Level 2 - Conclusion - INV05 and DEM04 - Import with Subsidiary View
Hi In importing from INV05 and DEM04 (both having Subsidiary Views which are used for mapping) via 'Connect to Anaplan Model', I tried different Saved View pivotings until I successfully imported from a Saved View with no page selector. Based on the various tries above, my observation is that the Saved View must not…
REP02 SIZE MARGIN REPORT- Revenue & Cost of Sales
HI Team The values for Revenue & Cost of sales are not appearing in the REP02 Size Margin Report. Have attached the Screenshot for your review.. can you help clarify.
Level 2 Sprint 1 User Story 3 Import Data into DAT01 Beginning Inventory
I am having an issue with the import. Any reason the beg bal is not being picked up in the file.
Level 2 Sprint 2 - Dem01 data uploading wrong information
Hi All - I am trying to upload the Volume+Growth+Rates.csv https://anaplanenablement.s3.amazonaws.com/Files/Level2_onDemand/Volume+Growth+Rates.csv . The first time I tried, I got the error. So I changed the format on the excel to date 03/04/12 and tried again and it uploaded. But the values are showing up as below, which…
Level 2 training - Sprint 2 Global Demand Assumptions dashboard showing different data
Hi all, I need some help. When reviewing the example and compare it to my dashboard my data values in the second grid are very different to the example and I can't find out why.
L2MB S3: 3.3.5 Beginning Inventory Summary Method
Per the example the course is asking the Monthly Summary value for Beginning Inventory to be set to closing balance. As it is the BEGINNING inventory surely this should be set to Opening Balance? A summary for the month could then be created which would make sense: Opening Less Demand Plus Receipts =========== Ending…
Certification for Level 2 and The Anaplan Way
Hi All, Can anybody suggest about the delay regrading receiving the certification from anaplan academy . I requested 3 days back ,but till now no response from anaplan academy regarding certificate . Let me know if any body has gone through the same instance. Thanks Vivek Singh
Ending Learning of Anaplan
Hello All, Very sadly I wanted to inform you that I devoted too much time and energy in learning anaplan level -2, but unfortunately, anaplan academy is not awarding my certification, as even though i have completed all the exams of Sprint 1/2/3 and conclusion, the conclusion exam is not showing as completed, due to this…
Anaplan Essentials for Customers - "The Essentials of Model Building" model missing
I am at the last section of Anaplan Essentials for Customers training. As per the training instructions, I need to download The Essentials of Model Building model and create my own copy to start with this section. Whereas, this model is not available in the list of models. Could anyone help with this. My Workspace is CIMD…
Issue/Advice: Level 2 Sprint 3 Exam - issue with line items naming
Hello All, I have documented some discrepancies in the names of the line items throughout the Level 2 Sprint 3. I am surprised this hasn't been flagged (maybe I missed it) and fixed already because it has a direct impact on the exam. In the attached document, I am providing some advice on renaming some of the line items…
Anaplan Certified Model Builder Maintenance
What is the requirement for maintaining Anaplan Certified Model Builder status? I received my Anaplan Certified Model Builder credential June 10, 2020 with an expiration of Dec 31, 2020. LV1 and LV2 have 2-year expirations and the Anaplan way has none. I'm working on LV3 leading up to Solutions Architect, but in the…
Front end and Back end
Hello All, just wanted to ask about the experience regarding the module design phase like we usually adopt, first we all have look on the UX experience, then the functions like calculation etc and at last about list, modules etc .. If somebody has a different view please share, as in my organization things do get changed…
How to calculate Completed Years for Employee
Hi, I am wondering how to go about calculating the number of years completed at a company by an employee based on their start date. I can see ways doing this but doesn't seem very PLANS, can someone please advice on it or link to micro lesson for example? Best regards, Johan
Import Revenue FY19 into DAT02 PY Revenue to CY
Hi community, I need some hints to be able to move forward in the training because I don't know if I am proposing the solution in the correct way. The point is that on the following exercise: 4.6.5 Sale Planning Model: DAT02 module In the Sales Planning model, create a DAT02 PY Revenue to CY module to carry forward the…
level 2 Run Process 9 Import Data from the Hub.
