Integration tool to show Tree Map Graphs in UX or Dashboard
As we know, Anaplan don't have graph like Tree Map Graph to show Distribution decision like picture below Is there any option or integration to represent data from anaplan to Tree Map Graph like picture above?
Pushing data from SQL to Data Hub via ADF
Hi all, I am currently creating an environment in ADF to push data from SQL to an Anaplan module which in our current toolset (Informatica) works perfectly via the Anaplan API connector but not so much via ADF having had to do the work manually given there is no connector. Has anyone here done this and if so, do you have…
Workflow: Can we use Import Actions with Source Type = File ?
Dear Community, we are struggling with a topic and would be glad about some help. We want to create a Workflow that starts with an Import Action that requires the User Upload of a CSV file. The user has to deliver a lot of data on various planning dimensions, which is why manual entry of data is no option. Data is coming…
Snowflake Integration : Anaplan Connect with Private key
Hi All Anaplan connect is unable to extract private key while making a JDBC connection to snowflake. Error says “Try setting the JVM argument: -Dnet.snowflake.jdbc.enableBouncyCastle=TRUE” I believe I am using the supported version of Java (v8) & the latest version of Anaplan connect(4.2.1). I have converted.p8 to .pem…
Inquiry Regarding Zero Chunk Count in Anaplan Integration API V2 Downloads
I am currently working with the Anaplan Integration API V2 to download a list of files and obtain their corresponding file IDs. In previous downloads, the chunk count for the files was correctly indicated. However, I have noticed that the chunk count for the same files now shows as zero, despite no changes being made to…
404 error when using API imports endpoint
Hi! When I try to use the imports endpoint I only get a 404 not found error. The api documentation I have been following is I first noticed the issue when running this: https://github.com/qkeddy/anaplan-audit-history so I tried with Postman and I got the same error message. If I run a GET to the specific model or workspace…
Embed python into looker
Is there a natural way to wrap Python code to display in Looker? The ideal dataflow for my problem is SQL DB->python-> looker, or alternatively, looker->python-> looker. I am hoping to embed a.py into lookML so that I can automate python analysis, ready to display in looker.
Integration - Constraints on Data Volumes/Frequencies
Are there materials regarding constraints around data volumes and load frequencies for the various Anaplan Integration options? Any user feedback or limitations that you have seen? Thank you
14.1 Using Workflow in Anaplan (30 minutes) is not running properly. It is getting stuck in between.
Scheduled Process not Working when Scheduled, but does work when manually run
We are having an issue with an action/process not updating when it runs as scheduled that I am hoping to get some assistance on fixing. This process runs overnight every night and is designed to store a snapshot of the weekly lag 0 forecast. The source is a Saved View with a time filter of current week to end month 3 so it…
Anaplan Integration with Azure blob
Hi all, I'm an Azure BI person trying to setup Anaplan integration with Azure blob. As mentioned in Anapedia related to cloudworks I tried to setup connection by clicking the "new connection" option, but not able to find any relevant "service" in the dropdown list. Is there anything else I have to do before hand? I have…
Anaplan Connect 400 error
Manually upload file works but run process with Anaplan Connect gets an error Who knows the reason? C:\Users\admin>C:\Anaplan\Batch\AnaplanClient.bat -keystore "C:\Anaplan\Certificate\keystore.jks" -keystorepass "xxxxxxx" -keystorealias "xxxxx" -workspace "workspaceid" -model "modelid" -service " https://api.anaplan.com"…
How to get the model size using the API?
I'm currently using the Anaplan API with the Anaplan Client to send and receive API requests. I wanted to get the size of all the models and this is the code I am using: set Operation=-debug -service %ServiceUrl% -auth %AuthUrl% -models Output : Now, the output is displayed directly in cmd. Is there any way to get the…
Facing issue in column separator
Hi everyone, In the source we are using pipe to separate the columns .In anaplan i have created action using .csv file and now changing the column separator from import data source ans using "|" instead of column. For some data element this is working fine but in few in module i dont see any data. also when open the action…
Does Transactional APIs supports data query?
Hi, I'm new to the Anaplan platform and I'm working on Transactional APIs to consume data from a model and view. I'm using the API collection from the docs and the following endpoint to get data - {{int_v2_base_url}}/2/0/models/{{modelId}}/views/{{viewId}}/data?format=v1 I'm not able to find any examples online on how can…
Is it possible to prevent Copy / Paste into a line item with a dependent dropdown?
Recently during testing, we learned that despite the dependent dropdown setting, users are still able to copy / paste data into the line item as long as it is a member of the list. Is there a way to prevent users from doing this? Risk is that we are using the input as the basis for mapping and we do not want data to be…
NMX) L1 Model Building - 10: Expense Modules not loading
Hi, the training web page is not loading. I have already completed the first 9 modules of the training in the same laptop and browser but , the 10th module as highlighted above is returning a blank screen without any error messages. Once I click enter in the below screenshot a blank page is opening and nothing else.Please…
Selecting Authentication for Anaplan Connect
Hi All, I am testing Anaplan Connect. I used the script builder to build me a script. However, when I went to run it I got the following error: unable to find valid certification path to requested target executing POST https://auth.anaplan.com/token/authenticate (SSL handshake: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException:…
How to set a serial number based on multiple properties
Hello, I want to set a serial number based on multiple Properties. I'm trying to set a serial number based on a TEXT type key item, but I'm not getting the expected results. I'm trying to implement this using the RANK Function. If there is an implementation method, could you please guide me? The "RANK_2" in this diagram is…
Cloudwork Data source file from subdirectory in S3 bucket
Hi, We tried to connect data source in subfolder of S3 bucket, through existing cloudworks connection with same AWS S3 bucket. However, no luck so far even not able to see the sub-folder or the csv file under the sub-folder, in the cloudwork setup i.e. link data source in process. Not 100% sure if couldworks is able to see…