Level 1 Activity 8.5.3 No Numbers Importing
I am having issues importing the numbers into my REV02. Everything else has imported. Am I suppose to change the Summary from sum to formula and add a formula? Need some guidance please! Katz
My REV 03 has the values matching with the course, but they are not getting populated to REP01Country margin Report. Below I am attaching my screenshots!!
Hello everyone, i 'm try to import DAT03 historic volume from Data Hub to Supply Chain Model but i get the error below, also I attached all setting i made with my modules including the mapping too. I real appreciate for quickly assistance.
Level 1 how to remove data after import
Hi, Does anyone know how to remove data in the module after importing data if I find the data import was wrong set of data?
Level 1 Model Building Exam - Model Building Activity 5
Hello, I cannot figure out the formula for Bonus and other line items for Level 1 Model Building Exam - Model Building Activity 5 I created the EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role module and added the department and role to it. In activity 5, we have to change the module EMP02 Employee Expenses "Bonus" line item formula to…
Distribution Center Summary UX Page
in Learning Activity Sprint 3, we asked to make a Distribution Center Summary UX Page and when I take the exam, there's a question that I wont be able to answer cause it doesn't match the values on the first grid of Distribution Center Summary UX Page that I've made. The Exam Question (Image removed by Moderators) Here is…
Micro lessons not opening up quickly
Hi Community , Need Help !! Micro lessons in Level 1 not opening up quickly , Taking sufficient time . I am in Subject ' Modules ' My internet is running perfectly fine . Thank you
7.2.1 Activity: Import Data into Product Details Module- NEED HELP, I am stuck.
Hi There, using below mapping In an attempt to get below Bur instead I am getting without any change . What am I doing wrong? Please help.
Level 2 Sprint 1 Exam 7 of 10
Good morning! I have completed twice the Level 2 Sprint 1 Exam with 7 of 10 in both. I have failed the same 3 questions and still after reviewing the lessons I failed, I am not sure of responding correctly to the questions (same 3 ones) These questions are 1, 2 and 8. It is my last attemp I need to pass to the Sprint 2 Can…
Too many Stock Exceptions
Hello, I'm doing Level 2, Sprint 3. After creating INV03 Distribution Center Summary module I've realised there are too many Stock Exceptions. A similar result I have in INV04 Distribution Center Capacity module. The screenshots of both modules are below. Is it OK or did I smth wrong? Hear the screenshot of the blueprint…
INV01 L2S3 Formula Help
Hello, I believe my formulas are correct; however, my data does not seem to change from week to week, so I'd like someone to double check and provide any insight. Thanks, Josh G Actual Outcome: Expected outcome: Specifically, line items - Forecast Demand, Suggested Order Amount for month, and ending inventory all seem to…
L1MB 9.2.5
error when im adding 5.00% to Rev04is it a formula there or just type 5.00%
7.2.1 Activity: Import Data into Product Details Module- Have been stuck for 5 days
Have been stuck on getting this list imported for 5 days. I have tried many ways and cannot figure it out. I know I am trying to get the size input into the size line item. I cannot figure out how. Are there any live or virtual options for assistance. Feeling defeated.
[HELP] Level 3 - Sales Planning Sprint 1 - TAR01 Detailed Sales Target Module | 1.4 & 1.5
Hi Everyone, I've been stuck the last few days working on User Story 1.4 & 1.5 | 5.2 Model Building Specifications. There isn't enough information for me to comprehend what is needed to be done and thus all my numbers aren't correct. I'm positive my other user stories are working as intended based on the examples they…
level 1 certificate
Hi, I completed my Level 1 exam and scored 90 % and also completed Level 2 exam and got the certificate for Level 2. After completing my Level 1 exam forgot to complete the learner survey and continue with Level 2. But now I realize that I haven't receive completion certificate of Level 1. Going back to level 1 it is…
GTM Certification
Community, Is GTM certificates/course available only for partners? Off lately seeing a lot of folks getting GTM certified RM
L2 Sprint 3 All Products level
Hi, I am getting values for Safety Stock Target line items when I switch to All Products level whereas in the course there are no values that are being displayed for the same line items. Please help me with this.
Facing issue in Parent Child allocation
Hi Community , Need Help from the topic " Lists" . While importing data for Parent Child bifurcation or allocation facing the following issues : ( Not getting the correct profile ) : The screen shots attached for 'Product ' & ' Employee ' Lists. Please help Thank you
Data type mismatch: format other than LIST or DATE being referenced as a relation
Not sure what the issue is! Please help.
Level 2 Conclusion: Importing Shipping Export INV05 into OTH 01 Non Employee Expense
Hello Friends, I am getting error as attached herewith in the above process. Could you please help. Thank you in advance
2.3.9 Activity: Historic Volumes to Baseline Forecast -Action Contains the wrong information
When attempting to Run Process 9. Imort Data from Hub- I consistently hit this error. Import into DAT03 Historic Volumes module unsuccessful: Ensure the column headers in the import file map to the correct dimensions in your module, then run the import again. I searched this community before posting this question and saw…
Requesting Guidance on Add DCA to INV01 Inventory Ordering
How would one approach the same presentation as weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4? I would like to have the override amount to be cleared if not checked and empty on the Final Shipment Amount? Also would like to know how to clear out the shipping details for week 1 too, etc. Looking at the formula hint, I'm confused if it referring to…
4.6.8 Activity: Import Data into E1 Departments List
Using below mapping trying to get to but instead I am getting below, what am I doing wrong? I am actually on Lesson 6.10.2 Activity: Add Formulas to Department Details Module , but because I am unable to import and map the E1 departments lists the correct way I am stuck. Please help.
L1MB 4.6.8 Activity: Import Data into E1 Departments List
Hi All, Newbie here. Have a confusion on the below activity. Below is what suggested in the training module. Grid view should look like this When I import the Department for the above grid view - I get the warning but the data gets loaded as per the document. When I try to correct the import via these steps Correct Mapping…
Missing line item in the formula below.
The problem I get after I insert the formula is the its tell me formula is invalid because the line items is missing and i attach the instruction of what I was trying to accomplish.
Need Help With 2.3.9 Activity: Historic Volumes to Baseline Forecast and
I am having trouble with 2.3.9 Activity: Historic Volumes to Baseline Forecast and Import data into DAT03 Historic Volumes module. For the first part, I'm unsure what needed to be done, if anything. Then when I tried too run process 9, this is the error message I received. Can anyone help me with what I am doing…
Formula Practice
Hello, I'm enjoying my Anaplan experience and am catching on fairly well; however, I constantly feel behind on learning formulas. To be frank, I don't believe either L1 or L2 gives you enough actual practice. How did other users become more comfortable using formulas, or what was an experience outside of Anaplan that you…
Démarrage formation
Bonjour, Je suis un nouveau sur Anaplan Merci de votre soutien pour que je que puisse débuter ma formation.
TR02 Account Details Final Account Sales mismatch check on the build
Hi guys i don't know where did I do wrong its mismatch on the 2nd pic below on the check build anyone give me some tips where did I do wrong thank you
INV01 Module does not match
Hi everyone, So I did all the work in the Level 2, Sprint 3, Activity 3.3.6 Test the Shipping Cost Formulas and my work does not match with the check your work. I don't know what I could possibly done wrong and I am stuck. I'll attach a picture so you can see my work and what it should look like. Any help would be…