Use CloudWorks to solve CurrentDate/CurrentTimestamp in Anaplan WITHOUT using third-party tools
As Solution Architect / Model builder, I would like to be able to create a "connection" in CloudWorks Anaplan using a webservice managed by Anaplan which automatically updates in the backend a file that contains the periodically updated CurrentTimestamp in UTC (something like "2021-02-01T14:10:45"). I will know this will…
Why is a line item referencing another where both have no overlapping applies to ok?
Lets say I have a line item LineA with an Applies To of Users, and a line item LineB with an Applies To of Organization. Anaplan lets me make the formula of LineA, "LineB". I understand the principal of using SUM/LOOKUP/SELECT etc. to find the values in each dimension to use where the dimensions are missing from the line…
Level 1 Module Building Exam - Model Building Activity 5
Help, I get all zeros for my results after building the formula in EMP02 Employee Expenses. When I set the Role to list, The text disappeared in my SYS08 Employee Details. I am two hours into this without a solution. Here are some screen shots: SYS08 missing data in Role column Role line item as a list "Role" Formula…
HI Team, I have few issues with the formula, its right or wrong? i have noticed 3 issues in my model 1. For Beginning inventory my formula is IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory here in week 2 of beginning inventory,…
Issues in module 6.8.4
I have set the hierarchy of G2 country but the error shows hierarchy not recognised.
Memory usage from text concatenation
We know that 2.02-04 Text Strings are bad for Anaplan models and that text functions and formulas using text are the slowest (slow in comparison to similarly-sized numeric formulas). One of the biggest contributing factors to the poor performance of text is the impact on the memory used by Anaplan. The following diagrams…
Use of CUMULATE function
Hi I'm trying to solve for the following: The screenshot below shows the two columns am trying to accumulate, Rows are the A1 Accounts dimension. The next screenshot shows I have a column for Country and is list formatted with G2 Country. Now, if I am trying to sum for each country (e.g. US, Canada, UK etc.) couldn't I use…
HI I got stuck in the shipping methods where am trying to using all sort of formula but shipping methods showing different error my formula: 'SYS07 Distribution Center Details'.Default Shipping[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Code, lookup: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Supplied By] error : Data type mismatch: format other than LIST or…
P3 SKU no items
Hi team, am attempting level 2 sprint 2 exam and suddenly when i opened my module its showing an error and asking for work space admin access . any one please help me
How to take Average of Prior Year Values
Hi Anaplan Community, I am currently using the formula below to take a moving average of my prior year value. So for instance if this formula is in my April 21 month, it is summing April 20 to April 21 and taking the average of that. I want to adjust the formula to look at just the full Prior Year Jan 20 to Dec 20 and…
List Formula
Hi - I'm trying to pull the value of module cell into a list. Please could you advise why I'm getting an error?
Anything wrong with my formulas?
Hi, I was taking the level1 certification exam, creating REP04 Employee Expense Summary. Here are my formulas: Salary: 'EMP02 Employee Expenses'.Salary[SUM: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Region, SUM: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Role] Bonus: 'EMP02 Employee Expenses'.Bonus[SUM: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Region, SUM: 'SYS08 Employee…
Help Replicating Excel Formula
Hi, Need help replicating this Excel Formula. The Anaplan formula we created is not working. Excel Formula =IF((WR20+WR26+WR27+WR29+WR28+WR5*0.95+WR31+WR32+WR35)-WR40>0,IF(WR29+(WR5*0.95)+WR31+WR32+WR28-WR35<0,0,WR5*0.95),0) Our Formula IF 'S01 Time Settings'.Actual Date <= 'S02 Time Admin'.Last Actual Day THEN PFR Value…
Trying to replicate Excel Formula
Hi, I'm trying to replicate the Excel Formula in Anaplan below. I'm trying to use the AND function, so i made two Boolean Line Items and combined them to satisfy the condition. The formula worked but no numbers are showing in my line item. please advise. Excel Formula…
Transactions by period - remapped to transaction list with no time period.
