Near-instant page/dashboard display
It might be possible to skip the initial loading wait, when switching to a new page (model) in the platform. We know that models are aggregated as the contributing data is changed, and we can also know what needs to be displayed when a page is first requested. To load a page near-instantly, I propose that we don't load the…
Export Action Dialogue NUX
Please can the full export action dialogue be added to the NUX when exporting from worksheets? Currently, users only have the option to edit the export file format (e.g. .xlsx, .csv, .txt). Would be great if users had the full array of options as shown below, without setting up a custom action.
Data Quality/Integrity Checks within Connected Planning Environment
Hi All, In thinking and implemented a Connected Planning environment, where we have specific models for specific areas our finance team that are brought together. We currently have a number shared hierarchies (across cost/profit centre, GL), shared data (TB, Subledger etc) and currently handled via the data hub as the…
Run multiple actions from selection in Actions panel
Would be great if you could run multiple actions from the actions panel based on your selection. For example, if you selected two import actions and hit Run, Anaplan would run those two actions as though they were in a process. This would greatly help model builders test actions where creating a process is not needed. The…
Allow Actions to Write even though there is no write access to the module
Usually Snapshots are created by running a process (Create & Import). For this, we have to provide write access to the module and list. This is dangerous as the user can accidentaly / intentionally can change the snapshot data itself. So we should have ability to write via action and not write directly into the module.…
Excel Add-in to highlight header mismatch if user changes it by mistake
Once we import a view in excel using excel add-in and let's say there are 4 rows in the view City-A City-B City-C City-D Keeping the order same, if the user renames City-A to City-ABC by mistake and then tries to push data to Anaplan then instead of showing no changes, Anaplan should show header mismatch. This can further…
Excel Add-in Data sync to generate Log in Anaplan History
Anaplan to generate detailed log of Excel add-in sync in history. A cell level change log as we see for any Anaplan cell in any of the modules.Ex: 1. Value of one cell in excel add-in got change from 1000 to 80. 2. We do refresh and sync data. 3. Anaplan generates a log in history for this line item value against that cell…
Export a selection of Boards on New UX
We are now able to export boards one by one and this is great ! But, it could also be very useful to be able to export a selection of boards on New UX with only one click : maybe by creating an export process or capacity to export selection of boards (boolean) on the homepage of the application.
Filter a module over a dimension subset
Currently if a module has complete list as a dimension, and a line item has it's subset as a dimension, the filter won’t work for that line item. For example you can have a module for forecasting clients sales. The clients dimension is obviously needed both for Actual sales and Forecast line items. But you wouldn't need a…
Hide the Pages if the User doesn't have access to All Cards on the page
New UX truly gives the connected planning experience feel. But there are few things which doesn't look good for navigation point of view. User who doesn't have access to all the cards on the page should not be seeing the page at all. As of now he can access the page but with errors on it. Idea I am proposing is to Hide the…
Timeline chart Min days Fix
Hi all, We've been working with some timeline charts on a SCM project, which is great to represent "Projects"/"Activities" over a timeline. As many of you know the way it works is you choose a source start date and source end date and thats the data that shows up within that range. However, it is determined that any…
Hierarchy Level to show on a module
Customer would like the option to select hierarchy level to show on a module published to a dashboard based on page selector selection. (Selected summary level or leaf item). Currently users have the ability to to publish the module with the desired summary level shown, but you would have to do this for each summary level…
Dashboard Export All Hierarchies
I want to export as PDF a dashboard for each Hierarchy within my Org without having to do it one at a time
Saved View Categorization and Priority Sorting, Including both Auto and Manual Options
Saved Views are a critical feature for most Anaplan models. The key issue I have with using and managing Saved Views is that, they can vary drastically in terms of importance. Below are two examples of Saved Views: * A Saved View could represent a key, filtered definition within a module that dictates how your entire…
Show Created/Updated Items in Imports
Would be extremely useful for testing and user feedback to show which items were created/updated in the import dialogue. If the import was successful, Anaplan only displays the number of created/updated items. A preview of the created/updated items would add clarity. If thousands of items were created/updated then Anaplan…
