When Adding A New Line Item - No Data Format
I would like to request that when a new line item is added into a module, rather than defaulting the format to Number as is standard, it defaults to "No Data". Immediate ROI: - Automatically won't toast the model if you write a formula without changing the format * In another post, someone asked what do you "always forget…
Pop-up notification about upcoming timeout
Would be nice to have a notification about timeout due to long inactivity in both NUX and Classic. Good addition will be to have a button to be able to reset the timeout countdown. This way end users and model builders will be able to save there progress and won't have to re-open every tab/page they had on their screen.
Store Start Date and Time (UTC) for Actions/Process Indefinitely
Reviewing past models or model history (archived) for even our current live models the Start Date and Time (UTC) for Actions/Processes is not populated for anything that's been run more than ~1 month ago. This feels like a gap in how this field should function. Proposal: The Start Date and Time (UTC) for Actions/Processes…
Need Ability to Disallow NUX Toolbar Filtering, or Hide Toolbar Entirely in NUX
Similar to how we have ability to disallow native pivoting of a NUX grid by end-users, we need the same ability for native filtering via the toolbar. Prime example is that many of the would-be strong synchronized scrolling use-cases are negated by the fact that as soon as an end-user applies a native toolbar filter on one…
Select page link arrow position or hide it (>)
Idea: As a page builder I'd like to be able to choose there to locate the arrow next to the page link or even disable it. Usage: Talking about linear workflow it's not always that you (as a user) want to go downstream of the workflow. And looking at some cards can be confusing especially to the ones who are new to the…
3 Improvements for Comments in the New UX
Hi, I'm missing 3 basic capabilities on the current comments' fucntionality to be able to use it for my clients: 1- Comments are not flagged to end user 2- Not recorded in full context (in all dimensions I'm looking at) 3-No option to publish or export from Anaplan This custom fucntionality I built allows me to overcome…
This has consistently taken me way more time than required. As a solutions architect, i need a quick way to identify which filters are being used in the UX. I am currently in the process of cleaning up 100s of filters built in systems modules and it is taking me additional time (and windows) to reconcile which filters are…
WEBINAR - JULY 21ST Act with agility: Understanding your data to make better decisions, fast!
Fantastic opportunity to unlock the power of your data and tap into the story it tells. Join members of our product team and some customers to talk you through what we have in the product pipeline to help you act with agility and take your business from good to great. See here for further details and to register!
NUX Context Aware Import Action
Could we make import actions (that are set up to select context each time an import is ran) context-aware to the UX page it is on? Just want to make that action "smarter" so that users aren't scrolling to select each context every time they want to do an import for that specific context only.
Re-order function for Quick Links (Worksheet Page)
Hi, It is undeniable that the quick links in the worksheet page are super handy for users to access to other pages without going back to the landing page or so. But it would be more wonderful if there is re-order ability or at least the ability to update new link under same name (now just able to Delete or Edit Name). For…
NewUX view Source Module
In the NewUX, you cannot go directly to the source module. When selected it takes you to your default dashboard page in the classic version. This is not helpful for users that aren't model builders with access to everything. This functionality and the Drill to Transaction is needed in order to make the NewUX functional for…
Save UX Export Definition as An Action
It would be great if we could save/automate dashboard exports from the UX in the same way that we can in the old dashboard experience. Right now, if we want to automate the sending of a dashboard export (a PDF), we need to do it as a saved view of a grid or build an old UX dashboard to export from. Right now, if I export a…
Allow Process to call the same Action more than once
I have a number of Actions that need to be repeated several times as part of a process. This requires multiple identical Actions to be created with an incrementing suffix and then called sequentially. This would be partially resolved if a Process was allowed to call another Process Allow a Process Action to have other…
Additional API testing # 2
more to come on this - stay tuned!
