Level 2 Sprint 3 INV01 - Not 1st week of Timescale?
Hello, I used the "NOT INPERIOD(CURRENTPERIODSTART())" formula to calculate to determine if it's the first week of the time scale or not and it's working. But i know that if we change the current period my formula doesn't not work anymore. I couldn't find a formula that targets the start of time scale and not the current…
Level 2 Model Building
Good morning, I am doing the training Level 2 Model Building and I am stock at the following point: Import Data into G3 Location List: I don't seem to be able to import column "s G3 Location: Distribution Center" Also I don't seem to be able to populate subset list 2s G3 Location Distribution Center" from the…
Training & certification for non-model builder
Hi, I would like to ask the training and certification available for non-model builders. I would like to learn about Anaplan from user end trouble shoot purpose and guide on UAT, deployment and Dashboard creation but not directly involved in model building.
Help me choose a function for Anaplan Live!
Hi, everyone! Join me on December 9 for Anaplan Live! The event has sessions for new learners and experts alike. In my live session, I'll be discussing the 5 foundational functions in Anaplan. These are the most common functions and understanding them will allow you to start building and planning with Anaplan. My request:…
Anaplan Way - SOW and Foundation Phase
Hi I am in Foundation phase of the Anaplan Way and realise most of the work is done in this stage. I am curious to know how do you set a budget for the project in the Statement of Work which is done prior to this phase without the activities of the Foundation phase? I realise through previous experience you will be able to…
Level 3 Sprint 2: Where do I download the Sales rep flat list?
I am working on the account over assignment module. However, to this point there have been no assignments. Assuming this means assigning accounts to reps. The Sales Rep list is empty. How should I populate it?
Level 3 Sprint 1 - Part 4.6.5 Sale Planning Model
"Part 4.6.5 Sale Planning Model says: DAT02 module - In the Sales Planning model, create a DAT02 PY Revenue to CY module to carry forward the FY19 quarterly actual sales revenue to FY20 quarters. For this module, using the LOOKUP function and a Time Settings system module is a more efficient formula than using OFFSET to…
Level 2- Sprint 3- INV01 Question
Could anyone help me with the questions below? 1. My Beginning Inventory is not showing correctly with the effect of ending inventory, it shows the same number, please see the attached screenshot. My formula is IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning…
Level 3 Exam 1 - Confirm Account>Product relationships
I am beginning Exam 1 of the Level 3 training. I have imported the new/updated 2019 actuals. I am on bullet #3 and the two examples of confirming the Account>Product relationships DO NOT EXIST in my model. I found the file used to load file from the Level 2 exam. I have reviewed it and there are no SKU's that have volume…
Level 2 Sprint 3 INV01 - Line Item Formulas
Hi, I am stuck with the following formula that I don't seem to understand what it is looking for: Forecast Demand line item This line item should display the Final Forecast value from the DEM03 Demand Forecast module. I have checked against my DEM03 formula (from Level 2) and all the formulas/values are right. My current…
L1 MB Exercise 9.2.5 Small Typo in the "Unit Price %" Formula
Just want to point out that there is a small typo in the lesson instruction --- there should be a space between "Price %" in the formula for line item "Unit Price %", otherwise the formula insert will error out for that line item.
Populating Flat Files, 1.3.4 Activity: Update System Modules
In order to get the SYS05 Country Details module to populate properly to load I had to use the Region codes (AMER, EMEA, APAC) in the Region Flat file, but when I I try to load the SYS07 Location Details module it is looking for the region names to be spelled out (Americas, etc.).
L1MB Exam Importing SKU Volumes Issue
Hello, I am having difficulty importing the SKU data for the exam. I have tried mapping so many different time formats but it will only import some of the data even though it says import successful for every data point. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
Activity 4.6.4
When importing the excel file I keep getting an error message saying “import complete but with failures” and the failure is an invalid code. It says US is not the correct code. Anyone know how to help?
