Removing Parent Formulas
I am trying to move towards removing the parent formulas that are repeated throughout my model by consolidating the hierarchies into system modules so that parent formulas only needs to be calculated once instead of multiple times. My problem is that the system modules are built from the lowest level but sometimes the…
Referencing a Numeric Line Item Sum in Another Line Item
Hello, I have a numeric line item (picture attached) with cells filling in as 1 if they fulfill a condition, 0 if not. The total number of 1s in this example is 1514; I need to reference this total in another line item in a separate module. This separate module is not dimensioned off of any lists. How can I do this? From…
Advice regarding dynamic variance dashboard
I am looking to create a dashboard where the user selects the Version/Month for the first column and then selects the comparison Version/Month for the second column (using a selection module). The dashboard would then show the selected version/months in the first 2 columns and then show the variance in the third column. I…
Convert Local Currency
Hi Each individual country enters data in their local currencies. However, for the reporting in USD, it is to be done at Region level only. There is no need for Country level. Right now, I managed to convert at Country level (REP05) and the Region data will automatically be rolled up. If I do not want to store converted…
Criteria for developing using multiple Models vs set of modules in a single model
Hello, We are implementing Anaplan for our Finance planning for our business. We have a set of calculations for planning * customer: customer acquisition, retention and churn * revenue: subscription and transaction revenue * inventory: inventory planning and depreciation * warehouse: warehouse labour and costs * support:…
Double Row Line Items
Hi, Is there any way I can get a parent line item and then its Child Line items in the Column? if not is there any other way i can get something like this? Example: Parent: Q1 Child: M1, M2 and M3 Note: Parent should come in center like Merged Cells
See if line item or saved view is used in graph NUX
Hi, Is there a possibility to see if some line items or saved views are used in a certain dashboard (new UX)? I would like to do some clean-ups in my model, but I want to be sure that I do not mess up the dashboards. Thank you for your help. Catheline
formula error
"'P1 Product Families' is not recognized as a hierarchy in the model." i am getting this error
Need help implementing investment portfolio management model
Hi Everyone, Can some send me any leads or share any experience if you have implemented Investment Portfolio management models for your organization. Thanks, Manisha
Need to convert Date into a particular format
Hi, I have a line item formatted as date in the module like: "4/29/2020" and i want it to convert into "As of Apr 29, 2020". I tried myself with the below formula but didn't work, kindly advise: "As of " & TEXT(MONTH(As of Date)) & "/" & TEXT(DAY(As of Date)) & "/" & TEXT(YEAR(As of Date)) Thank you!
Auto Export Anaplan Model Outputs in Excel format over email
Team: I wanted to seek expert advice and see if this is feasible to auto-export Anaplan Model outputs in Excel format to various recipients over emails with native email app such as MS Outlook.
Filter in Saved View
Hi, I have seen instances where the filters applied in saved views gets crashed, either as we proceed with the development or while ALM (the production marks the filter as crashed while the Dev Model still have the filter intact, then we have to remove and reapply the same filter and move back to Prod, and then it works).…
Time Ranges for a module
Hi - We are facing the size issue and are thinking of using time ranges in the modules as applicable. For Example, in we have a module which is relevant only for the next 6 months, I would like to have the module showing up and consuming the time periods (months) only for the next 6 months. But I fear this can't be done…
How to Group Total sold from 4-4-5 to calendar month if data is weekly commencing monday?
Hi all, My name is Jim and I am new to Anaplan and its community. I'm trying to build a model that tracks inventory sold for each calendar month. However, our inventory is tracked using 4-4-5 method and the data I have is aggregated weekly (no daily data) every Monday. To elaborate: for Jan 2019, per 4-4-5, it's from Dec…
Data format issue while Import
Hi, Is there any way I can import text value like "NA" or "N/M" in the Line Item formatted as Percentage? Thanks!
Adding Lines plus retreiving data
Hi Anaplanners, i am trying to build a module wherein the data can be retrieved from another table as well as Users get an option to add lines manually into the same module. Dimensions of both the sources are different to each other. i can share examples but i would like to get the idea first.
User List as Dimension
I have a selection module where a user selects the version & time period to display. The selected values are saved in the module. I have another module that displays the output value based on the values selected in the first module. For the first module, is it possible to add the Users dimension & store different selection…
anaplan project experience
Hi, I am starting to build knowledge on Anaplan solution. How do i get real-time experience to build a career? Can someone suggest
Delete an element from a list - NUX
I want to be able to publish a form where I can delete elements from a list, currently only creating is available.
Bulk copy available for non workspace admins or possibility to add it to a process
My bad, idea already exist...multiple times (not sure how to delete the post) https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Add-Bulk-Copy-to-action-list-to-be-added-in-process-chain/idi-p/40525 https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Make-Bulk-Copy-between-Versions-an-Action/idi-p/40102…
How to get value from database into line items
Hi, I have a source module where I have raw data (Rows: Flat list of Row Numbers and Columns: All the line items). Line Items: Funds formatted as Fund List, Trans Type formatted as TT list (Investment, Commitment, Proceeds) and Transaction amount. In my target module I have funds as row dimension and Amount as a line item…
Calculation within the list
Hi! I've got a list with few properties. I need to get calculations ("calculation" property in the file attached) baced on the the previous calculated value of the same item in the list. Is there any way to do this. Maybe i should use module? Thank you!
How To Capture Current Time?
I want capture current time in Anaplan. please suggest which function should i use?
Page Selector across Modules got change even if i change it in any module
Hi, I have four modules with same dimensions but with different Line Items so, when i change my page selector in any module the same page selector got changed accordingly in other three modules also. Is it how Anaplan works or am I doing something wrong? Thank you!
Dynamic List
Hi, Is their any way a list automatically change its hierarchy or parent (Active to Inactive) if it meets a certain criteria? Thank you!
Time Range Messing up Time Boolean
Hi, I was testing Time Range to calculate items for the current year only. I created an FY20 time range However, as soon as I use the Time Range in one of the modules, a line item in another module starts acting weird However, as soon as I delete the time range (by first removing the references), the formula starts working…
Spring Cleaning: Marie Kondo-ing Your Anaplan Model
Imagine your closet transformed by Marie Kondo. Marie Kondo is an organizing consultant that sparked a cultural phenomenon with her “KonMari” method of organization. Her approach is that every item should serve a purpose and spark joy. All items in a Marie Kondo-ed closet provides value. All the shirts, pants, shoes, and…
Designating Sales Reps to Accounts Process Questions
Hi, What is a sales quota matrix? What are different input parameters and what is output? Thanks, Sourabh Kulkarni
How to hide admin-like result of running a Process
Hi Experts, Please help hiding admin-like view of process running result. Is there any setting for this? Our client doesn't want to see each action succeeded or not. <As-Is> <What my client wants to be>
Selective Access - SUM
Hi team, I have an #Employees list with Selective Access enabled. The Source module has the #Employees list with properties such as Department etc as line items. My target module has Department as a Dimension and I wish to SUM on Department but it is returning the value of all the List items with that Department, not just…