integrate new UX dashboards into your own platform via iFrames and Single Sign on enabled
Hi Team, The New ux dashboard links which can be used to share the dashboards should be ready SSO enabled. Currently we are working on a solution to integrate the dashboards in a internal website for reporting ; how ever the dashboard is not landing into our SSO Page, instead it is landing into Anaplan.com Login page and…
Tooltips for individual cells, based on other text line item
Would be great to have a tooltip, which is shown when user is hovering over a cell. Ideally the info for the tooltip should be taken from other line item with applicable dimensions (similar to how DCA is set up for line item). Some use cases, where this feature will help to have good looking report with more info in it: -…
New UX : App Roles / Access
Seems that it is not possible to define which app is accessible or not for each user. Right now every user sees all apps even if data is not defined readable. It will be great if we could define if : * For each app if the user can view it or not * For each board and/or worksheet in a viewable app if the user can view it or…
When saving a view ignore the case sensitivity
We have a 10-minute rollback sometimes and we are very careful to ensure formulae and entries are correct. The one annoying thing is case sensitivity on views. I had to wait 12 minutes because I saved a view as Customer Data and then saved as Customer data. It does not ask if you wish to replace and it does not allow the…
NUX Selection on Line Items as Context Selectors
Hi, I would like to be able to select specific Line Items to create required views on a page on which more than one module is published. Currently it is not possible. Imagine following, simplified example, it was requested to see Volume & Turnover by Country, and P&L on the same page. However, there are many line items in…
Input Functional Area and Notes in the Create Module Dialogue Box
As a model builder, I need to be able to easily apply Anaplan best practices such as assigning a functional area and providing a brief description of the purpose of my newly created module so my model is auditable and it is easy for other model builders to work on it in the future. Currently, we allow model builders to…
NUX Select Items or Levels and Pivot
Hi, I would like to be able to select items or level to show while creating custom view, and pivot dimensions without losing applied customization. In modules or dashboard in classic interface, I am able to select any items, or levels to show, and pivot afterwards, e.g. from rows to pages. This keeps the applied selection.…
We would like to have Attachment capability within the Anaplan tool.
We would like to have Attachment capability within the Anaplan tool. This will be easy to check additional information out of dashboard for review, and reference purpose
Contents of import actions
For import actions it would be good to have a column in Imports tab. suggesting which of the source items(list or lineitems) are mapped to target. Not the natural mapping by anaplan but any thing which is manually mapped and saved rather than opening each action and figuring out.
Dynamic List Management Access
Being an Anaplan user, I would like to dynamically set list management access without admin license. Similarly to WorkFlow and DCA, it would be great to have an ability to dynamically limit add/delete/copy actions on the list for the users, who have write access to it. As per now, taking, for example, Workflow: Imagine we…
Line Item Data Connections
If a line item name changes in the source, keep the mapping in actions so that it pulls from the new line item name automatically.
Ability to 'Show All' when editing a quick filter
As an dashboard user, I want to be able to show all when editing a quick filter. If you have a quick filter applied to a list formatted line item, currently if you try to edit that quick filter the drop down will no longer include items that were filtered out. This means that those items can not be quickly added back in.…
Have the Docusign Add-In Update the Status of Documents Automatically or have an 'Update All' button
* Description: Currently, in the Docusign add-in, you have to manually click into each document and click on update to get the current status. This is painful if you have a lot of documents. * Example of Enhancement: The best solution would be to either have this automatically update regularly, or have an 'update all…
Hiding specific column from one dimension when there are 2 dimensions in column pivot view
Hi Team, The requirement is if I have 2 dimensions in column, and I want to hide a specific set of items for 1 dimension and that should not be generic e.g. If there are 2 dimensions in columns - Time and Line items For May, I want to show L1,L2 as Line items but for June I want to show L3,L4 and so on. Thanks Akhil Kohli
Hide Numbered list in rows NUX
Possibility to hide a list in the rows (in classic we just assigned a column width of 6 and it would not display). This does not seem possible in NUX. Especially on transaction data loads this is often used.
Bulk Copy multi month mapping
Dear all, Would be great to do a bulk copy being able to map multiple months either to the same month or to another month. So if for example I would like to copy data from Jan - Dec 2019 to Jan - Dec 2020 I would have to do this in 12 steps. Other posts have been shared that I also support, but are slightly different:…
Bulk Copy over a selection of two or more dimensions
Dear all, Would be great to bulk copy data on a certain combination of dimensions: For example to copy the data of one Store to a specific other store but just for a selection of months and a specific version. And make it possible to create an action out of it; it would allow end-users to pre-populate a new Product, Store,…
User Access in new UX
It would be great to modify user access for dashboards from the Contents section in the backend. Migration and maintainence of user access rights to dashboards could become cumbersome.
Ability to set initial page as 'Top level item' of the list when list is published as page selector
If a list is published on a dashboard as a page selector and if user opens a dashboard then he/she could see any random list item selected as a page selector instead user prefers to set a top level item as page selector (eg. 'All') by default and there is no option available to set page selector as Top level by default. It…
Deleting the Input Values in Bulk on NUX
Can we have a feature If I have to delete the entire row of Input values in NUX it doesn't allow me to do so. It allows me to delete the Cell value though but the values for entire row or column can't be deleted with delete/backspace key.
Warning for Idle Time Limit
Several of our users use Anaplan with several dashboards open while in other applications. It would be great if there was a pop-up warning that could alert the user to a "2 min warning" that they are about to reach the idle time limit. This would at least give them the awareness that they need to click back in Anaplan so…
Automatically export Permissioning
Is there an action for exports? I would like to export permissions (user, role>module, role>versions, etc) in a more automatic way so I can assure a less time consuming and recurrent backup.
Pre-production Content permissioning - by user
When launching a new dashboard, it is frequent to test and ask for feedback to a smaller group of users first. Currently I have a isolated area of contents named "WIP" for these kind of contents. (image) So, it would be useful to have a user-based permissioning for work in progress contents, so I can restrict to the person…
SELECT command does not work with Version name having number in its name
Hi, I was working to find products ASP for a Version with a variance of 10% between product ASP in other Version. For example, product ASP outlier with version BOQ(Beginning of Quarter) works well unlike EOQ1 (It consists of text and number). 1st formula works well unlike the 2nd one which gives Inval. I believe its a bug…
NUX - WORKSHEET: Collapse Additional Insights into List
Hi Team I would like to collapse the Additional Insights cards into a list or greatly reduce the height of the preview pane. Perhaps they could be grouped under the banner of 'Related Info' Thanks M
NEW UX: Easily create New board / worksheet page option at the bottom of a category
When building out pages in the New UX, it would make things much smoother on the builder if you provided a "Create New Board Page" / "Create New Worksheet Page" under the last item of a predefined category (i.e. the red box on the Screenshot) In my example, clicking the red box should allow me to 1. choose a page type, 2.…
Enhancements to KPI card
Hi, I've seen a few posts about further KPI enhancement requests, hopefully this post could help pulling them altogether and other community members could add further notes/requests as comments ? When it comes to visualizations one of the best inspirations for me come from Qlik Sense. As their KPI object looks very cool…
Object Copy functionality
Can we add object copy functionality in dashboards?
Import into Parent Level using BreakBack
I would be really good if we can import data into the Parent Level when Breakback is enabled. Currently, it is not possible in the system . Hope to see this functionality soon in Anaplan!! 🙂 🙂
Resize field card elements
The current field card in the new UX doesn't resize elements even if 'allow multiple lines' is activated. it would be really helpful to have multiple lines expand depending on how large the card is made on the dashboard not limited to 1 or 3 lines.