Hi while running the process 9 in level 2 under the 9.1 historic volumes, few of my data is getting ignored. please help to figure it out. attaching the screenshot of the same.
Level 2 - Sprint 2 Import into DAT03 Historic Volumes
The instructions states to 'run the 9. Import Data from Hub process to pull data from the Data Hub model into the DAT03 Historic Volumes module in the Supply Chain model.' In the '9. Import Data from Hub process', the following Actions were included. Are we to remove 9.2 and 9.3 actions before importing '9. Import Data…
L1MB - Lesson 4 : Employee Subset not visible in Model Settings
Hello dear Community members! I have a question about Lists and their Subsets. I created a Subset for the Employees List as per provided instructions, but it is not visible in the Model Settings [like in the pic(3) showing just the Model Settings]. Could you please help me understand what can be done Regards Mourya
How To get the Level 1 MB Certificate
Hi All, Can you please share the link or path to download the certificate, as I have completed the level 1 certification course. I have checked my learning, but couldn't find any certification or any survey link etc .. Thanks Vivek
Need help for importing from saved views (Level 2 Sprint 1)
In Create Build Country Saved View Create a saved view for importing: Module Name: SYS06 Country Details Saved View Name: Build Country Include: Code, Region, and items Make sure to select SHOW for the Code line item and save the view. This will ensure that as new line items are added, they will not be included in…
level 1 model building 14.2.1. Level 1 model building. Not sure how to add a Dashboard
level 1 model building 14.2.1. Level 1 model building. Not sure how to add a Dashboard
Level 3 UX Examples disappeared
Hello, Just want to know if it's normal that I cannot see the UX design examples when I'm doing the Level Sprint 1? I can see only the "home work" that I sumbitted...
Level 2 - Sprint 2 - DEM03 Module
Hi Team, Great work with the training! I am not sure if anyone has brought this to your attention: In the directions for creating the calculation for the Baseline Forecast line item, It is asked that for the FY21 periods to use the FY20 "Initial Demand Forecast" (see screenshot below). The explanation in the parenthesis as…
How do I add a dashboard?
How do I add a dashboard?
How to delete Dimension TIME form a Module that was created originally with that dimension?
I have found that at the momemtn to work in Lesson 6 , Several Modules I have created are having the TIME dimension inside but it should not be there. My concern is that I am entering to Edit the structure of the Modules and I can't find the way to delete that Dimension. Should I Delete the module and re-design it again?.…
Level 1 model building Part 10: OTH01 Non employee expense module
Can anyone help me diagnose what I am doing wrong. please see screenshot of error report I'm getting as I try to import the non-employee expense csv. I attached pivot as well
3.5.5 Distribution Center Summary by Product SKU Page
Can someone help me understand how to filter the grid for this? I've tried using SKU Details - Supplied By, but that doesn't seem to work. Any advice? Current view: Trying to get to this view: @einas.ibrahim would you be able to help? Thanks!
POST function within IF THEN ELSE construct
In a model I'm working on I need to use the post function. When I put it by itself in the formula it works fine. But since I only want to use it when a certain condition is met, I changed the formula to: if NOT lineitem then 0 else post(x,y). With this syntax, all I get is 0s. Is this a known issue? Thanks
Level 3 8.4 check your build - Question
So I don't understand the below snap shot. My previous year actual revenue ties out. My initial sales targets does not. I calculated the initial sales targets by taking previous years actuals and bringing them forward as a baseline and then applying a growth rate at the product family and country level and applying that…
Anaplan Certification Learning Path
Certification Learning Path At Anaplan, partners and customers are an extension of our team. Together, our teams ensure an elegant first deployment, from which customers can build as many additional models as they need.Anaplan partners are: * More customer-focused than ever * Empowered * Accountable * Certified to use…
Level 2 Model Builder - Importing Data into FP&A Model
Coming up with an error when I import shipping expenses into the OTH01 module as here: This is the export view for INV05: This is the error I receive: