Function to return the number of leaf items in a standard or numbered list.
I think it would be very useful to have a function to return the number of leaf items present in a standard or numbered list. Example: QUANTITY(x) Where 'x' is the name of the list, also selectable from 'General Lists'. Reasoning: This would serve as a cleaner way to get the number of items in a list, instead of doing…
Create a "Date Last Modified" column in Modules to let Admins see when line items were last changed
I would like the ability to interrogate when a Module has received changes to specific line items to help in troubleshooting bugs. For example, when someone changes a line item's summary type, or formular, or data type, or name etc. this should ideally change the "Date Last Modified" for that line item. I could see this…
Allow for .svg images to be published to a dashboard
Description of the enhancement required: Allow .svg file extensions for image files when publishing image URLs to dashboards. An example of the enhancement: This page includes an array of logos, about 20% are in .svg format. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Logos_of_universities_and_colleges_in_Massachusetts…
Allow model builders to differentiate models by changing the color of the "Anaplan" blue header bar
We have many different models our team of builders uses, all of which have a slightly different name, but sometimes that's not exactly obvious if one is working in the Revision 1 model, or the Revision 2 model, Staging, or Production etc. I would like the ability to alter the color of the blue anaplan header bar so that I…
Management Reporting slides download for multiple page selector at once
Currently we can download slides for each page selector by one by one .It would be great if we can download one slide for all item in page selectors at one click . Scenario - In page selector , we have 100 employees Data in slide changes according to page selector (using dynamic text ) .Customer wants to export slide for…
Bulk Copy by Month
In the model, Version section, a user would have the ability to run a bulk data copy between time periods/months across and between versions. The new functionality would include: * Bulk copy - ability to select the specific month(s) to copy from one version to another. * Bulk copy - ability to select the month(s) to copy…
Optimizer: process incl. optimizer action with import on timeout should continue in case of timeout
For optimizer actions, there is the possibility in the action setup to enable "Import on timeout" to fetch back the results from Gurobi processing when the specified timeout is reached but the desired MIPGap is not achieved yet. If the optimizer action is embedded within a process, the process is shown as failed when this…
Allow more intuitive date input via keyboard
Description: As an end user, I want to be able to type in dates into date-formatted fields using a flexible and intuitive format, so that it is quicker and easier for me to enter required data into a model and allowing me to focus on the outputs, rather than having to spend additional time thinking through the format of my…
Ability to Collapse Categories in NEW UX Index
A nice to have on the Index of pages in the NEW UX Apps would be the ability to collapse the categories of pages. It would make the index section look a lot neater.
Be able to select a default summary type for a model
In the spirit of trying to keep our models size-efficient, we encourage model builders to set the summary type to "none" whenever possible in calculation modules (trying to follow the DISCO method here!). Unfortunately, when a new line item is created, the summary type always defaults to "sum" and it's very easy for model…
Enhancement Request for the ability to assign list items to a subset using a formula
I would like the ability to populate a subset based on a line item attribute in another import module that contains the full list.
New UX: Update FIELD card to allow conditional formatting
Hi, Not sure if this idea has been posted before! I would love to have the ability to apply conditional formatting to field based cards in the new UX. It would be a good way for a user to visualise if they haven't entered a required attribute for a list item! At the moment, the alternative is to use a grid card with the…
enable/disable Action Button based on condition
Controling action button using on preset validation. As a modeller, I want to have control over the dashboard button to enable/disable based on the specific conditions. So that I can control valid seletions in filters.
