Need help using LOOKUP or SELECT function
Hi, I'm trying to create a line item in the target module that pulls in the values from the source module given a certain day. Attached are screen shots of the modules. Please advise. Target Module Source Module Thank you
Lookup off of code
I need to be able to lookup off a unique opportunity code for line items in a module. Below is the code I need to look up off of, the list is titled MEC Opportunities In this module, I need the line item Opportunity Code (list) to return the above codes while also being list formatted in order to use in lookup functions.…
Correct MONTHTODATE() for Gregorian calendar
Hi, Does anyone know how I can correct the MONTHTODATE() function when the model time is set to Weeks 5-4-4? The function works perfectly apart from when the month changes during the week. With the current time settings, the second month cumulation starts earlier than it should because it is starting from the first day of…
SPRINT 3 Override Amount
HI. What am I doing wrong in the exam? It wont accept my formula. IF 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Submit Purchase Order Request? AND 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Override Amount <> 0 THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE
Quota/Tenure mismatch
Hi, I just noticed I have a different Quota amount for Mckenzie Rozell (Sales Princiapal with 2 yrs experience) than from the checkpoint example. Since the Quota is being pulled based on the role and tenure, I looked back at my data it seems to be pulling correctly. Just want to make sure this won't cause any issues down…
Previous Value in a Dummy Time Dimension
Hi All, We are developing a module using a dummy time dimension as the planning needs to be done for a period of 3 months. So just to save the space instead of using Anaplan Time dimension we have created a list with a subset for three months to be used in planning. Now we have few line items as below where we calculate…
Anaplan Summary calculation, conditional formatting
I'm stuck in a particular case. I have a flat module that is is dimensioned by "Test Cases". This module looks to accept attributes for test cases manually entered/selected by the end users. The attributes are Test Case Name, Number, Country, Date, Category etc. Particular line items like Country and Category being list…
Working days between 2 dates - errors with proposed formula
Hello All, I used the suggested formula to calculate the # of weekdays between 2 dates https://help.anaplan.com/21bf8e70-3193-4912-98c6-f25327c11d19-Excel-Equivalent-Formulas and I noticed many errors when the end date was a monday (see attachment). Has anyone else also noticed that? Also, I would like to propose a…
I want to check only April from the period
hi! I want to check only April from the period. The reason is to use the cumulate function. I'd like to check only April in Boolean, is there any good way? As a concrete content, I want to check only in April of FY19-FY22 (month period) I am not good at English and may not be able to communicate well, but thank you.
Combining Line Items with Different Dimensionalities
HI all, I need to do an equation in the third line item that subtracts the second line item from the first one. The issue I am running into is the different dimensionality of the first two line items and then trying to combine it into having the third line item dimensionalized by both lists. I appreciate any help.
Aggregate Subset of Dimension
Hello, I'm trying to figure out the best way to aggregate a line item with two dimensions (SKU and Sales Channel) by Channel. For example, I would like all sales for a specific SKU for only website or Amazon channels. The issue I keep running into is my aggregation line item dimension should only be SKU to save on size,…
count wrt day timescale
Hello , I/p screen Products start date End DateA11/3/20205/3/2020A21/3/20208/5/2020 O/p Screen should contain the product count and it should look like 1-Mar2-Mar3-Mar4-MarNo of Products2221 Can we able to do this in anaplan?(As the output screen in Day time scale) Thanks Tejaswini
Allow ISFIRSTOCCURRENCE to search against time
IFO returns true for the first occurence of a value against a specific list formatted dimension. i would like the possibility to validate against the time dimension as well.
Formulas - dimensions month vs years & collect
Hi, I have a module that shows line items in years and uses the collect() function. I now need this in months, so have made a copy of this module, changed dimensions to months and there's currently no figures showing. How do I fix this? Thanks in advance
Level 2 Sprint 3 INV02 Country Summary module
Am I getting the wrong end of the stick?
Correct Formula's for Confirm PO Delivery and Confirmed Purchase Order Receipt
HI. Please could you give me some guidance on the below? IF PO Submitted > 0 THEN POST(PO Submitted, Shipping Time Weeks) ELSE 0
Highlight Dashboard
Hi Friends, I want to highlight the Dashboard and not the Module. As when I apply conditional formatting and edit rules, it updates Modules as well. How to achieve that? N.B.- I am referring to Classic Dashboard.
Year format calculation seems wrong
Hi, I came upon a strange outcome of a (very simple) calculation. For my model I need to know in which Year a certain calculation should give out put. (Current year, current year +1 etc.) So I tried to create a boolean which specifies in which year a certain period is. It however gave strange out come, as it seems to…
Rankcumulate not working for line 101
Hi, I have a Running Balance line item where I used RANKCUMULATE formula, everything is working fine but starting from line 101 the value is incorrect. From previous month, line 101 was working fine as well. Only for this month Mar 21, value is incorrect. What could be wrong? The formula is working fine ever since, only…
Workspace model oversize
Hi, I received an error msg regarding the workspace exceeding the size limit when I wanted to add more lists into “Applies to” as I added an additional context/page selector and needed to add up the figures with an additional criteria in the formula bar using the sum function Is there a way to resolve this issue? Kindly…
Assistance in problem solving
Hello Friends, I am not able to make out, exactly what are Ques-1 and Ques-2 referring to. It would be of great help, if you could please help me understand the business logic and what should I look up to?
How to calculate the difference for each month of the time period?
hi! I'm not good at English. I want to calculate the difference for each month of the time period. Is it possible to get the duration of a month when the format is a time period? Thank you. Image diagram
Retrieve Anaplan Field from API? Cannot export in platform.
Is there a way to retrieve the following field via API or Transactional API? I noticed that there is no way to Export it via the Anaplan interface but am hoping there is a pathway to retreive it through Python or some other API tool.
Function analog vlookup excel
Hello and thank you all for your time and help. I have 2 lists: "Test List 1" and "Test List 2", where "Test list 2" is created based on "Test list 1" according to the following rules: For each item has a text property Formula RANK = RANK(1, ASCENDING, SEQUENTIAL, TRUE, Text property) Next, I filtered those items that have…
Rolling time period
Hi, How do I show the rolling 4 quarterly periods on the table? For example, it's currently showing Q1FY22,Q2FY22,Q3FY22,Q4FY22. Let say Q1 has ended, I would then like show the next 4 quarters, namely Q2FY22,Q3FY22,Q4FY22, Q1FY23
TIMESUM on period-formatted line item
Hi Everyone, I tried to use TIMESUM on a period-formatted line item and got the following error. Anaplan seems to be indicating that the formatting of both line items is a problem, but both line items are formatted the same (as the Anaplan message shows). Does anyone know why this might be happening? Additional details are…
Ignore blank dates for MIN calculations
I'd like Anaplan to ignore blank dates when performing MIN calculations: MIN, x[MIN:y], and MIN as a summary function. For numbers, I can see why 0 is evaluated since sometimes those are true zeroes, but for dates this makes much less sense. With dates, I would want the MIN calculations to return blank only if all of the…
Level 2 Sprint 2 - DEM03 Demand Forecast Module
Hi - I've been ploughing through sprint 2 and I have over looked most of the guidance for these formula - how close am I?
LAG function
Hi, Question please. I am doing a variance analysis module which line items composed of Last Year (LY) Actual, Actual (current), Forecast, Budget and the variances line items. However, I am trying to have LAG function for the LY Actual line items. I am getting the numbers if I choose a specific month (e.g. Feb21) in the…
Fill line item with first list member
Hi , Is there a way I can fill up my line item with the first list member in the module ? Thanks in advance for helping. Regards, Tom