New UX - Logaritmic scale for axis.
Hi all, It would be interesting to have a logaritmic scale for an axis of a graph. This would allow for a cleaner view when there are big differences in the values or show an exponential growthcurve in linear way. All the best,
Exclude Line Item Subset from data export
Hi Team While exporting data from a module, if there is a 'Line Item Subset' in the dimensions, we are unable to exclude it from Export. Can you please make the option available? I have provided some screenshot. Thanks & Regards Kudi
NTLM/Kerberos authentification to proxy
I am experiencing issues with the Excel Add-In. I am not able to use it as the Add-In doesn't send a NTLM or Kerberos authentification to the proxy. I'd really like to test the Add-In but the authentification is mandatory.
Ability to get to know who revoked WS admin rights for others
Not sure if this idea has already been posted but this Idea is to having an ability to get to know who revoked WS admin rights for others. There can be fresh anaplanners in the system and they can take the WS admin rights for others without realizing what would be the impact as has happened many times in the past. This can…
Data Integration with Single Click from Anaplan Dashboards - REST APIs
I am looking for an option in Anaplan Dashboards to put a link which will trigger REST APIs and execute the Anaplan operations which lies in the code behind it and return the results. With this way, we can plan to integrate many sources with single button click from Anaplan itself rather than using Anaplan Connect.
Dynamic Charts in ALM
I keep having issues where I create a dynamic chart using a time filter (eg. Rolling 13 month filter) however when publishing it to live models it stays static which causes some unnecessary maintenance each month. Can this be fixed??
anaplan.com login page should support SSO
Description of enhancement: The login page at anaplan.com should provide options for SSO (Single Sign On) users to log in Why enhancement is required: Users who require SSO may still go to anaplan.com and assume they can log in. They'll try various passwords, eventually locking themselves out. There is no indication that…
Export button on the Imports tab under Settings > Actions
I frequently export the Imports table under Settings > Actions when troubleshooting or working through a model. Connections between models or modules/lists through actions are not displayed in the model map so I highlight the Imports table and copy/paste into excel to diagnose/troubleshoot actions and discover…
Ability to create modules and dashboards automatically based on selected dimensions.
Automate the creation of modules and dashboards based on dimension selections from a start model building dashboard according to the attached screenshot. Category: Model Building Automation.
Dashboard Header / Line Item TEXT
Hi All It would be good if Anaplan can improve the TEXT function like change the TEXT format (at least it can Bold , Italic and underline) and Align Right / Left Center
Summary settings: total sum
Hi All, It would be interesting to have an option "Total Sum", that only aggregates the value for the ultimate parent in the hierarchy. This would almost completely remove the need to create flat lists with a lot of benefits: - less complexity; - no mappings between lists; - easier/more intuitive to model While retaining…
Select levels of hierarchy that are applicable for a module/line item
Hi all, Different teams at a client tend to work different. So a hierarchy might consist of 5 levels, but different teams tend to only use 2 or 3 of those levels for their day to day business. It would be a nice option if we were able to select the levels within a hierarchy that are applicable for that module or line item.…
"Last visited" models property to be updated properly
Currently, new Home page allows you to quickly access last visited models. If you want even more that 8 recent models, you can go to new Models page or classic Home, and there models are (by default) sorted by the time you accessed them last time. The problem is, "Last visited" model property is updated only if you launch…
Number Formatting - Round Formula
Currently the Round Formula can be applied only on specific lines or calculations. Would be nice to have an option to set Number Rounding at 'Number settings' apart from Number Format Display.
Excel add in sorting
Can we have the option to Re-Order and Sort List items during Pivot ? In General, Custom Sorting is very important when people need to work from Excel.
Customize header background in new UX
Hi, Would be great to customize the new UX header background at tenant level (at least) to get more personalized anaplan app. One idea would be to set a background image by entering customer image URL (like in the old UX). An other idea would be (if possible to make it specific for each tenant) to be able to manage the…
NUX: Adjust module height settings
I need the ability to adjust the height of modules published on boards in the NUX. I often need to publish 2 or more modules side-by-side which contain the same row labels (list members). If I start to scroll vertically in one module, the row labels in the other modules are no longer aligned. In the classic Anaplan…
Ability to manage metadata (add/delete/re-parent list items) via the Excel Add-in
Summarized Feature Request End users need the ability to manage list items, i.e. metadata, via the Excel add-in. By far the highest-priority and highest-value need is to add new list items. Situation Users switching from Oracle Hyperion / Essbase love the Essbase SmartView Add-in for office. One of the reasons they love…
Option to Permanently hide "Welcome to your New User Experience" message
As an End User (or maybe even Administrator) I would like to be able to permanently hide the Welcome to your New User Experience message (below) that seems to be prompted whenever a new session is started. Assuming this message is displayed for every user it would be good to have a "Do not display again" checkbox. I think…
Excel Add-on: Sheet names update when changed on Anaplan
As an end user I would like the names of any sheets to update upon refresh if the associated module on Anaplan is renamed.
Delete an element from a list - NUX
I want to be able to publish a form where I can delete elements from a list, currently only creating is available.
Bulk copy available for non workspace admins or possibility to add it to a process
My bad, idea already exist...multiple times (not sure how to delete the post) https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Add-Bulk-Copy-to-action-list-to-be-added-in-process-chain/idi-p/40525 https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Make-Bulk-Copy-between-Versions-an-Action/idi-p/40102…
Have imports run base on the display name rather than a unique ID
This can be an issue when running a Module to Module Import, if both the target and the source module are dimensioned by numbered Lists, if the target Module's numbered list(s) the import will coordinate the import based on the numbered list(s)' Unique IDs. This means that some values will fail to import and other values…
Availability of all actions of Anaplan in new UX
We should have the option of adding all types of actions while designing pages in new UX. Currently, we just have imports, exports and processes involving both of them.
Hide objects on dashboards/pages based on specific user selection (DCA extension?)
As a model builder I would like to be able to display/hide entire objects on my dashboards or pages based on specific user selections so that I can more dynamically display&hide relevant content to the users. Example : I came across a number of situations where elements of my visualizations would benefit from being…
Increase the character limit of the MAILTO function
The MAILTO function currently has a limit of around 2000 characters and any greater than this will prevent the message from being opened in your chosen mail app. This is normally fine for standard English alphabetic characters, but can cause issues for non-English alphabetic characters. For example the Japanese character キ…
Why is the line item format selectable?
Why do we need to set a format for the line item on creation, can it not be a read-only field and set based on the formula/data. Anaplan knows when we get it wrong, why not just set to what it is supposed to be?
Ability to get to know "Published on" App/Page feature
Since we are moving away from classic dashboarding slowly and NUX being the future of reporting in Anaplan we may need to know where the modules have been published on NUX. Hence proposing an idea of having an ability to get to know about the "Published on Page/App" feature in Anaplan Models. It needs to be precise to tell…
Snap to grid on dashboards
It would be really useful to have a snap to grid feature in both the new and old UX dashboards. New UX Vertical snapping: currently none. Horizontal snapping: limited useability. Improvement: allow users to snap to grid vertically and also allow users to adjust the grid size (by percent or pixels). Old UX No snap to grid…
Filter History by Users
With growing number of changes being recorded in the model history it becomes very difficult to analyze the exported file of Historical Changes esp when we want to track changes for a month or two atleast as the file can become quite big to play around with. Hence Proposing an idea of having an ability for a model builder…