drop down to show full details. This would be really usefull as you can instanty see where a line item is being referenced if it has multiple references. Thanks, Usman
Merged: User List Subsets Based on Role
This discussion has been merged.
Shared weeks (splited by months)
We use ISO calendar split. This mean that a year contains about 52 calendart week and about 63 shared weeks: when a week is located in two months at the same time. This is the only way to move back and forth between Months and Weeks. Currently we have to maintain false Time hierarchy in order to have this option.
New UX - add option to select between "and" and "or" when filtering
As an Anaplan User I would like to filter with "or" option also, right now only "and" is available. It's critical for text and number formatted line items. In Classic view there is an option to select "All" or "Any" when filtering: Thank you
New UX: Mobile Designer Mode
When designing a New UX page, we would like to preview on a desktop how the application would look like on mobile without actually using a mobile. This should allow designing New UX based apps that are mobile-ready and/or show where separate mobile-specific versions should be considered/avoided completely. As another…
[NEW UX] Computer VS Mobile personalized user access
As a user, when I'm using my Phone I only want to see pages which are specifically designed to be Mobile friendly and when I'm using the Computer to see only computer friendly pages. Our model builders designed pages which are better fit for Computer use but also pages that are specifically made to be used on the phone via…
New UX: Mobile Application Design - Plotted Points
Line graphs display differently within the mobile version of the New UX versus the desktop version. Each distinct data point is plotted within the mobile version (making the line look bulky) whereas the desktop version appears smoothed. Should have consistency across handheld, tablet, and laptops and mobile app versus…
Selective Access in Child List formatted item
I am able to filter a list formatted item when selective access is enabled. However, it is not possible to do so when the line item is formatted as a list that does not has selective access enabled, even if it is a "child" of a selective access list. I need to be able to filter lower hierarchy levels based on inherited…
Ignore blank dates for MIN calculations
I'd like Anaplan to ignore blank dates when performing MIN calculations: MIN, x[MIN:y], and MIN as a summary function. For numbers, I can see why 0 is evaluated since sometimes those are true zeroes, but for dates this makes much less sense. With dates, I would want the MIN calculations to return blank only if all of the…
Add a Referenced By Column in Time Ranges
Hi, It would be nice if we had a referenced by column in time ranges to check what modules are using the time range. Sometimes we would like to delete any time range because we are not using it anymore, and we have to check each module to find the references. Regards, Fayelle
Select multiple non-adjacent cells in modules/dashboard grids
Description of enhancement: Select multiple non-adjacent cells in modules/dashboard grids. A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process): This enhancement highly useful for business users, as they can see values of Quick Sum Bar for selection.
New formula for checking User's access
As a Model Builder, I would find new function really useful: Syntax HASACCESS(x,y,[f]) Returns Boolean, "TRUE" if User has specified access, where: * x: Users list-formatted line item containing . * y: Item of the list with Selective Access enabled. * f: Flag which tells which access formula should test, keywords: "ANY"…