HI I have a line item which contains all the cashflows I require for the IRR calculation, but I need to have the cashflows against the last day of each period to get the correct IRR result. In order to do this I have created a transactions list "Trans 01, Trans 02, etc" and then for each of the projects created a line item…
Level 2 Sprint 3
Hi all, I'm checking my work for the INV01 module and my numbers are slightly different than the ones provided to do the check. Here are my numbers below: Here are the numbers provided to check your work: As you can see, beginning at Week 2 FY20, my Forecast Demand is 2,048 and not 2,050. I'm assuming this has nothing to…
Using LASTNONBLANK on a numbered list
I took over a Headcount model that was built by a consultant and it uses LASTNONBLANK on a numbered list. I'd like to confirm my understanding of the function when used on a numbered list. Here's some background on my particular model * Workday sends Anaplan an Employee file each night* This nightly feed from Workday…
Previous Period Lookup
Hi I have a module where I look up the last period with data entered - line item Previous Non-Blank. My formula is as follows - why in Q4 FY20 and Q1 FY21 is the previous non-blank not picking up Q3 FY20 and Q4 FY20? Formula: IF Last Quarter Entered = Last Quarter Entered[SELECT: TIME.All Periods] AND ITEM(Time) >= Last…
Combining Boolean value for some condition.
I Have Boolean line item for a module which consists of country and employee List as dimension. for another module having country as dimension and one boolean line item how can i check boolean line item as true if any one of the employee data for that particular country is true in source module(consists of employee and…
Current Period vs Manually Input Period
I'm seeing some unexpected behavior in a Lookup formula that is referencing a period formatted line item. When I manually select a value for Current Year, my lookup formula performs as I expect it to. However, if I enter TIME.'Current Period' in Current Year, it shows the expected year in the line item, but my formula…
Upcoming release User list calculations
Does anyone have any additional information on the upcoming release on 4/24 that will allow for calculations to be driven by the User list? This sounds very intriguing, so any intell would be greatly appreciated! https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Maintenance-Notifications/Upcoming-Maintenance-April-24-2021/ba-p/105343
Users list and Lookup
Hi Everyone, I have two modules A and B. The module A has one line item formated as a list "Users". Let's call it myUser. The module B's dimensionnality is Users (only). It has one boolean lineitem called myBool. I would like to retreive the value from B.myBool to A. I wanted to use the formula in module A.myBool =…
How can we auto update current time period?
Hi Friends, I find that the Time settings don't get updated with new month? Other than Dynamic Time, is whether any other way to auto-update it?
Calculation for a value to show every 10th of the month
Hi, We need help trying to write a formula for a value to show on only every 10th of a given month. Also need to consider that the weekends do not count and would fall into the next business day. For example 4/10/2021 is Saturday so would pick up 4/12/2021 instead.
How to pick up the balance from a previous month
Hi, We are trying to pick up a Line Item Balance from the previous end of the month. For example, for the month of Feb, need to see the ending balance that is at the end of January.
Line Item Subset Summary Level, workaround needed please!
Hello, I have run into an issue for which I could not find any documented limitation or bug, but I think I may have hit one. I am looking for a solution to the following scenario: Let's say I have a constants module, ModuleA, that I am driving a LISS off of. Number1 Number2 Number3 Number4 = (Number1+Number2+Number3) Let's…
Finding the average
Hi, Need help creating a formula that pick's up the moving average for a number within 6 business days. Example) The amount for a line item over the past Weekdays were 1, 4, 6, 8, 9. I want to forecast this by finding the average of those days. Thank you
INV01 not matching up with numbers from CHECK YOUR WORK
Hi, My numbers are slightly off from the Example Model. (I believe like 2 units off). Attached is my Blue Print view and Grid View. Please advice. Thank you
Power Function Error
POWER function is unable to calculate all equations correctly. Cube root of '-8' is '-2' But when I tried the "POWER(-8, 1 / 3)" calculation, it resulted as "NaN" (shown in Image)
Power Function Update
POWER function is unable to calculate all equations correctly. Cube root of '-8' is '-2' But when I tried the "POWER(-8, 1 / 3)" calculation, it resulted as "NaN" (shown in Image)