Specific company logo and/or header color
It would be nice if we could add a specific company logo either in the white navigation pane, either in the top blue navigation header (in this case by replacing the Anaplan logo or place it next to it). A bonus would be to select a specific color this blue navigation header. It would avoid adding the logo as an image…
Management reporting function
I will post for the first time. I wanted to describe the improvement request of Anaplan in Japanese, so I will post it here. * If possible, I would like Anaplan Community Japan to be able to post improvement requests in the future. Request for Management Reporting function I want to be able to change the size of the…
Chart Data Labels - Show only one, and make font bigger
Hello - Is there a way to show only one of the data labels in a combo chart in the New UX? a lot of data labels are overlapping each other and it looks like a mess. I tried manually updating the scale, but then the scale doesn't look right when I make different selections. Being able to only have one data label would be…
Allow multiple ways of seeing dates, eg 08/02/22 or 08/02/22- Tuesday
If we were able to do this then we wouldn't need a day of the week dimension to get the data to show users the day of the week, for one of my modules it could be shrunk from 5,400,000,000 cells to 771,000,000 greatly improving sparsity issues.
Please improve
The contents that I want you to improve are described below. * I want to change the font size in the grid of the management reporting. * I want to color each column on the grid of the management reporting. * I want to color the text and background color for each cell on the grid of the management reporting. * I want a…
Ability to create an export for Excel with multiple tabs (from different modules)
As an end user, it would be good if Anaplan will be able to generate a report (in excel format) with multi-page exports in one go. This is for better usability in the case where users need to do external reporting and to submit multiple NUX pages reports to someone who doesn't have access to the model, the process will be…
Enable the ability to Show / Hide the commenting functionality for each card.
There are too many "comments" icons on a board. This makes is easy for users to get confused about where to add comments or where to find comments that were previously entered. If you could "toggle" the comments function for each card, then you could limit a board to only 1 place where comments can be added--making it much…
REQUEST: allow for more dense/compact headers & rows
Way too much space for headers and sometimes rows...should not be allowed to only make wider. I need to make it more dense and see more data on my 1 screen. Thanks!
REQUEST: disable collaboration & expand on cards
No need to collaborate or expand blank text/spacer cards, thanks.
Merged: REQUEST: expand/collapse all UX landing page categories
This discussion has been merged.
Drill Down on Graphs - Disadvantage that Planning Analytics has!
Being able to drill down within the graph itself. See image:
REQUEST: Keep the selectors available at the top of the page while in edit mode
When the PB scrolls down the page the context selectors disappear while in Edit Mode. The feature of highlighting/graying out which context selectors affect which cards is really useful especially when editing a page that needs to scroll down. Something that would make the usability of the Edit Mode much better. @WillyT
Additional API testing # 2
more to come on this - stay tuned!
Change Time Period names by allowing an alternative
Without creating Fake time and having to do mappings in modules, why not allow an alternative to be displayed, which would simplify the build, but also give the customer the desired headings on time. They can have this simply on any other list. The example is a retail customer who has 4,4,5 and a non January start of year.…
Ability to customise message on Data Write Actions
The newly added Data Write actions which are available in Anaplan's UX have the potential to add a lot of functionality to UX pages which can benefit the end users. Currently, when a user runs a data write action, they receive a message at the top right of the screen saying Data Write action successful. It would be very…
Ability to put date/time stamp from Actions tab on a Dashboard
Would love to be able to get the actions details (i.e. date/time stamp) on a DB so read only users can see when an action is ran
REQUEST: Better handling of Conditional Formatting on a Line Item with an image
Currently if we apply a Conditional Format to a Line Item with an image URL and the Line Item is set to show the image the options of Background and Border seem to book give Background. Morse still works. It would be great if Border were to work correctly. Here are three examples: This shows that the Border CF ends up like…
Management Reporting - Styling improvements
This concerns specifically the desire to enhance Management Reporting support for additional font sizes, bold text (not limited to headers), support for bullets, additional presentation styling and adding simple shapes. There are some other overlapping Ideas already in Idea Exchange: * @erik.bangsund : you have a very…
UX: dynamic narrative of text for Boards and Worksheets
https://help.anaplan.com/594e1b9e-83c6-4041-ae2d-eb80335bda29-Use-dynamic-narrative-on-a-text-card Would be great if we could add dynamic narrative on a text card not only in MR, but across all UX types. It could make UI more compact so depending on selection users can get different insights. And it will not look like a…
REQUEST: Allow a My Page to be converted to a Published Page
This would be based on access. But it would allow a Page Builder to promote the excellent work of an individual on their My Page into a working dashboard for general usage across a team. @timothybrennan