Mapping problem
I am not getting how to do mapping in SYS05 region details
EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role
Hi, I created the module and successfully imported data for EMP03. In the certification, it requires us to update line items to reference the driver in EMP03 in the EMP02. I keep getting this error shown below. Invalid formula for 'EMP02 Employee Expenses'.Bonus: Automatic sum of 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Bonus %…
Level 1 Model Building SYS08 Employee Details Import Issue
We are asked to import Emloyees.csv into SYS08 Employee Details and I am unable to get the names in the list to match on the names in the employees list that I already have in. I checked and I have the data type as "Text" listed within the SYS08 module, and the .csv has the data in that column listed as "General". I also…
Anaplan Model Builder Level2: - Import Data into DAT04 Distribution Center Parameters
Hi all, Hope somebody could assist me please. I am trying to load the data into to achieve activity I picked Time tab = "Match names". The file loads says Success Import Complete, but 1484 Ignored and 0 Updated. There are no failures to display so I have no real suggestion of what has gone wrong. Can anybody help -…
L2 3.4.3 Create Country Summary Module and 3.4.4: Create Stock Exceptions Review UX Page
I have followed all instructions, but think there is a mistake on my INV02 Safety Stock Flag Count Line Item as it is not populating so I cannot check the conditional formatting on the UX page. INV02 Safety Stock Flag Count: 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Safety Stock Exception Count[SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Country Made In] I…
- Import Data & Add Formula
Trying to import the Product and Distribution Center data into the SYS12 SKU Details module. But the SKU file has Code SKU Distr Ctre and Product Code but not Product. Is there a step I am missing?
Level1 Training 13.6.5
Hi. I am currently working on building the custom view in activity 13.6.5, however I do not understand how to do a time filtering. I want to select only forecast period data (from Jan 20). I think I should use the 'filter' icon, but cannot build the rule. Thank you in advance!
- Create Distribution Center Capacity Module
I have completed the below task and added the formulas however, i am not sure about the numbers for the "Total Beginning Inventory" it seems that i have negative numbers as a result the Percentage Full numbers is not right: Thus, i had to check again the formulas in INV01 Inventory Ordering and the SYS08: Could you please…
- Create Build SKU Saved View (Product column)
Hi, for the following activity, I should have product names shown in the "Product" column. However, my result doesn't have product names showing, but it has product names showing when clicking the arrow. Could anyone help me figure out what am I missing here?
Level 1 MB Time Settings Month name display
Hi, After configuring the time setting I got the result below. Fiscal Year Start Month is displayed as "M01" while Current Period - as "Jan 20". What causes the discrepancy in view/format? Do I need to correct it, and if so, how to fix it?
Level 1 MB, Lesson 7, Number formatting while import data
Hi, While importing data to the Module SYS08 Employee Details I ended up with Commission % 15 instead of 0.15 as in the source file The format of this Line Item below How can I fix this?
Data type mismatch: format other than LIST or DATE being referenced as a relation
this is the formula IF Employed? THEN Salary *'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Bonus % [LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Role,LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department] ELSE 0
level 1 EXAM Activity 5
Hi Guys, I am stuck on Activity 5 for Hours now. I added the roles list and for top level gave it All ROLES. I kept this list under other lists. further more the FORMULA I wrote was IF Employed? THEN 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Phone Allowance[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee…
level 1 exam
Hi, In activity 4 it says to to import to emp03......and underneat as a note:the data file contains (Monthly) not yearly, does it mean once you have imported the file, you are suppose to change the time scale to monthly in EMP03 MODULE. when I do that it shows me Zeros and when i Dont it gives me some sort of numbers…
Regarding Schema design Level 3 issue
Hi team, I submitted yesterday wrong file by mistake in Level 3 schema design. can you please give me access to re-submit.
Importing DEM04 to DATA02 F1 Level1 model From supply chain L2 Conclusion
I am facing error in location code and my demand values are invalid Plz tell me if there is error in dem04 module or not Plz help
Import Shipping Expenses into OTH01 Module
I am facing error in importing this file plz tell me what to do Is INV05 module correct ?
12.4.4 Activity: Create Saved View for Profit & Loss Report
this is actual which should have 0 as given
11.3.4 Activity: Add Formulas to Profit & Loss Report Module
my resultthe lesson result
Need guidance on Anaplan Level 1 Exam
Team, I am planning to appear for Anaplan Level 1 Exam. Please provide your valuable suggestions/tips that is helpful for me do well in the exam. What is the format of exam? How many questions we need to answer? Is this a multiple choice format etc. Thanks, Vikram
12.4.4 Activity: Create Saved View for Profit & Loss Report
the result displays the actual version whereas it should show only the budget and forecast version the lesson reslutmy result
Error on activity
Hi Team, I keep getting error, Will like you to point me in the right direction. I have followed a few suggestions in the community as regards manually populating the list. yet no result. Kindly assist
Hi Team, Any idea why after importing, the code column is not populating even with the formular Or does it have to be manually inserted, I realized this activity is preventing me from completing activity
PLEASE HELP! Level 2 Conclusion
I am stuck on the pivots and exports needed for INV05, DEM04, and INV01. I have been at it all day and feel like I have tried every combination, but when I try to import, I am getting errors or failure.
3.4.3 Activity: Create Country Summary Module
I am facing problem in making Country Made In in SYS08 SKU DETAILS MODULE IT will further become problem in building summary module INV02 PLz help
3.37 L2 Sprint 3
Why aren't the Booleans from my model showing up like the example below
10.2.6 Activity: Add Formulas to Employee Expenses Module
Hello, Anyone Can help me to figure out the error in Bonus, not sure where I am mistaking it. I tried both way Copy and Paste the formula also written it. However, still have having same issue. Please find the attached screenshots. Thanks.
DAT01 Level 3
Hello, Can someone explain me in which step I need to create the DAT01 module, I started few weeks ago level 3 and now I'm stuck at 4.6.5 Level 3- User story 3 where I need to create DAT02 module, but the first one is missing from my model. Thank you!
Level 3 - User Story 1
Before i start the built, am I going into designing an UX, assuming Account is part of a hierarchy and it is the lowest level of the hierarchy? You want me to build an UX where the Regional Sales Executive should be able to report on the quarterly total for each account (User Story 1.3 and below) but before then he needs…
Check certification in Anaplan
After I earned level 2 badges, how can I check that I am certified for Anaplan Model Builder? Can I export any certificate? Or if there is any courses that I need to take to be certified, how can I check? Thank you.