Anaplan Time Range Limitation
I was very surprised recently when I discovered a limitation to Anaplan's permitted time range. It may surprise others to know that Anaplan is limited to supporting only 70 Years (20 past and 50 future) and the maximum number of years possible is 90 (using a time range set, as of writing, to 1981 with 90 periods). I did…
The ability to add a dynamic sub total to a grid
I would like the ability to add a dynamic subtotal to a grid, so when rows are filtered out the total is updated on the fly
REQUEST: hide categories if the Role has no access to any pages there
If a Role doesn’t have access to any pages in a category then the category should be hidden from them
Subset for Versions
Adding subset to Time Ranges is of great help. On the same line, there should be an option to create subsets for versions. In our use case, we have 5 versions (Plan, Actuals, Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom3). We want to use different sets of versions for different modules based on the requirement. Current functionality gives…
Save a custom palette of colors for use in UX pages
Most companies have brand-specific colors they use for fonts, icons, logos etc. When implementing building pages in Anaplan I attempt to use their colors where possible (and reasonable). UX page builders can currently pick from a set of colors for body text fonts, or even specify the hex value for a specific one (which is…
Provide capability to import blank values for dates and list formatted line items
I would like the capability to blank out cells. This is not currently possible without clearing target before import. Description of the enhancement required: Ability to blank out cells without clearing the entire module each time An example of the enhancement: During the upload, there is an option which allows user to…
Option to export conditional formatting in export to xls
Description of the enhancement: Add an option to include conditional formatting in exports to xls
Importing data directly from another Anaplan module
When a user is attempting to import data directly from another Anaplan module, they need to be able to use an identifier (code or link vs. the display name of the field) to ‘connect’ the records. For example: When a user exports from a ‘source’ Anaplan module, the user has the ability to export the ‘code’ or ‘list link…
Add Bulk Copy to action list to be added in process chain.
Hi there, Current limitations with the version dimension mean we are not able to select Version as a list formatted line item (there is a separate ticket with community support on this topic). Because of that, we are forced to do a number of data moves using custom version lists, list subsets, and collect statements to…
NUX - Set Default Model when Multiple Source Models are Assigned
I am excited we now have the ability to point multiple models to the same page, however with this new functionality, we have also found some frustration. We need the ability to set a default model when multiple models are assigned to a page. If I have a DEV model and a PROD model pointed to the same page, I want the…
Allow Time Ranges to move dynamically in relation to the Model Calendar
Currently when creating a time range you select the start of the range and then the number of periods. When you come to roll over the model to a new year those Time Ranges need to be reviewed to see whether they also need to be rolled forward. What I would like is the ability to decide whether the start of a time range is…
Ability to sum based on boolean
Description of enhancement required Ability to allow to aggregate using Boolean mapping. Currently mapping can only be applied over List elements. It would simplify many formulas if we could simply SUM/PRODUCT over TRUE/FALSE Boolean values. An example of enhancement - See example below *List called "Client" with 3 items.…
Export Model Map to PDF/Excel
Capability to Export Model Map from Contents page to PDF/Excel.
Statistical Functions Package: Normal Distribution
Concept: Include basic Statistical Functions in Anaplan Description: I miss some basic statistical functions among the available functions. These formulas are extremely useful when it comes to calculate chances or risks, which is a common and useful bit within the forecast calculations. A good example is the lack of a…
VBA/macros for Excel Add-In
As a model builder I would like VBA and macros to be supported in the Excel Add-In so that I could further automate workbooks. For example : 1) I would like to be able to create VBA code and macros for the various Anaplan actions so that I could automate a number of tasks (eg Login and refresh data) through macros 2) I…
Dynamic Cells Calculation (DCC)
This feature would allow to selectively switch between "Calculation" or "Manual Input" on a specific LineItem. Much like the DCA, the DCC would be based on a boolean. When True, the formula would apply but when False the user would be allowed to type data. This would allow to make Anaplan much more dynamic and greatly…
Ability to change the theme / colour of backgrounds in New UX Dashboards and Cards
Hi Anaplan, It would great if the New UX had the ability to customise themes and colours for New UX dashboard backgrounds. This could extend to different colour backgrounds for cards. This would allow for greater user customisation to company themes and colours. Thanks, Usman
Multiple Summary Methods Per Line Item
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to use different summary methods by module dimension (list) An example of the enhancement: We can currently summarise differently the lists and the time dimension but it would be great to be able to choose a different summary method by list/dimension. For instance if a…
Ability to select versions as a list formatted line item for use in lookup statements
Versions are useful as they allow switchover functionality enabling a user to both enter a forecast on a line and see actuals in the same line item. However, comparing versions to eachother (any version to any other version dynamically) requires a "Versions List" and logic to engage that list with the Version you want to…
Ability to change font colour (using RGB, HEX, or other) in new UX.
The available colours in the new UX are quite limited. Adding extra colours, or allowing page builders to select RGB values, would be an easy win to improve the visuals of the new UX.
Sorting with nested pivot
Being an Anaplan builder, I would like to be able to perform sorting with nested pivot (wich means pivot with several dimensions in rows). Currently, sorting can be done on in case of one dimension represented in rows. However, I would be great to have an ability to do the same with several dimensions (nested pivot) in…
Ability to display negative numbers as positives
Detail description of the enhancement that is being requested: We have numerous requests to have costs displayed as positive numbers but aggregate as negative. The current workarounds are very difficult To provide more clarification, could you please explain how you hope the enhancement would assist in your business…
Option to not include current period in YTD calculation but in YTG instead
Description of the enhancement required: YTD calc should NOT include the current week and YTG should include the current week. How would this engancement improve your processes: I do several YOY indexes and they are all incorrect because of this. When I compare YTD this year to YTD prior year there is always extra data in…
New UX should allow publishing Page Selectors
Currently, New UX only shows page selectors which are dimensions of modules. In classic dashboards, we have the ability to publish any list as a page selector on any dashboard. For example, we publish parent levels(of module dimensions) as page selectors. This is a must to have feature. We feel that New UX is a step…
Week Coverage, also known as forward coverage or stock cover
A description of the enhancement requested Week Coverage, also known as forward coverage or stock cover. As an example we have Forecast Sales and Current Stock. Formula should calculate how many future periods of forecast will be covered by Current stock. This is achievable in Anaplan with below function: Look Forward +…
Control on "Open source module" option when using drill-down functionality
As a model builder I would like to have the possibility to disable the "Open source module" also from the drill-down window. "Open source module" from a drill-down window is a nice feature quite recently introduced and it is really useful for the debugging and verifications during developing a model. However this way it is…
Limit "Open Source Module" Options
Currently, there is an option to disable open source module for a module published to a dashboard. I am requesting two enhanced features related to this: * The ability to turn off "open source module" by module/role without setting access to "none". Setting access to "none" prevents the end-user from being able to drill…
Multi-layer sort
Would be very useful to have a multi-layer sort (not filter) like in Excel i.e. Sort by column A alphabetically, then by column B, then by C. Acknowledging the workaround to concatenate the desired fields into a text line item and sort by that, but to me a publicised workaround is always a pointer to a needed/desired…
Set conditional formatting by formula
Description of the enhancement required: Improve conditional formatting by allowing formulas. An example of the enhancement: Have it function similar to excel where formulas can be used to test for conditions. How would it help their business process: Extra line items must be used to check for a condition, if conditional…