Plan IQ Forecast Action Error Message
It would be great if the PlanIQ forecast action set-up area clearly showed if an action had been run successfully, but with errors (yellow with exclamation mark?). When testing out PlanIQ recently I ran a newly created forecast action successfully, but when I checked the model I found no results. I had to navigate to the…
Number of periods for a model should not be part of ALM
There has been numerous occasions where by my clients have asked me to reduce time duration for DEV and UAT Models . For eg. i might have 20 Yrs forecast in prod but only 5 yrs in DEV and UAT . With number of periods being part of ALM it cannot be achieved . It will be great if we can take it out of ALM structural change…
Improved History Granularity in History Report
Description of the enhancement requested: When the client exports the history they want to see the details on who changed the Formula, as well as having an ability to filter out the needed modules, lines, etc. The output is there but they want to be able to filter it online as it is close to impossible to do in…
NUX Report Page - Fix Chart Sizes
Request Allow page builders to specify the chart area size of chart cards. Additionally, allow model builders to specify the legend area of chart cards. Why? Charts resize dynamically within the NUX. When displaying several cards of the same type (e.g. several doughnut charts on an executive dashboard) the sizes will vary…
Export files as Excel(.xlsx) format from Anaplan
Description of the enhancement required: I want to be able to export Excel(.xlsx) format from the Export Dialogue Box in the model. An example of the enhancement: 1) Open any module in a model, go to Data dropdown list, select Export. 2) In the Layout tab, user wants to be able to select Excel(.xlsx) as a File Type under…
NUX - Create My Page from "Current Selection" in Worksheet
User Story: As an end user I want to save my current view in a worksheet as My Page to have it right away the next time I do a similar analysis. I think this is something happening very often during some analysis, you open a worksheet with a default view and then pivot it around, filter on something or even use show and…
Saved view collections
In order to create our reports out of Anaplan, we have to create significant numbers of saved views from the main modules which we then create "Reporting packs" from in the new UX Apps. This allows us to have clear "packs" of data within the new UX where it is easy to see the schedules we need. However, when returning into…
One place to Manage all Saved Views
As We moved to New UX, There is immense work related to managing saved views from modules. urrently set up does not allow to edit Saved views with ease. Having a single place to manage/edit saved view like we have a button for Modules/Dashboards will make a significant difference to Developer life. Thanks Ramu
New UX: Warning before leaving a page that has unpublished edits
In classic, when I make changes to a dashboard and try to close the page, I am given a choice whether to discard or save the changes. Perfect. In New UX, i have lost major edits without realizing it by clicking an action, my page gets changed to where the action points. Then my edits are left unpublished and therefore…
Additional API testing # 2
more to come on this - stay tuned!
NOW Function
Use case: As a user, I want to display the current time (e.g. 9/12/2018 5:00AM) in a cell. This should behave similar to the "NOW" function in Excel. Business case: When a user presses a button, we want to display the last time the button was pressed.
Ability to change the style of given column(s)
Currently I can only change the style (e.g. italics, bold) of line items when they are placed under rows but the ability to make changes to the particular columns or line items placed in columns would help to build easier to navigate tables for end users. The style of line item should be visible when the line items are…
Capability to define a Default Value
-------- Edit : There was a problem with the body, below the good explanation 🙂 -------- As a Workspace Admin, I would like to be able to define a default value for some Line Items (list, number or boolean). Ex: When a user adds a new row, I would like that some Line Item to be automatically filled with a default value.…
In the drill down window being able to filter on values for non blank or non than zero
Hi Anaplan, It would be amazing if within the drill down view you were able to filter on a list of values for items that are non blank or non zero. So for example if you're looking at a calculation with a dimension that has 1000 items you can see only the relevant items with non zero or non blank values that contributing…
Quick Sum for Worksheets Additional Insights
When I expand the additional insights grids, the quick sum capability is not available. It is only available on the main grid. I need to be able to see the quick sum results from both the top (main) grid and the expanded grid below.
