Hide Property for Buttons
Can we add show or hide property for Actions buttons? For example there is a action to finalize some inputs and users run it for any versions, so we hide the finalize button for locking.
Restriction of multiple simultaneous sessions
As users will not operate multiple simultaneous sessions (e.g. via mobile and laptop) our security team has requested that multiple simultaneous sessions are prevented.
Updates to NUX Enhancements
We propose that builders are provided with up to date information on any changes and enhancements as soon as or before these are provisioned in NUX. We know that Anaplan provides release updates but we feel that a lot of enhancements are not included in these 2-3 week release blog. We have accidentally come across the…
Expose names in addition to IDs for Audit Service and Audit API
When using either the Audit Service or Audit API, it is difficult to identify the user, tenant and object based on the IDs. It will be extremely helpful to expose the names together with the IDs. Audit Service:…
NUX List Synchronization - Maximum Hierarchy Level
When creating a card in the NUX there is no option to select the Maximum Hierarchy Level.
"Omit Summary Items" on Exports should be an option for Imports
Currently, there is an option to "Omit Summary Items" when you are exporting data designed to exclude parent hierarchies. However, there is no such option for imports and this requires users to create saved views that manually exclude parent levels and can cause a lot of manual work for model builders. Without removing…
easier way for data entry validation and dependent/filtered lists
Noticed this when trying to create an end user model and wanting to only allow valid data entry.... While there is a way to create dependent filters for lists in modules, in reality it is not intuitive and (in all likelihood) too time consuming for most users to attempt. Especially with several dimensions this adds a lot…
conditional formatting per user
Hi All, It would be useful to be able to do conditional formatting per user. For example: allow the user to set a personal threshold for a certain line item and formatting adjusts automatically to ... A default current user filter already exists within the filter options. E.g.: However, it's impossible to do with…
New UX : See link list to connected apps on a given model
It would be a nice addition if, from a given model, we were able to see a list of apps that are connected to it and quickly open them.
Version formula
Hi! It would be great if version formula feature would be applicable not only to line item subsets but also to ordinary formats as in case of large number of versions and difference between approaches used in each of the version it will save a lot of time and enable more flexible modelling.
improving filters and tags in manage model page and Anaplan UI
I am posting this on behalf of Jason First, design a way for our model builders to tag their models with attributes like Model Owner, Model Purpose Category, or other built in attributes like Environment (as in Picture 2 below). Second, design a way to filter or sort models based on these tags in the Model Management pane…
NUX or Old - Add Jump to Section (Text Object) Functionality
As a user, it would be nice to add a jump to section functionality on either the pages in the NUX or the dashboards of the old UX. Some dashboards can be quite lengthy and scrolling becomes difficult when you have to navigate your mouse into the white space (as you scroll down) to avoid any published module views that…
Move "Refresh" button from Edit Menu, onto Main Blueprint Toolbar
This is a quick one, but I was wondering if we could move the Refresh button out of the Edit Menu and into the main module blueprint toolbar? When I explain it to new folks, they always find it un-intuitive to have to open the Edit Menu, before they can Refresh.
Allow Format & Style Selection While Adding Line Items
As a user, it would be nice to have the ability to choose the format, style and add notes while adding a line item. I imagine format and style are the most adjusted settings for a line item and notes are at the very far right of the blueprint screen which adds time and decreases likelihood of builder adding them. I will…
Copy Existing List Button
As an author of a new idea, I want to have the ability to copy an existing list to save a new version of the list. Lists can often be similar in structure and/or list members and it would helpful to have a copy list button. I'll know this is successful when I'm able to go to the general lists page, select a list and hit a…
Select / Unselect All Levels Option
As a user, it would be nice to have a select / unselect all levels option when reselecting levels on a dimensionn. Some hierarchies have many levels and with reporting that requires various levels displayed, creating the necessary views can become cumbersome. Giving a button to select all / unselect all levels would be a…
Page selector with show,hide,select levels to show option for its contents
Hi Anaplan Team and Community members, Is it possible to include a show, hide and select levels to show option directly at page selector drop down contents in a module. As currently we have to do a pivot to bring the page selector to row or column to do the above functions. Regards, Ronak
Landing dashboard functionality in New UX
In Anaplan, in the Users tab, when we create different roles, we have the functionality to setup the landing dashboards for all the roles. In the New UX, this is also one of the functionalities that we need to add since, project requirements have this as one of the primary expectations and since, we are starting to create…
New UX: Let me save unfinished boards without requiring completion of all cards
When starting to build in New UX, I did what I normally do when designing anything...software designs, drawings or even musical ideas...rough out where I'm going in a sketch using basic placeholders then start filling in the pieces. In New UX I knew I wanted a handful of graphs here and there, text headlines etc. only to…
Google Maps Integration
Long desired ability to use Google maps with Anaplan (in NUX). E.g. being able to see our store network from the model on Google map and see related in Anaplan by clicking on a particular store. Just one example out of million possible options.
New UX - Logaritmic scale for axis.
Hi all, It would be interesting to have a logaritmic scale for an axis of a graph. This would allow for a cleaner view when there are big differences in the values or show an exponential growthcurve in linear way. All the best,
Exclude Line Item Subset from data export
Hi Team While exporting data from a module, if there is a 'Line Item Subset' in the dimensions, we are unable to exclude it from Export. Can you please make the option available? I have provided some screenshot. Thanks & Regards Kudi
NTLM/Kerberos authentification to proxy
I am experiencing issues with the Excel Add-In. I am not able to use it as the Add-In doesn't send a NTLM or Kerberos authentification to the proxy. I'd really like to test the Add-In but the authentification is mandatory.
Ability to get to know who revoked WS admin rights for others
Not sure if this idea has already been posted but this Idea is to having an ability to get to know who revoked WS admin rights for others. There can be fresh anaplanners in the system and they can take the WS admin rights for others without realizing what would be the impact as has happened many times in the past. This can…
Data Integration with Single Click from Anaplan Dashboards - REST APIs
I am looking for an option in Anaplan Dashboards to put a link which will trigger REST APIs and execute the Anaplan operations which lies in the code behind it and return the results. With this way, we can plan to integrate many sources with single button click from Anaplan itself rather than using Anaplan Connect.
Dynamic Charts in ALM
I keep having issues where I create a dynamic chart using a time filter (eg. Rolling 13 month filter) however when publishing it to live models it stays static which causes some unnecessary maintenance each month. Can this be fixed??
anaplan.com login page should support SSO
Description of enhancement: The login page at anaplan.com should provide options for SSO (Single Sign On) users to log in Why enhancement is required: Users who require SSO may still go to anaplan.com and assume they can log in. They'll try various passwords, eventually locking themselves out. There is no indication that…
Export button on the Imports tab under Settings > Actions
I frequently export the Imports table under Settings > Actions when troubleshooting or working through a model. Connections between models or modules/lists through actions are not displayed in the model map so I highlight the Imports table and copy/paste into excel to diagnose/troubleshoot actions and discover…
Ability to create modules and dashboards automatically based on selected dimensions.
Automate the creation of modules and dashboards based on dimension selections from a start model building dashboard according to the attached screenshot. Category: Model Building Automation.
Dashboard Header / Line Item TEXT
Hi All It would be good if Anaplan can improve the TEXT function like change the TEXT format (at least it can Bold , Italic and underline) and Align Right / Left Center