Sort action in users list (in the workspace)
Hi all could it be possible to add a sort action in the user list window of the workspace ? Indeed, we have to do one by one if we want to remove users from workspace(s) in the Administration console. With the list sorted in the workspace, it will be easier to identify and select the desired users to be removed instead of…
Merged: User license management in Administration section
This discussion has been merged.
Administration Console - ability to export data and customise fields
In the Anaplan Administration Console - ability to export data and customise fields e.g. export to csv enabled users; so we can check with external systems. Easier to update when people leave the company for example. Also add fields if required e.g. email addresses
Archiving Multiple Models at once in a Workspace
Hi Team, As part of Administrator activities, we cleanup old/test models in our workspaces to restore the space available. As of now, we can archive only one model at once. This would be a tedious job when we have to archive old training models. Is there a way that Anaplan can provide an option at least for Tenant Admins…
New Workspace - Models listing view needs to be expanded
For Tenant Admins, in the new configuration view under: Admin > Workspace > Models, you can no longer see the name of the Models, they are cut-off and you cannot expand the pane in any way. This "new" UI for Tenant Admins is pretty much useless, especially if you use nomenclature or naming conventions for model names.…
Model Map - export as a file e.g. image e.g. .jpg
for complex model maps; the ability to export these as images is really useful; for documentations. Especially parts of complex model maps.
Disable the Cell History functionality by Dashboard
Would be great to have the possibility to disable the Cell History functionality by Dashboard.
User security use Department ID instead of Anaplan assigned number.
While reviewing security; the exported view only shows the Anaplan assigned number instead of the department ID that user's can access. With the delivered functionality, we have to manually review each user's access individually in the system to open the window that defines the assigned number with the Department ID. This…
Add user model role and selective access changes in Hypercare report.
It would be good to be able to view user model role change logs in Anaplan Hypercare report. This is usefully for system and SOX audit to identify users that have gained access to Full Access role which is generally considered Privilege access.
Internal and Visiting Users.
We need to implement cloudworks in a client, and for that we need to be Internal Users so we are able to assign the Integration Admin Role to one of our users. Currently we are Internal users in our Partner workspace, and we are not being able to delete the user and log in as Internal Users on the client workspace. How…
IP Restrictions Per User
Currently, Anaplan IP restrictions apply to the entire tenant. We would like to apply IP restrictions to a single user account that we use for API access and automations.
Add last login time & UserID (hex value) to Visiting Accounts
At present I am only able to see Last Login Time and UserID for 'Internal Users' but not 'Visiting Users' in Administration. While you can dig into the auditing logs this is very cumbersome. Would like to see this information on the Administration Dashboard pages for Visitor Accounts just like you can Internal Users.
Allow the User Admin Role Permission to Export Assignments
Currently, only a Tenant Admin can click the Export button to export the list of users with Administration level roles. The User Admin Role should also be able to export this user list.
Users Specific Data and Users List Deletion Retrieval Process
Problem: I have a user specific dashboard that contains the planning numbers for each user and the corresponding User ID(Users List applied) with it and each user has multiple lines corresponding to them but somehow mistakenly I deleted all the users from the Users Tab in Production Environment. Now the line item which was…
Welcome email to no access people.
We moved a model to new workspace, so we have exported user report from previous workspace where no access people also there and added them to new workspace ( As we are not sure that revoked access will change in future). When we added them no access people also received welcome email, if they are not having access why…
Additional Audit Reports for History Logs
We would like two separate audit reports at workspace level, one for Admin changes and one for data changes: 1) Audit report for admin changes will capture all config changes and users should have ability to filter the object they are searching for (for example: filter on Models, Modules, Lists, Dashboards etc). 2) Audit…
Restrict 'Workspace Size Limit' notifications to specific users.
Description of the enhancement required: Restrict 'Workspace Size Limit' notifications to specific users. An example of the enhancement: Only Administrators and Developers would be shown the 'Workspace Size Limit' toaster when reaching WS capacity. A story for why you want the enhancement: When a workspace is nearing its…
Associate Selective Access with Role
Description of the enhancement required: Create user access selective access by role An example of the enhancement: Selective access could be attached to a role rather than to individual users. How would it help their business process: Assign roles individually to people and selective sync to that role vs. having to update…
Ability to copy, erase, edit more than 10000 cells
Description of the enhancement required: The ability to copy, erase, edit more than 10,000 cells. An example of the enhancement: More than 10,000 cells may be manually deleted or copied. How would it help their business process: I want to wipe out data in a column for all employees in a certain department. There are over…
Ability to roll back a Production model that has been synced with ALM to a point prior to the synch
Description: Ability to roll back a Production model that has been synced with ALM to a point prior to the synchronization. Example of enhancement: Go to history, restore to an ID prior to the last sync. Benefit/impact: Safety net for speed that does not involve going through support to get back lost data. Sense of comfort…