blue toaster - on large models
Hi Team, As we work with larger and larger models - Data Hub and now Hyper Models the instances of blue toaster errors are becoming intolerable for most people. Even the slightest error can result in blue toaster for 10mins per time. It other forms of IT there is a distinction between verbose error handling and truncated…
Add Codes to Modules
Idea Add unique system generated codes to modules/lists/actions/dashboards that cannot be changed. Purpose Allow for easier documentation of modules/lists/actions/dashboards by referring to system code. As codes do not change, references will stay valid even if names change. I imagine that unique codes already exist for…
End User display name
I have an end user in Japan who would like his name displayed in double sided in Japanese and English. Idea proposal: Much like a numbered list item can have a display name, so too with end users there would be an option to use either the email address or input text to display as the user name.
ALM Role
Create a new role for ALM admin. This role has the possibility to deploy models and to undeploy models. This way you can prevent that workspace administrators take a model out of deployed model by incident. In our setup we do need people to be workspace admin to be able to assign user roles etc but we do not want them to…
Retrieve Cell Data for a view via API for non-admin users
We are able to retrieve cell data for a view, but that’s possible only for Workspace Administrators. Generic accounts always do not have admin licenses and there's no way they can read cell data. Without admin setup we are not able to neither wright back, nor read back. If non-admins could read cell data it would allow to…
Allow User Admins to Enable/Disable Workspace Administrator Configurations
Fully replicating a non-administrator's access requires a model builder to either have two Anaplan accounts (one with WSA and without WSA) or requires another WSA to disable/enable the model builder's WSA configuration. The first option can be infeasible for certain Anaplan customers, and the second option becomes…
Option to bring the target model back online automatically after synchronization is complete
In the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) environment, when synchronizing models there is a checkbox to "Take the target model offline" at the beginning of the synchronization process. I would like to see a checkbox added on the same window to "Place the target model online when the process completes". This would bring…
Redirecting a failed log-on to the Status page
As a Tenant Administrator, I want Anaplan to redirect my end users to the following status page whenever they face a failed log-on caused by an Anaplan platform outage (either planned or unplanned): status.anaplan.com So that my end users can be informed about the root cause of this specific type of log-on failure.
Tenant Admin Enhancements - User Management
As a tenant admin user who's instance spans many organizations, workspaces, and contracts on the same tenant, there is a need to enhance the tenant admin for user management/reporting across the platform. Our instance holds hundreds of unique users belonging to different groups, functions, workspaces and models. Currently…
Change history
My customer is requesting a change history recording function as in Excel. Multiple users normally work on the same grid at the same time; at that time, they want to display the change history of which other users changed which cell and how on the screen. Without that functionality, it's possible that users don't realize…
Users Administration Export function and expanded filters
On the new user administration page, we can see when people last logged in, but we can't filter on anything except "enabled / disabled". Would be great to either export to excel to be able to filter / count easily, or to have better filtering options. For example, we need to count how many people accessed Anaplan in the…
Tenant Administrator Export Functionality Does Not Work
The export functionality within the Administrator section does not export what is filtered on the screen at the time of export. For Example: Within the Administration view, under Access Control --> Roles. When I click on the number shown under field "Users Assigned", my screen correctly displays the users assigned to that…
Support commercial key stores in Anaplan Connect
Add support for commercial key stores to Anaplan Connect. In addition to the supported Java key store, include support for AWS Secrets Manager and Azure Key Vault. These could be plugin components, or just a pluggable architecture for customers to add their own code to support commercial key stores.
Key user ID based on Company unique ID
Hello all, Further to our Company rebranding, we faced the issue to be unable to log into Anaplan with our profile due to the change of our email adress extention. Instead of using email as principal attribute in our configuration, it would be of interest to be able to use our internal registration number, that is unique…
UX: Card Blocks/Groups
Initial Idea: (1) Would be nice to be able to group cards on a page into a single container and save it as a single template. This will allow me to save time on repetitive builds where I have to publish the same header with 10+ separate cards on all my pages (workflow status steps, filters, company photo, custom…
Access multiple tenants with Tableau connector
As an Anaplan Partner / solution consultant I need to analyse regularly data from Anaplan Customers. To do this efficiently, I want to have direct access from Tableau via the Connector to multiple tenants / customers without the need of downloading large data sets to the hard drive (which in my opinion is unsecure).
Internal access (Full access) for Cloudworks to work on Selective access in Admin Portal
Hi Team, At present for the cloudworks actions to read the lists with selective access, 'internal (full) access' must be enabled within the list, which is quite tough to do in a live production model without disturbing the user's access. It would be ideal and intuitive if the access was controlled externally either through…
Unpublished Changes Tag NUX
As a Workspace Admin I would like to see pages that have unpublished changes. I can use this following any ALM push to publish the changes to ensure pages are updated.
Role Access Setup
It would be good to have the "Roles" section ie Roles -> Modules, Roles -> Actions, etc to be production items. Recently we've had need to give access to certain items for differing roles and whilst a quick thing to do having to do a DEV sync particularly if you're in a DEV cycle is quite the onerous item. Below is one of…
Allow DCA on actions
It would be helpfull if DCA is enabled on actions & processes. So a lock model functionality blocks a user from being able to upload on top of not being able to manually input numbers. Thanks