UX add images in comments
For more connected collaboration would be good to be able to add images to the comments. This will allow users to send their screenshots with drawings they may want to add for better explantation of something. And with a power of contextual commenting it will give additional communication engagement. This may be used by…
Insert Version should ask for Switchover date
When I want to Bulk Copy an existing version, currently I need to do two steps: 1/ Insert New Version 2/ Do the Bulk Copy In the first step, the system will create a new version that takes the maximum storage, as you are not asked to specify the switchover date prior to creating the new version. Therefore, due to storage…
Actions tab -> Imports Tab -> Can we have the ability to export this data into an excel file?
Or can there be a way to combine the data on the Actions tabs with the Imports tabs to pull an entire listing of my Imports and Processes? I am constantly copying and pasting data from the Imports tab into an excel file so I can filter and find the necessary imports and where they come from. Especially after…
Workflow status management in new ux
As a page builder in new ux i need to be able to add / drag the workflow parts (not started / in progress / completed) from my models for lists with workflow enabled lists. As a user of app / pages i need to be able to action in progress / completed buttons to complete my work and once done lock my work or work from my team
Notes for NUX Pages
Please add Notes to NUX Pages for Page Editors to view. In the Notes for Page Editors we will be able to maintain context/background for individual pages. This could be useful as some pages were used in one way for a particular group/role in classic dashboard, but the page is now used for a broader audience or for a…
Impact Discovery (Reverse of Drill Down)
Concept: You have entered an adjustment in a cell, you wish to see what line items, cells, items, etc. that are dependent on the entry or are impacted by it. Simply taking the referenced by information and displaying the equations that pull the value and how they change the value (+/-, T/F, Text Change, etc.) Benefits:…
Actions and Processes executed via web UI to return taskId's
Currently, it is intended that actions and processes executed via the API return taskId's visible in the /tasks/ endpoint. These same tasks when executed via the web UI are not intended to return a taskId, resulting in different levels of detail returned by the API depending on the method of execution. We propose that all…
Ability to create Formulas between models
As a workspace admin, i need to build connected planning between models, meaning direct formulas references between models themselves. This is needed as our current only option is to either use import actions which need to be either run manually, or scheduled through cloudworks or would require a substantial amount of…
Search Read/Write Access
Assigning read/write access to lists is very cumbersome when there are hundreds of items within that list. There should be a search bar within the read/write access when granting users so what that user needs access to is easier to find.
UX: Card Blocks/Groups
Initial Idea: (1) Would be nice to be able to group cards on a page into a single container and save it as a single template. This will allow me to save time on repetitive builds where I have to publish the same header with 10+ separate cards on all my pages (workflow status steps, filters, company photo, custom…
UX idea: Pictures on published actions and processes
To make interface more user-friendly I propose to add ability to appy some images instead of action labels. Currently you can use emojis instead of an action label. But this means you are limited by existing emojis and they also can look diferent on different browsers and devices. Would be nice if we could choose an image…
Hide/Move Model Map Button!
I think all model builders will know the frustration of trying to open the settings menu and misclicking the model map! It will often take minutes to load on large models, with no option to cancel the selection - in some instances it even crashes the browser! Please give us the opportunity to hide or move the button to…
Move/Ability to disable model map
With the gear icon being so small and so close to the model map, it isn't uncommon to accidentally click on the model map. When this happens in some of our larger models it can lock up our model for a good amount of time while it loads. Having the icon in a different spot, or having the ability to disable the icon (as our…
Decimal places default value to be 2 instead of 0
By default, when changing number to have decimal places, the number of places is 0. After finishing L1 model building course, I realized that most of the time the number of digital places is changes to 2, so I suggest it would be the default value for that action.
New UX: Send notifications / share page with context
It would be helpful if the recipient of a notification or a link to a shared page could see the same context as the sender, and not have to select the right dimensions themselves. Use case: Person A enters data and notifies person B to approve or comment on the new entry. P.S. This is possible using the Process Builder,…
Dependent Drop Down on Multiple Criteria
It would be very helpful to be able to create dependent drop downs based on multiple criteria. Currently you can do either hierarchy levels or list properties but to help users filter more dynamically and spend less time scrolling through long lists, we should be able to make a line item drown down dependent on multiple…