Organise/ sort the card template library
Card templates are really helpful but unfortunately, you can't sort or arrange them in the library. If there was some way to organize them (into folders perhaps) or change their order that would be great. Thanks Tom
Ability to integrate with CI tools
While Anaplan is great as a simple development platform, it lacks Continuous Integration-related features as a full-fledged development platform. There are many excellent CI tools in the world, and they are very effective in improving development efficiency and maintaining quality. Reference:…
Be able to see subsets below their parent list in the Lists tree
It could be great if we could see in a tree view the lists and their attached subsets. It is particularly useful when exploring a model previously created by someone else.
Backup - Archive PY cells
Rather than functioning towards excel for the previous year / excluded year data to save for future. There must be a process which will archive the data as soon as year got changed in TIME settings (with the warning popup) within given model and ready to refer as and when require. [Benefit]: Get rid of multiple models…
Auto Suggestions towards model improvements
Anaplan must offer a functionality which auto suggest (time and again) what are the least referred lines items / lists / modules from model optimization point of view. This will help dev team to optimize the model with the unnecessary objects. (e.g. Business may get a big / small list implemented but over the period of…
suppress zero on all chart types
We can currently suppress zero on waterfall charts but don't have the option to do this on other charts such as Pie & Donut Charts. We could apply a filter to exclude zeros but in an effort to keep things consistent it would be good to have the option on all chart types. This would also give the ability to end-users to…
Workspaces management self service
As a tenant admin, i would like to be able to manage workspaces from within the administration console : - create new ws - allocate memory to ws - assign ws admin rights to users - allow these operation to be done through an api admin This is required because : we currently need to perform such tasks on a regular basis and…
Select which elements on a page should be exported to PDF
When building a board in the UX I would like an option to show or not show each element (e.g. if I have user filters showing that I might not want to export) when the board is exported as a pdf, both for tiles and for page selectors, headings, etc
Moving models to new workspaces
Hi am new to Anaplan and recently requested for the creation of my own personal workspace as I continue with model building journey past Level 2. I did this as the training workspace allocated to new learners is getting rather cluttered. Upon the creation of my personal workspace, the next step would of course be to move…
Enabling Subsets to be maintained from user interface or even a formula.
Sometimes there is a necessity to be able to update the Subset from the User interface. For example when you add a new Equipment and you are using a list of subsets to limit the size and selections. In this case it is only possible to update the Subset after you have created the list member. It is an inconvenience and…
Ability to Archive apps in the new UX
In the new UX, we would like an ability to archive Apps. For those leveraging app copies as a part of their ALM process, it requires keeping copied versions of the app for a period, which clouds up views for end users and causes confusion, or backups of the apps themselves as retained by Anaplan. We would like more…
Current page Context for page filters
I have a module with a list-1 in rows list-2 in columns list-3 in pages list-4 in pages. The dropdown for list-4 is dependent on item selection from list-3 and vice versa. Filters are created for that but when applied, I couldn't see the option of Current context. Alternative work around could be creating hierarchical…
Context selectable parent to add list member via Form in NUX
When adding a new list member via a Form in NUX, it is not currently possible to choose the parent by selecting it from the list in another grid on the worksheet. This would be similar to the CREATE action in classic dashboards. While you can prompt the user to select the parent (or hard-code it), in many cases the lists…
New UX grid card Multi-row dimension sizing
Hi, I have a grid to publish in New UX page where it requires 2 dimensions in rows. It would be helpful if we can have an ability to resize the width for each dimension. In my case (in the image), Dimension 1 in rows have smaller names and dimension 2 in rows have larger name which requires sizing but with less extra white…
Remove "reset" from top right corner of UX PDF board exports
When exporting a board as a PDF if a page selector has been used to drill down into a certain area, for example, the reset icon exports as well! It makes what would have been professional looking outputs look amateur. Please can this be fixed?