NUX - Quick sum bar on grid cards opened from insights panel in worksheet
Hi, Could we please include the quick sum bar on all grid cards, including grid cards opened up from the Insights Panel of a Worksheet? E.g. in the example below, the quick sum is only shown for the primary grid (highlighted in yellow) but not for any grids opened from the insights panel (outlined in red box):
Color palette / color wheel for conditional formatting
Color wheel for options on colors
Ability to hide process details (eg list of actions, details and outcome, if needed)
As a model builder I want to have the option of hiding the entire process details when running a process so that the user experience is simplified, where possible. For example : we might have a number of import actions clubbed in a single process to manage and update filters displayed on a dashboard. This process would…
Running History by User
Hi - it would be useful to be able to run a history log by user as well as time/date range. The history tab isn't the most user-friendly as it only shows a certain amount of changes and the text file export is even less user-friendly! Sometimes I just want to know what one specific user has done in the model. Thanks!
Ability to rename a line item without breaking the import mapping
Description of the enhancement: If a line item which is used as the source of an import is renamed, its mapping is removed and the action must be re-mapped. To re-create: * Setup an import from "LineItemA" in ModuleOne to LineItemB in ModuleTwo. The line items will need manually mapping since they have different names. *…
Allow user to choose time format on exports
When exporting, different scenarios will give you a different format for time. This would be an option within the Export dialog, similar to how you select the date format when importing a file. Specifically, exporting with two dimensions on columns will give you the date format MMM YY. This can cause issues in other…
Day Period
When using Weeks as a Calendar Type in Anaplan Time, there is no easy way to aggregate from days to months. We would be able to use TIMESUM function, but you cannot used simple Dates to indicate start and end of the month as function parameters -> it needs to be Period type. Unfortunately line items with Period type can…
Ability to Reorder, Sort, Filter, Group and generally Organize the users list
Our model has 700+ users so the list is quite overwhelming to deal with. They're also in some who-knows why randomized order. I see no easy way of changing this order short of removing them all and re-importing them in a different order. It would be really helpful to deal with this size of a list by allow admin to: *…
Open source module link in NUX
Suggest to add the "Open Source module" ability to the NUX, incl. the current analysis options available in the old UX. Right now our users can use the open source module function in the old UX whenever they want to dig into the details, see all the underlying formulas/comments, and do ad hoc analysis. Especially, the…
Applying DISCO labels to Model Map
I would like to apply the DISCO-methodology to the Model Map. The most efficient way would be to label the Functional Areas to the DISCO. The model map could then be visually sequenced based on the DISCO steps: https://us.v-cdn.net/6037036/img/PLANS_DISCO_33530.jpg?small?v=1.0&px=200 This could improve the value of the…
NUX Comments - Allow Page Builders to Select which Cards can have Comments
As a page builder, I would like to have the ability to turn off comments on specific cards on the dashboard. This is needed when we use blank text grids for spacing on the dashboard where comments should never be needed.
Toaster Time / Blue Box Culprit Anonymity
One of our best Anaplanners at Tableau recently left the Sales Operations organization. She unfortunately will not be an Anaplan user in her new role. Before she left, I made this "best practice" image for her, referencing an incident 2 years ago, when I was only 2 months on the job here. Joking aside, I've recently been…
Management Reporting: Insert Images Using Copy/Paste
Facilitating images insertion by enabling users to copy and paste images (instead of uploading them to a Google Drive, Box, or Sharepoint).
Combination chart - stacking method and calibrate 2nd axis
Combinations chart I miss the possibility to select stacking method for every line item. as an example I would like to make 3 line items as stacked column and one as clustered. But as-is I need to set the all or non to stacked. And then it is not just all column that will be stacked also the line items with area format…
Alias Property or Label
Description of the enhancement required: Alias Property or Label An example of the enhancement: The Item Name in a list might not always be indicative of what they might want to see in a report, but it’s how it’s stored within their metadata structures so it’s currently what’s being used. Sometimes as part of an alias they…