Line chart and Combination charts to allow independent data labels
Line chart and Combination charts to allow data labels to be added on a line by line not all or nothing
New UX Idea - Show History while drill down
New UX is missing one useful feature presented in classic. Show history while drilling down is available in classic. But not in New UX:
Configure colour of Input Text
Hi Team, would like to be able to configure colour of input text. Not getting the purple. This may be linked to wider effort in the colour formatting - grid headers, background. Customers are demanding more from the colour palette. Thanks
Formatting NUX
I would like to have the option in NUX to: -color format rows on the grids -convert full numbers to millions/thousands. -apply background colors on cards. -more font and styles on headers/titles
Quick Links in New UX
Hi Everyone, I would like to suggest an idea about quick links. New ux is the one which will highlight our modeling efforts, in the process of building the n number of dashboards in each category I have found one conflict. In worksheet we will give quick links for easy navigation, what I have found here if we want to…
Image/Branding and formatting of Page Title bar
In the New UX at the moment we have a very limited space on the page. We want to limit scrolling as much as possible but have more basic customization and branding features. As such I think that the ability of placing an image and maybe even more details on the page title would be great ! Here is a random example of a menu…
Report Page - Table formatting options for font size and colors
Enable increasing the font size of tables in a Report page similar to font size in text card. On placing a text card next to the tables card, the font size in tables are very small in comparison to other text. For better readability, it would be great to have this feature enabled. Adding colors for text would a "good to…
UX idea: Pictures on published actions and processes
To make interface more user-friendly I propose to add ability to appy some images instead of action labels. Currently you can use emojis instead of an action label. But this means you are limited by existing emojis and they also can look diferent on different browsers and devices. Would be nice if we could choose an image…
Allow the Page Builder to select if a Card will show in the Mobile App or not
There are situations where certain cards are used purely to get other cards to be properly aligned. There are other cards that make sense/are nice in the desktop experience but are extra/noisy in the Mobile experience. The request: give the ability for the PB to uncheck a switch/slider. The result would be that the…
New UX: Set a Default Source Model in each Slide / Dynamic way to refresh source Model
It would be useful to have an option to set a Default Source Model in each Slide of the Report allowing users to reconcile data between 2 or 3 models in a single Report without the need of reselecting source Model in each Slide again and again AND/OR instead of opening multiple Reports side by side and do reconciliation.…
UX: Change available hierarchy levels on global page selectors if used as a dimension
Currently I can change available list items and hierarchy levels for global selectors which are used as page selectors in a published module only. In the example below Plant list is used as a page selector and avalable to Filter and Show/Hide items listed in the selector. Although, if I would like to enable Materials level…
Board: Dynamic Column Sizing
As a Page Builder, when using a Grid in the Board Designer I would like the column sizes to adjust dynamically to the underlying presented data (if a setting is checked). Due to the expandable nature of the New UX and the limitations in font sizes, what works on one screen might not work on another. I would like the size…
NUX additional insights resizing options
Hi all, It would be great if it would be possible to resize the additional insights card on a worksheet in the NUX. Currently it is possible to change the width, but not the height.
Toggle the Aggregation (e.g. SUM:) part of Formulas Off to Make for Easier Reading!
Hi Anaplan, One of the things customers love about Anaplan is the easy-to-read formulas/ references that are visible through drill down or when modelling. However, the aggregation part of the formula (while important) can sometimes make the formulas look more intimidating than they really are and much harder to read. It…
Allow NUX context selector to select the lowest level of hierarchy
Currently, if you select a leaf level item in context selector for a dimension used as a row or column, the selection will resolve to the immediate parent of your selected item (which is what will eventually appear in the context selector). The grid will match this, so if a leaf level item is selected, it will always…
Filtering Nested Line Items
Today when we pivot a module, we can add list members, time, or line items to rows or columns. Although we can use both line items and a list as the column headers (or row labels) at the same time, the “Territory ID” line item in the screenshot is just a reference value that does not need to repeat for each member of the…
Option to have native borders on each card type in NUX
The option of formatting the borders would be a lot better and easier if native border selection was available in the NUX for each card option rather than having to add pictures of borders and sending to front / back.
UX Text card - Font effects
This option is available yet for MR only. Would be nice to be able to apply most frequetly used font effects like (Italic, Bold, Underline, Strikethrough and etc.) to the text container in NUX. I have two options any of which will work. 1) Next to Edit icon in the top-right corner of the card 2) Above Title and Body text…
Additional information in tooltip of a chart/graph/bubble in NUX
Hi, Currently, tooltip of chart/graph coverss selected number formatted line items in NUX. It would be great, if model builder could select multiple line items as additional information in tooltip of a chart/graph/bubble. For example, combo chart illustrates volume and price per country and I would like to select brand and…
Editing in Report page
Hi there, it would be great if user can edit input line items in Report page. Currently, cards in the reort page is only available for "read only". Thanks, Humay Kh.