Need help in creating correct Formula to get Employee expenses by Roles and Department
I assumed, I have created a formula using LOOKUP to get correct value in Employee expenses module however the outcome is incorrect when I am answering the questions related to it. Hence I believe my formula is incorrect. Not sure if someone having expertise on this can guide me to build a correct module here. Thank You…
12.4.1 Activity: Create Saved View for Non Employee Expenses
When I filter on Forecast months only (see screen shot) I can still see data from 2019 (second screenshot). What is wrong? Forecast months only looks like this:
Dear Team I have created a model in the space provided. Now i have forgotten hw to go back and access the model created. Could you please show me the path of the model which i have created. I want to access my model L1_MB_BalajiBirur
Issues in populating the start date and end date fir SYS08 Employee details
I tried to import the Employee details sheet into SYS08 Employee details module.. Except for the start and leave date, all other data got imported. I tried the Custom format for Date as well, it did not work.. If anybody has any soluton, pls help
Evenly Spread Amounts
Hello- We have two modules one for planning miscellaneous revenue and other for planning for OTPS. When a user enters an amount in the FY21 column the amount is not spreading evening for the forecast period. The forecast period is 6 months. Please see the attachment. I am not sure what I need to do to fix this.
- Import data into DAT03 Historic Volumes module
Hello, I'm receiving the attached error for step 9.1 - Model object "'DAT03 Historic Volumes'.Export" could not be located. 9.2 and 9.3 seemed to work fine. Thanks, Sean O
6.8.6 Activity: Add Formulas to Location Details Module
My Changes Please guide to resolve the issue , actually i am getting extra drill down feature next the Module name Not coming as required output Expected output Regards, Srinivas
Ability to shut down model's activity
Sometimes the model can be busy for too long. If there's a proccess running there are ability to terminate it with Model Management. However, if the model is busy because of huge view loading or other non-process reason there's no ability to stop it. I think it will be usefull if workspace administartors would have ability…
Level 1 Model Building : Question 2 not clear
not getting the answer of this question. Please suggest the answer of this question.
Urgent: Can we copy a module into another model within the same workspace?
Can we copy a module into another model within the same workspace?
Import Data into DAT04 Distribution Center Parameters Module
Hello, I'm trying to import Weekly Safety Stock Csv file into the DAT04 Distribution Center Parameters Module. I'm not sure if something is wrong with my mapping, because I'm not getting any error, the import is being successful without data from the Csv, import results tab says ignored, why is my import getting ignored?…
Colour Formatting of Headers in Board View / Worksheet View
Hi, At present there are no Options to Highlight / Color the Headers (Row / Column) in New UX Board View or Worksheet view. Since on a board I have approx 100 line items which are further segregated in 4-5 sections. For a better visibility as a viewer / reviewer one should be able to clearly segregate the line items based…
L1MB Activity 5
Hi Team, Looking for some guidance on L1MB Activity 5. I built the following code: IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMPO3 Employee Drivers By Role'.Bonus %[LOOKUP: 'SYSO8 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYSO8 Employee Details'.Role] ELSE 0 But get the following error message: "Automatic sum of 'EMPO3 Employee Drivers By…
Hello Everyone, The values for 'Revenue and Cost of sales' are not appearing in the REP02 Size Margin Report Module. Please find attached screenshots for your reference. Please help me.
Ability to hide process details (eg list of actions, details and outcome, if needed)
As a model builder I want to have the option of hiding the entire process details when running a process so that the user experience is simplified, where possible. For example : we might have a number of import actions clubbed in a single process to manage and update filters displayed on a dashboard. This process would…
How to get the first year from a Boolean
hi! I want to get a year. If there is a Boolean value at the beginning throughout the year, we get the year How do i do? Please help me!
max date
Hi Anaplan expert, The module below has a numbered list and some line items. The formula on the Max Date field is Date[MAX: Date]. I didn't get any results. Could you please tell me how the formula to get the max date from the Date field is? Regards,
Level 3 UX Prototypes
Hello, For the creation of UX Prototypes in Level3 MB, kindly suggest how to start designing the UX. For Assigning to Accounts Territory I am unable to design. Please advice. Thank you, Sneha.
Logics can be used for repetitive Users
Hi I am having a module with Products list as dimension and Users(Default Users formatted), Status and Boolean(Target Line item) as line items. I need Boolean to be checked for the Products wherever Users are same and Status is Inactive. UsersStatusBooleanproduct1User AActive Product2User AInactiveTRUEproduct3User…
Target Adjustment
Hi Community, If regional sales executes adjust an accounts data manually, then should we adjust the remaining accounts targets in an proportionate manner to meet the overall country target? Is that a fair assumption ? Thanks & Regards Badam
Anaplan UX Color Scheme by Model - Alternatives Color scheme depends on environment
You can now toggle the model source within a page in New UX. There's no easy visual way to know if you are in your Dev or Prod environment. Having the ability to change Anaplan default blue color scheme to something else driven by Model level attribute, would allow us to quickly see if we are in the Dev vs Prod model (ie:…
7.2.4 help needed
I cant seem to remove the entry (sales) in the department row so that it can reflect exactly what was given in the example. Please how can I resolve this?
Level 1 Model Building Exam Model Building Activity 6
I need a little help figuring out why I’m getting the the message pictured when entering my formulas.
Get Last data in all time
Hi, I use week General as Time setting. I want to get Last day in all time. Module A Time2021/1/12021/1/22021/1/32021/1/42021/1/52021/1/62021/1/7Num1111111Offset(Num,1,0)1111110Last day 2021/1/7 I can get last day in Module A. But I couldn't get in Module B( has no time, has Product List) Module B ProductLast…
SUM Function and List ALL
I want to aggregate the order From Table A to B. Table A RegionProductamountax100 y10bx200 y20 Table B Regionaggregatex300y30 I input the formula as below. Aggregate = Amount [SUM:Region] But I could not calculate it. If I have RegionALL as Region's top level of item, I could calculate it. We should use Top level of item…
how to use Lookup when source module has no dimensions.
My source module has no dimensions so How do I use lookup to transfer my data to result module. My Source file My Result module Data should onlu inserted in ABS not other two.
Exam Activities
Is there any way to get back on track. I think since I didn't get the right set up for the Activity 5, All of my answers have been wrong since even though I am adding new modules. Do I have to scrap the example? because I also made the mistake of having my model open and some things were built out in there by mistake.
8.2.2 Activity: Add Volume Inputs Module
Hello, I am getting this annoying error. I have looked up into community but haven't found any solution.
New Modelling Experience: New formula editor goes straight into edit mode
In the new modelling experience, when expanding the formula bar to display the whole formula in the new formula pane at the bottom of the screen it goes straight into 'edit' mode. This means that if you then click on another line item it adds '+[Line Item Name] onto the formula without you meaning to do so. Anaplan need to…
Which aggregate function is good at performance
Hi, I want to use aggregate function. I want to aggregate "Date" Lineitem from Order A&B to Aggregation Module. Date Lineitem has Date format. I use " OrderA.Date[Max:Product]" as Formula. And I can also use "Fristnonblank" and so on because Date Lineitem is common in module. Which Formula is good at performance? Each…