Map for Peru
We would like to have the Peru country Map including states/provinces to enhance an Anaplan implementation in a Mining Industry company. Any information required, we are more than happy to provide it
NUX - Text Card - Use Hyperlink Line Items as Dynamic Text Values
We are trying to put together a landing page where the user can see basic information about the purpose of the tool + and can have supporting links. With the new edits to the text cards, it is really nice to put together such page. I was trying to use dynamic text value functionality to use the text-hyperlink formatted…
Show Code and List Name on a card then the line items
Many clients like to see both the Code and the Name in a module. I know this can easily be done in an Export. It would be ideal to be able to do this on a card as well. Most of our clients end up using the concatenation of the Code and Name so that they can see both but encounter issues with the 60 character limit. This is…
Option to add page numbers to Management Report PDF files
In a Nordics User Group - Anaplan Roadmap session, a participant raised the request that Anaplan Product enable the option to have page numbers added to the pages on a Management Reporting report when printed out to PDF.
New UX: Maintain grid selection after a page refresh
Currently in the New UX when using sort functionality on a grid card and refreshing the page, if the list item in the grid is updated by the sort, the item selected changes. The expected behaviour would be to maintain the selection of the original list item not the newly updated list item.
Organise Apps in order of recents
Would organising Apps on the homepage in order of most recents help the navigational experience for end users, Additionally would a filter that allowed end users to filter based on their preferred order be a good addition? Lastly allowing users to pin content to the top of the categories?
Expanded Cards - Refresh Functionality
Allow for Refresh Functionality on Expanded Cards. When expanding cards, UX Title and Selection Icons - in particular to refresh button should remain visible.
Table Card
Can this table card functionality that was released recently be brought to the UX as well? Similar to text cards and how that feature was brought over from Management Reporting to UX...feel like this would be equally as awesome in the UX too! One of our clients requested something just like this and we wish we could…
New UX chart to update when a chart displays data which is a context selector of other chart
As a page builder, I want to define the context update source on a chart either series or axis. Today charts are synced on the x-axis but I want the option to sync on the series selected instead. So that I can set it up for my end users to update context when clicking a column on a chart to the relevant series or the axis…
Broken axis for waterfall charts
In cases where waterfall or bridge charts have first and last columns that are quite large relative to the intermediate values, a common visual improvement is to permit "broken" axis to emphasize the intermediate values. Can we get this option added to waterfall charts? See attached image for an example.
Option to display list properties on a grid
Customers very often request reports in which to show together properties and Time dimension as columns, similar to what they are used to see in an Excel: As of today, this is quite difficult to build in Anaplan. The most common solutions to deliver this requirement are: * OPTION A: Nest Time with line items on the columns…
NUX Filters/Context Selectors should Match Old UX and View Functionality
If a View made up of multiple dimensions has top-level summary items selected is published to the NUX, the same functionality where the view would essentially be "locked" is incorrectly represented in the NUX. Context selectors appear and a user is able to filter on elements they shouldn't have access to in narrowed view.…
Formatting and Variance Analysis from Management Reporting on UX
- It would be amazing to format/color the grid cards on boards similar to Management Reporting. Especially if the colors on row and column headers can be controlled via hex codes similar to regular CF, it will allow end users to implement company color schemas to page. this will definitely increase user adoption and allow…
Multi-select option in UI
The option to select multiple items from a list to populate a cell would be a big win for us e.g. a language field, where I can select multiple language and the cell would then be populated with "English;Afrikaans"
Add "Save and Close" option when changing Page settings
As a page builder, I want to be able to Save and Close the page settings dialog in a single click, so that I can save time and be more efficient with my work. As of today, I find that the majority of the time I press the Save button on the Page settings dialog, I immediately want to close the window. A common example is…
On charts: Allow labels to draw values from separate line items
On charts: Allow labels to draw values from separate line items instead of just the ones used to create the chart. A frequent use case is to create a column/bar chart where the bar length should represent a number but the label should represent % of base.
Create form in Dashboard with Instructions
It would be nice to have an option to provide a message when creating a form from Dashboard in order to create an item in a list. That way the end user could follow the instructions and understand the requirements in the pop-up window.
REQUEST: Allow for PB to 'Configure Actions' for a Page.
It would be nice if Actions could be added to a Page not just Cards. There are times where the user might need to run an action/process that is more Global/doesn't go with a particular card.
Management Reporting - Advanced Variance Calculations for Percentages
A current pain point I am experiencing is displaying variances in the calculations column within Management Reporting. While the addition of this feature solves some downfalls in the model for building complex variance columns with different formats, the downfall is the ability to produce an accurate variance on…
Enable "Show/Hide" for context selectors in the Custom View Editor window
When using a custom view, limiting the selections for a dimension that is set as a context selector a user must exit the custom view editor make that change from the Board Designer screen. It would be a page builder / model builder workflow improvement to allow the same "show / hide" functionality for the context selectors…