Ability to add dimension headers in exports
There should an option to add the dimension header that are placed in rows while exporting by end user using the export option is grid. For example if I am using the SKU list as the row dimension and user is trying to export the data from the grid published in pages, there should be an option to get the SKU as the header…
New ux filter reset
Hi Team When designing a Grid, once we have set a layout and filtered on any Rows/Columns and later decide to rearrange item Pages / Rows / Columns all the filters get reset. Is it possible to retain the filter settings even while rearranging items on the grid layout? Thanks Kudi
NUX: More options for refresh button
It would be great to have more options where to place the refresh button in NUX - when you are working with dependent pages that you have opened in more panels, you always need to click the refresh button to see how the change got reflected in the other page - because it is so widely used, it would be great to have an…
NUX Changing Source model during Migration
Changing Source model during Migration is a hectic manual process. Every time the Model Workspace and model needs to be selected as a dropdown. Imagine changing the source for 100s of pages. This is time consuming process. It would be better if we have can a copy and drag down functionality to select the Model Workspace…
NUX: Improvements to Text Card
Don't think a similar idea has been posted previously. In TEXT cards, it would be great if we can change the following: 1. The heading colors to be Hex Code (RGB Range) based so that there is a variety of options that caters to branding requirements. 2. Similar to how Image cards and links to other pages work, it would be…
NUX: Conditional Formatting to be RGB Hex Code based
Hi, Couldn't find a similar pre-existing idea, hence the post. The conditional formatting on KPI cards or Grid cards in NUX has been very useful. I am keen to see the color range options in the formatting to be expanded further and include the Hex Code (RGB) range, similar to what we have in Chart cards. This can be useful…
Fail a process if any subsidiary action contains errors
I would like the option to fail an entire process if one or more actions within that process contains errors. For example, if any errors exist when updating a list, I do not want the next import to run that loads properties of that list into a module.
Request Enhancement - reference the Year from the Current Fiscal Year set in Time
Request Enhancement - ability to reference the Year, as a number, from the Current Fiscal Year set in Time...similar to how we can refer to current period with currentperiodstart(). In our case, we don't use the Current Period parameter, so are not able to derive FY from it. Thanks, this would be really helpful and even a…
Excel Add-in options
When we produce monthly cost report, we need to keep apart every department because are confidential data (every department can't know the other departments expenses). With the previous tool (BPC) we could exclude empty/zero cells, select the single department and refresh data every month: was not waste of time. Now, if…
Right Click Filter Option make available on Boards
Currently the right click and filter option is only available on worksheets but would be preferable to also have this on boards in order to bring consistency for end users across the application. It is particularly applicable for cases where they have a secondary module published on a worksheets where you could have…
Add Cascading of Filters in NUX
In classic dashboards the quick filter will only display items that are visible in the grid, but in the NUX the filter options include all list items, even if they aren’t visible. It would be nice if the filters in the NUX worked the same as classic (see screenshots)
Pull the mapping for Imports and source for each model in a tenant
Currently, the only way to extract the information for Import and source mapping is from individual model through the Anaplan interface. These mappings are very useful to track how the data flows across different models and files. To be able to identify how the data flows using this metadata is going to help eliminate a…
Model Name as a Field in Blueprint view
Hello there, I had an idea, I believe this idea can open up a lot of possibilities as to how you can leverage the blueprint view for Model optimization and performance management. I see that the newly released Module Name field has opened up a lot of possibilities when analyzing my blueprint views. I am trying to build a…
Add Dynamic Actions
Please add dynamic actions that only run based on a boolean line item. For example, when importing transactional data other lists may require updating if a new item is detected. If actions in a process could dynamically run based on boolean line item, model builders could improve model speed during updates.
Add Conditional Formatting to Action Cards
Please add the ability to conditionally format actions cards within the NUX. Superficially, may appear minor, however this would be a powerful way to guide users in apps and provide workflow. For example, a page builder could highlight any actions that require running. As a additional benefit, this would help model…