Level 2 - Sprint 2 - 2.4.8
Want help with the attached one. Should the values match with the ones in the activity or its an example for how the grid should look like? The saved view from which the grid is formed was done based on the activity which is SF based water taffy. Please let me knw, what changes to make. this is like this because, detailed…
L2 Sprint 2- Create Demand Forecast Grid UX saved view
Hi All, In Level 2 Sprint 2 in activity it is asking to create a saved view with the same name Grid UX it has asked in activity I am confused here as in old UX version it has saved it as Demand Forecast Dashboard Grid. Can anyone help me in here?
[Updated] Level 2 Sprint 2 DAT03 Historic Volume
Hello Experts, On DAT03 Historic Volumes my volume line item don't match with the values for FY20 but does match with Offset volumes for Fy20. I used the following formula: IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN OFFSET(Volumes, -52, 0) ELSE 0. also in DEM03 demand forecast pulls only FY20 data not FY21,…
L2 - Sprint 2 - Activity Create Demand Forecast Grid UX saved view
Hi, Can somebody please help me with this formula?
level 2 sprint
why run is showing error?
Level 1 model Building Activity 5
Hi @JaredDolich i Have stack with how to update the formulas for my Line Items in my Module EMP02 Employee Expenses. This is the formula i am using IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMP03 Employee Drivers'.Bonus %[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Role] ELSE 0 i have read other…
Level 2 - Sprint 2 - Activity: Create a User Experience Page
Below I am attaching my UX page. Can anybody let me know if it is right and the values pertaining to the selectors are right? If any more additions required, Do let me know.
level 2 sprint
is this correct?
L2 sprint Create DEM02 Volume Growth Rates by Week module
When I am using monthvalue function it is not working Plz reply
- Update INV01 to Allow Override of Order Amount
One of the Product Supply Manager user stories for this sprint included the ability to override suggested order quantities. Update the INV01 module with additional line items to provide this functionality. In the INV01 Inventory Ordering module, add the following line items: Line Item Format Purpose Override Suggested…
How can import Shipping time correctly here?
How can import Shipping time correctly here, ' Import Data into DAT02 Shipping Metrics Module". Could you help me please?
Level 3 Sprint 1- 4.2 user story
Hi Experts, I don't have FP&A model to import the data for the list. Kindly advise me for the import process
3.4.4 Activity: Create Stock Exceptions Review UX Page
Is this right?
Level 2 Sprint 1
Can anyone explain why I'm not getting the view as displayed in the instruction? There is no check in my view? Thanks,
- Inventory Ordering Module Formulas - Shipping Method
Hi everyone, I appreciate any help that can be provided, I was very stuck on the formula for Shipping Method. I was trying the formula below and getting error "Format of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the source". I believe I am using the correct module line items, but am struggling to understand…
Level 2 sprint 1.3.3 review lists in Tree View
Hi, i have imported all 3 files (Regions, Countries and Locations) when checking the work against the example given i have no lists showing in tree view. It should look like this: but i have this data was imported in blueprint as so: which came out like this pivot is can anyone help? this is the case across all 3 (regions,…
Import Challenge
Summary: Practice the importing skills you learned in Level 1 Model Building by completing this challenge. In this activity, you will be modifying to your Level 1 Financial Planning and Analysis model to support a new planning initiative at Unicorn Candy Company. Audience: Completed Level 1 Model Building, Preparing for…
Sprint 1 -
Can u help with the mapping please, don't knw what the error is.
Level 2 - Sprint 3 - 3.4.3 Activity: Create Country Summary Module
Hello all, I'm having trouble figuring out with this error that I'm getting. Can anyone help me out? My formula is this: 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Safety Stock Exception Count[SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Country Made In] Thank you
Level 1 Exam REP04 Employee Expense Summary
Hi, Formula doesn't work here, there is no value in REP04 Employee Expense Summary, how can I solve this issue, could you help me, please? Thanks,
Level 1 Model Building Exam - Model Building Activity 6
Hello all, I have been trying to work through Model Building Activity level 6 and cannot seem to understand why my lookup formula is off. I am trying to add a formula to REP04 that shows Total Salary expenses by Region and Role. The formula I am using is 'EMP02 Employee Expenses'.Salary[Lookup: 'SYS08 Employee…
level 1 Exam activity 4
Hi, I have been stuck on this question from past few days can anyone please assist me asap Have tried my best but couldn't correctly complete it. The formula I am using for Bonus in EMP002 is IF Employed? THEN salary* 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Bonus%[LOOKUP:'SYS08 Employee Details'.Role] ELSE 0. is this correct?…
L3, Sprint 2, 7.3 Commissions FC
Hi all, I'm currently struggling with the calculation of the monthly commissions FC. There seems to be a slight difference. The targets check was correct earlier for Janell Wetzel. This is my SYS01 Time Settings Module. Any ideas why there a slightly different results in my FC calculation? This should be the correct…
@JaredDolich I am at the point where I have added DCA to INV01 and added formulas to AD02. My numbers do not match the example given. I know in the past I've been told not to worry about the numbers being off but is that the case with this example? Here are my numbers: Thank you for your help.
LEVEL 3 Subsidiary view
Dear Members , I have done the following as shown in the screen shot . Is this Correct ? If no/yes , why ? For subsidiary view for Location : has taken (G3 Distribution center list )--- Is this correct ? or should I Take ( G3 location list ) Need Guidance in this regard Thank you
11.3.4- Values Not Matched
In this lesson, my values don't match those of the example. Everything was fine until I put in the formulas. When mapping, everything matched perfectly. May someone assist with finding the issue? The formulas are in correctly.
Anaplan way
Hi Members , To get a Certificate , Is it necessary to Complete " My Anaplan way " If Yes , how much does it take to complete ? Thanks
Level 2 DEM03 - Baseline Forecast
Hi, I have recently started my Level 2 and was wondering if someone could offer me some guidance. I'm currently working through sprint 2 but I'm struggling with the formulas for the Baseline forecast FY21. This is what I have so far. Baseline Forecast - IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN 'DAT03…
Formula Help
I am trying to calculate the phone costs for a department in December 2020 and medical costs for a department in December 2020, as well as fiscal year totals for certain departments. Been on this for 1.5 weeks now. The formulas I am using in REP04 are producing numbers, but they are incorrect. Here is REP04: It draws from…
Data import
Hello, Something wrong when importing P1 Product Family datas( instead the respectif family code and name, on my model. I dont know what the problem's. Your help will be helpful, thanks in advanvce.