Additional information in tooltip of a chart/graph/bubble in NUX
Hi, Currently, tooltip of chart/graph coverss selected number formatted line items in NUX. It would be great, if model builder could select multiple line items as additional information in tooltip of a chart/graph/bubble. For example, combo chart illustrates volume and price per country and I would like to select brand and…
Editing in Report page
Hi there, it would be great if user can edit input line items in Report page. Currently, cards in the reort page is only available for "read only". Thanks, Humay Kh.
REQUEST: allow for storing/copying/format painting of CF from one LI to another
Example. Here is a format I am using: This allows a user input cell to show up as pale grey when they haven’t entered anything and then to turn blue when they have. If I want to apply this repeatedly, to many different LIs it takes so many clicks. Here is another. This one makes things grey if there is no input yet and…
REQUEST: give us the ability to type to search while selecting a Module for a Filter Rule.
Right now the designer has to scroll through the list of Modules, searching for the right one.
REQUEST: Are we looking into any method of adding CF based on a non-numeric?
Boolean T/F List Formatted LI = Specific List Item @eschera : Boolean would be great. Bonus points for being able to leverage a separate (systems) module to drive conditional formatting.
REQUEST: allow the color of a column to be set based on a CF
Request: allow us to set max and min values on a CF that are a percentage/decile.
Allow us to set max and min values on a CF that are a percentage/decile. So the max for the list will flex based on the highest value. Or reference a module line item that flexes with the other numbers.
Request: allow the PB to drive the Plot Lines in a Scatter/Bubble Chart via values in the module.
Allow the Builder to drive the Plot Lines (position, title, and …color?)in a Scatter/Bubble Chart via values in the module.
REQUEST: hide the indicator for Card Type on Cards in the Additional Insights panel.
Right now each card still shows if it is an Action/Field/Text/etc…. when placed in the Additional Insights (in red). Those same Cards look so much nicer on a Board right now, as they don’t have this extra stuff up top (in green). I actually added a Title to one (Color Key) just so it doesn’t look like wasted space as much.…
REQUEST: allow CF to leverage a List Property
So I could have a Number formatted List Property set for each list member. Then, when applying a CF to a Line Item formatted as the List I could select the List Property as the driver for the CF. This would avoid the need to host a LI that just translates a List selection to a number for CF purposes. from @eschera Same for…
REQUEST: progress bars on the steps in the Process.
Or at least check marks that show up during the run so i can see what is running now vs already ran. And keep the process steps section open if it was open before hitting Run Process I have a process that runs slow sometimes. It would help to see which step in the process is the slowdown. And, maybe, run time by process?
UX add images in comments
For more connected collaboration would be good to be able to add images to the comments. This will allow users to send their screenshots with drawings they may want to add for better explantation of something. And with a power of contextual commenting it will give additional communication engagement. This may be used by…
Ability to put date/time stamp from Actions tab on a Dashboard
Would love to be able to get the actions details (i.e. date/time stamp) on a DB so read only users can see when an action is ran
Ability to customise message on Data Write Actions
The newly added Data Write actions which are available in Anaplan's UX have the potential to add a lot of functionality to UX pages which can benefit the end users. Currently, when a user runs a data write action, they receive a message at the top right of the screen saying Data Write action successful. It would be very…
Hyperlink to specific card in NUX
Currently, I am creating an app including multiple pages from different workspaces. I am using the "link to a page" Anaplan functionality to connect the pages together by the click of a button. When clicking this button, the end user is brought to the appropriate page, but still has to search to find the relevant card they…
3 Dimensional Charts
Currently, it appears that Combination Charts can only be created when there are 2 or fewer dimensions on an axis (assuming line items are a dimension). We need the ability to make charts with 3 dimensions (one nested). For example, I want the "product" dimension to show as stacked columns with actual amounts (line item),…
Ability to adjust column width in expanded view
When maximizing a grid its not possible to adjust the column width as when the grid is minimized. This is very useful because sometimes it isn't possible to view the whole cell if the content is long.
Dependent Dropdown in Forms doesn't work
I tried to work out a dependent dropdown in forms (New UX). It doesn't seem to be working It would be great if we can get this functionality.
Management Reporting - Open link to page in new tab
When looking at a management report and wanting to look at other dashboards in more detail it would be great if the link to page opens in a new tab. This way you can continue presenting and refer to the second tab for more information seamlessly. Currently you have to right click to open in new tab which isn't as seamless…
Too many blank spaces
The new UX in Anaplan has a lot of white/ blank space. This is especially not helpful when you are using Anaplan on a Phone/ Tablet.