Applying filtering on Tabular Single Column Exports
Being an Anaplan builder/user, I would like to be able use set on the view filters for export option "Tabular Single Column". Currently, if you prepare a view with set filters, if you run "Tabular Single Column" export, Anaplan will ignore filters and include all items from all dimensions in the extract. It has two major…
Custom page separation for dashboard PDF exports
Description of the enhancement required: Allow for page separation when exporting dashboards to pdf so that two published items may be printed on separate pages, back-to-back. An example of the enhancement: When selecting options for a PDF export on a dashboard, users would have the option to choose where the page…
Version subsets and selection as a format
It would be great if you could select Versions as a format of a line item. This would make it much easier to pull data from a specific version into a module without versions, for example using a lookup within a line item. It would also be great if we could create subsets of versions in models where there are many versions,
'Used in Dashboards' and 'Used in Action/Import' for SAVED VIEWS
When performing model clean-up's OR revising actions / New UX dashboards, it would REALLY helpful to have a view within the model settings area to review the full list of SAVED views along with the following key information; * 'Used in Dashboards' * 'Used in Actions/Processes' * 'Used in New UX Dashboards'
Versions as list format
Make Versions available as a list-format. Benefits: Allows the end-user to select the version they want to look at from a drop-down making for better variance reporting. Allows you to map from a normal hierarchy into a version dimension *Excel add-in needs to support & support with filters
Export line item codes
Description of the enhancement: To be able to export the line item codes instead of only the line item name. Description of business use: I have a financial statement report module where I have accounts as line items. This is because some of the accounts are calculated. We have a need to export this module with account…
Mouseover Hover Text for Model Builders
I think it would be helpful to model builders if there was a hover over option to display the text of a particular element. There are instances where the description is cut off for certain display elements and there is no option to resize columns for that element (I see this most frequently in the Module Blueprint and Data…
Delete from list using selection action shouldn't ignore selective access for workspace admin
Description of the enhancement: Do not allow workspace admins to run delete from list using selection process in sections of a list they haven't got selective access to. An example of the enhancement: User A ticks delete Boolean in the section he/she has access to, but decides thoughtfully not to run delete from list using…
Expand "Tree View" for Lists beyond 1,000 items
Lists automatically convert from "Tree View" to "Grid View" once the 1,000 item limitation is reached. In my opinion, the Tree View is much more aesthetically pleasing and easier to navigate, particularly as the data set gets larger. It would be great if the Tree View was maintained for an infinite amount of items (or at…
Conditional Format using line items from another module
It would be really useful to apply conditional formatting based on line items in another module.
Export - Data Source
Hi Community, I am thinking that would be very beneficial for model builders to have the possibility to view Data Sources for Export Definitions. For the large models with lots of external integrations and different export actions is pretty difficult to follow the source of a particular export if you can have dozens of…
Make Versions a Production List
Enabling Versions as a production list would allow business users (not developers) to add flexibility and enable business users better management of versions. Consider the scenario where there is a variable amount of Forecasts that could happen in a year, or if a Forecast becomes current/next.
Native scheduling action in Anaplan (w/o API. Connect or 3rd party integration tool)
Could Anaplan action iteself allowing for scheduling? (i.e. a common use case would be you have an action that brings data from Data Hub to Spoke models and data in Spoke models need to be refreshed everyday) - It would be super helpful to have this function built-in at the time the action/import is set up in Anaplan,…
A+ for Anaplan (Model Builder Edition)
A+ for Anaplan (Model Builder Edition) is an add-on for Chrome that has quite a few nice features: Link Unfortunately due to the sensitivity of the data that I and other companies/users work with, I am unable to utilize this add-on due to the required permissions. I would love to see these features brought in-house, if…
Copy Model also copies Audit Log History
When you copy a model, it would be nice if the model's full history log was also copied instead of being reset in the new model. A couple times in the past year we have needed to copy and deploy production models from existing production models in order to handle high-risk updates being pushed from our development model.…
Ability to modify the bar width in charts
Description of the enhancement: Capability to vary the width of bars in Anaplan Bar Charts -See 'Gap Width' in Excel Example of the enhancement: Users can adjust the width of objects in a Bar Chart, much like they can adjust the width of columns in a module. Business reason for wanting this enhancement: We feel that this…