Ability to drag and drop an Import action in a Process
Hi Team, It would be really good if we have a Drag and Drop feature of an Import action (in addition to Up and Down arrows) in Edit --> Process. For instance, if a Process has more than 40+ Import actions, then it would be difficult to move a newly added import action/ an existing action to the 22nd place. Thanks Sathya
Need way to Identify Page Selectors on Classic Dashboards
It would be great to have an easy way to identify Page Selectors that are published to a Classic Dashboard. Since any list, including subsets, can be published as a page selector (which is awesome, btw!) it can be tricky to know which of several similar lists it is. Just having the name in the properties side panel would…
Categorizing the content panel based on the Module Categories
I have always wondered what are the benefits of categorizing the functional areas of the modules. In content panel we only see functional areas and not the categorization. It would be great if this categorization can be applied to the content panel. This would help not only the admins but also the end users and I also…
NewUX : Hide Boards / Sheets
Similar to how the Contents area works in Classic to have the same ability to do something similar within New UX. Want to be able to have a main board and then users go off to collect more information, but that they can't go there directly as it doesn't make any sense to do so. This links nicely to the following idea about…
Support of basic excel functions like RAND, RANDBETWEEN, RANDARRAY
It would be nice to have these Random number generating functions. These functions revery useful to generate some test and demo data, rather than inputting numbers and copy forward or importing from an excel. Can all be used for other purposes that I can not think of now.
Filter Icon which shows if there is a filter applied to a module
Hi Anaplan Team, Could you please create a small Filter icon near the name of the module so that the model builder would know that there's a filter applied to this module? The only way to check if the filter is applied at the moment is to go to module -> data-> filters. It would be much more easier and intuitive to create…
Summary method shown when drilling down
I suggest a simple addition to the drill down feature that displays the summary method that was applied to the line item. This is because it is sometimes not readily apparent (especially to an end user) how a top level summation has been calculated.
Bulk Copy - Scheduling
We all know how useful Bulk Copy is - When the data across the model needs to be moved from one version to another or from one list item to another list item Bulk Copy plays the pivotal role. WS admin has to perform this task manually all the time as per the need. Can we have an action created when WS Admin runs the Bulk…
Update Target Object of Import Actions
Hi, It would be nice to have the ability to update the Target Object of and Import Action to a module or list with similar/identical definitions vs creating new actions from scratch. We have come across instances when building out a model we determine that an already created Import Action needs to have the source data…
New UX : Make an App non editable / not deletable if non editable
Although essentially part of @usman.zia idea on https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/The-New-UX-should-have-ALM-capabilities-for-managing-changes/idi-p/50814 this is something very specific and just being able to lock-down an app so that if it's sitting on a TEST/PROD model then it can't be amended, maybe…
Excel add-in German Localisation
As an end user I would like the Excel add-in to be localised for the Standard German language.
Model Home Screen - Show All Customers
Please can the option to view all models (from all customers) be added to the new and old home screen? I.e. instead of specifying which customer you are viewing, allow users to view all. Would be really helpful when juggling multiple customer workspaces. Admittedly, this benefit is mostly to partners, however this may be a…
Filtering a list based on a property
When in a list grid view, enable a list to be filtered on a property. This is only possible by creating a module using the list and creating line item linked to properties.
Search Option while Selecting Lists for Module Dimension
There should be an option to search lists while applying to modules. In our use case, we have too many lists/subsets to scroll and select the appropriate one. Changing a dimension is even nightmare when multiple lists are applied to the module. Ideally, It is should be similar to how we add actions to a process ( Click and…
Deactivate Formula Scope if Versions = Not Applicable
Hi, In a module blueprint, there is a field called 'Formula Scope'. For modules where Versions = Not Applicable, using 'Formula Scope = Actual Version' or 'Formula Scope = Current Version' will nullify the calculation of any formula in a line item. This is potentially dangerous, because: 1. If there is a formula + Formula…