Level 3 Sprint 1 - Section 9:2
Hi, We need to distribute the Final Account sales target to quarters by reflecting the proportionality of the Initial Account Sales Targets distribution in Quarters. So to find the percentage of Initial Account Sales Targets distribution in Quarters, we need to lookup at the Quarterly value and divide it by FY 20 value. As…
Level 1 Model builder training
Level 1 import Module data activity 7.2.3 the file i downloaded has date format 20190212, and receiving an error invalid date. the line item is formatted to Date , is there any additional step i am missing
Question on data import
facing issues with importing data with date format Leve1 1 Activity 7.1.2 , import Employee details, error- invalid date for start date and leave date
L1 MB: Part 9 - REV05 Price Growth - Can't add formulas
Hi folks. I'm trying to complete L1 Model Building online and I've hit an error in adding formulas to the REV05 Price Growth Rate Staging module. When I try to add the formulas as directed here: I get the following error: I've double checked that all of the modules referenced in the formula have been set up according to…
Level 1 Model: Dimension of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the result
Hi gurus, When building the reporting module 'REP04'(the target)I'm trying to reference to an existing module 'EMP03' (the source) for the calculated medical costs. REP04 has two dimensions 'Region' and 'Role' whilst EMP03 has 'Department' and 'Role', hence I tried the mapping module 'SYS09' to fill the gap. Thought it's…
3.5.5 Activity: Create Distribution Center Summary UX Page
Couple of queries 1. The instruction does not talk of conditional formatting Distribution Center capacity %, If we need to do it what would be the reference point ? 2. The grid on Product SKU by distribution center - I have tried multiple options but cannot get it in the same format - How do I go about it ? a. Module SYS08…
- anticipates error that doesn't manifest
The blue note box seems to imply that the needed time range is not yet set for the DAT03 module, but it's already in place and the action runs without need for adjustment to the module as initially downloaded. The initial time range for the module "out of the box" should probably be set to Model Calendar to give the…
Level 2 > Conclusion > Create Inventory Ordering Saved View and Export
Should the numbers given by Anaplan in the downloaded csv file match with our exports or is it just to match the format My numbers are way off target- I know the general direction is right as I got the Sprint 3 Exam question right - just that I am not certain if the file in the conclusion model takes into consideration the…
LESSON 4.8.2. Importing Employees.csv
Hello, I cannot figure out how to map and properly import employees Any help will do, thank you (some images attached)
level 3 training
I have completed Level 1 and Level 2 training and I am currently pursing the Level 3 training. I will lose access to my existing workspace soon and I am wondering if I can continue the level 3 training in a different workspace. How can I transfer my existing level 1, level 2 and datahub models ? Also, does Anaplan provide…
Level 3: TAR02 Account Review module
Hi, Can someone please validate the dimensionality of the TAR02 Account Review module. By default it has the Time Range set to Model Calendar and the timescale as Year. Do we need the time dimension for this module? Do I need to change the time setting of this module?
L3 Model Building Technical Exam Completion Issue
Hello, I have passed L3 Model Building Technical Exam with 90% score. However the same is not reflecting in the Learning Portal dashboard. Can anyone let me know whom to contact to get this issue resolved Regards Ashish Banka
Official Anaplanner
Just a quick question, I wanted to appear for Official Anaplanner certification. Do I need to complete Anaplan courses or I need workspace? Can I appear for the test without completing official Anaplan classes and not having workspace
INV 01 inventory ordering final forecast figures
HI My final figures for Forecast Demand in Inventory ordering s not matching with the one shown in training module LEvel2 sprint 3 .Please find attached the screen shots training and mine.i know figures are being pulled from DEM03 final forecast hence pls find below the blueprint view for the same too and let me know what…
model building activity 6 add formulas to REP04 module line items
hello. is there anybody, who can help with the LEVEL 1 Model Building Exam? I do not know what formulas to write in the model building activity 6
Level2 sprint 3
My figures in Inv 01 ordering is not matching with one given in training module I have attached both figures and formulas used please guide whta I am doing wrong