Update Start Time without ALM and Current Month / Week by Automatic Batch
Today, we need to update Start Time in DEV then do an ALM but it can be complicated if we have developments on going. We would like to be able to do it directly in our PROD Model. We would like also to be able to do it automatically by batch/API, same need to update Current Month / Week and all Times Settings etc.
Automatically remap line items in import actions
As a model builder, i would need that in the following conditions : - an import mapping uses manual mappings for line items - the source line item name(s) are changed in the source module, that the manual mapping would be updated automatically or alternatively that we get a blocking mechanism that alerts us upon trying to…
Backup - Archive PY cells
Rather than functioning towards excel for the previous year / excluded year data to save for future. There must be a process which will archive the data as soon as year got changed in TIME settings (with the warning popup) within given model and ready to refer as and when require. [Benefit]: Get rid of multiple models…
Anaplan Excel Add-in Prerequisites
I wanted to share an uncommunicated prerequisite for the Anaplan Excel Add-in 4.x series. Reading through prerequisites, the documentation explicitly indicates certain items that are not natively part of an operating system, like the version of MS Office or the supporting technologies of .NET 4.7.2 and Visual Studio Tools…
Make all API's available across tenants.
Currently most API calls only work within the default tenant. As a developer this limits the ability to work with other projects. For all api calls add /customerid/xxxxx-xx-xx-x-x/ to the path to reference another tenant. If tenant id is not supplied then default to the users default tenant. example: When listing…
Indicate the source module in a worksheet
Our users need to know the source module in a worksheet in order to be able to use the Addin Excel extension. It's possible to see it in a card on a Board, it is regrettable not to offer this information also in a worksheet. Board: Worksheet 😞 :
Ability to add dimension headers in exports
There should an option to add the dimension header that are placed in rows while exporting by end user using the export option is grid. For example if I am using the SKU list as the row dimension and user is trying to export the data from the grid published in pages, there should be an option to get the SKU as the header…
Excel Add-in options
When we produce monthly cost report, we need to keep apart every department because are confidential data (every department can't know the other departments expenses). With the previous tool (BPC) we could exclude empty/zero cells, select the single department and refresh data every month: was not waste of time. Now, if…
Export - Labels change order without Deleting and Re-entering
Real world instance: A request to either re-order, add in new columns, or update an existing export with new information. Current Solution: Clear all of the properties prior to the new column's location and re-enter all of the properties that were required to be deleted. This takes time, and is susceptible to mistakes. New…
Google Sheets Add-on: remove connection owner limitation
Currently only the one person who sets up the google sheet connection to Anaplan can refresh the sheets. It will be much better since we are a team and sometimes don't want to just rely on one person to refresh the connection. Or if the person needs to take vacation, then no one can refresh the connection other than to…
List Subset Definition based on formula
Is it possible to add functionality to make list subsets based on formula? Currently we have to either manually select list items to be included in subset or need an import action to update based on subset logic written somewhere else. Can we have option to add formula directly on list subset definition? This will help a…
Display an action's Start Date and Time (UTC) on a page for the end user to view
Are there plans to allow the Start Date and Time (UTC) of an action to be forward facing to end users? This could potentially be shown as a tooltip where actions are published on to the page.
UX View the action in progress during a process
I would like to be able in the UX to see what action is in progress when I run a process like it is possible when we run the process directly in the model. Here is an example : This could be interesting with big process that take time to know exactly what action is currently processing and not only with the loading bar and…
Source Object Name refresh in Import Data Sources tab of Actions (Model Settings)
The Source Object Name in the Import Data Sources tab of the Actions section in Model Settings is a very helpful piece of information when tracing source module views used in Actions. Model builders normally export this information to an Excel output and filter on the source object name to check which actions are dependant…
Ability to use Line Number as the List Member when Importing from Excel/Google Sheets
There are times when we are importing data that Anaplan recognizes a row of data as a duplicate, but the duplicated data has meaning to our end users. Anaplan is able to tell us in the error message which line of data the duplicate was on. Is it possible to create an option to use the row number as the list member to avoid…
New UX: Ability to view and export "codes" as labels in grid view
When producing a grid table, it would be useful to have the option to also bring through the code in a separate column/row next to the display name and have the ability to show or hide these depending on the user requirements. Likewise, having the option to export with the code. A small example is below. I note the export…
Excel Add-in: refresh all connections in a workbook at once
Hi It would be great if you could refresh all connections at once in one excel workbook. Currently, each sheet has to be done manually. In some of our excels we use for reporting, I have 15-20 sheets as currently you can only have 1 connection / 1 sheet. This would help a lot in efficiency. Thanks Kinga
Search in Select source
Please add the option to search from "select and existing source" while defining and import. Currently, we need to scroll up and down and it is tedious if the list is big.
Option to select Column Headers starting column(optional)
Hi All, I am seeing this error for a long time, so I thought of sharing this here, there might be a solution which I don't know. if there is a solution pls share it. Let's assume I have an import template as follow Column 1 - Display Name of the List Items Column 2 - Unique Code Column 3 to end - TIME(JAN 21, FEB 21,...)…
3 Improvements for Comments in the New UX
Hi, I'm missing 3 basic capabilities on the current comments' fucntionality to be able to use it for my clients: 1- Comments are not flagged to end user 2- Not recorded in full context (in all dimensions I'm looking at) 3-No option to publish or export from Anaplan This custom fucntionality I built allows me to overcome…