New UX - Styling for Line Area and Chart
Could you please extend styling options for Area and Line charts. My suggestion would be to add ability to avoid dots on the chart (this approach is needed to show not volatile but constant values as blue and yellow areas on the screenshot) Also it would be good to allow showing/hiding labels for selected items only.…
Selection of Chart type in New Ux(preview) for the User
It would be great if we add selection of chart type or chart options in new UX in preview mode ,so that user can able to select the chart type dynamically and can view the different types of charts in Anaplan . Like filter and comments options for a view in new UX ,can provide type of chart selection for a chart.
New UX - Columns/Bars Width on Charts
Would be great to have capability to vary the width of columns/bars in Column/Bar Charts (the same way as 'Gap Width' in Excel). Currently Anaplan define it dynamically, leaving some space between columns/bars for single period and also too big space between periods (see example in attachment)
New UX IDEA - Show/Hide for individual combinations of items in nested dimentions of a module
This will be nice to have Show/Hide feature options to select between Every occurrences or Selected like we have in classic UX. Currently New UX Show/Hide feature acts like "Every occurrence" only.
New UX - Drill Down Formula - Nested View
It's great to have formula drill down on pages and worksheets, however it would be much more convenient to see it in nested view, the same way as it is available in classic UX vs
New UX - add option to select between "and" and "or" when filtering
As an Anaplan User I would like to filter with "or" option also, right now only "and" is available. It's critical for text and number formatted line items. In Classic view there is an option to select "All" or "Any" when filtering: Thank you
New UX - Copy Conditional Formatting for Multiple Line Items
It would be very useful to get ability to apply the same conditional formatting for multiple line items or somehow copy and paste it quickly.
New UX - Ability to apply a few conditional formatting options to the single line item
NewUX allow to select different styles of CF: background, border and morse. Would be good to have ability to apply not the only, but each of them to each line item. For example, for Site Inventory Value I would like to apply both background CF (as for In Transit Inventory line item) and morse CF (as it is now)
Create Dependent Dropdowns based on List Properties
It would be extremely useful if you could create dependent drop downs based on a lists properties. Since we do not necessarily want the list to have backend properties we would want it maintained in a module. This would be useful when a user is filling out a form for a capex project for example and without creating…
New UX - Turn off Classic models/Switch Search Order for Classic Models and show New UX at the top
We started to get use cases where we have New UX only. However, when people search for apps they see Classic Models as first in the list. Ideally we would like to manage access to Classic Models per user to avoid confusion by End users and turn it off per user. At Minimum we would like to switch the search that Apps show…
New UX - Forbid App Creation by End User Page builders
We need to avoid situation when page builders create apps on their own as we need to govern this. What we would like is to set up application creation setting by user or restrict this only to admins.
New UX - Forms - Synchronize Parent with the context
We need a third option on top of allow select parents and fixed parent in the forms designer: synchronize with page. We want this similar to Classic UX when we create new items. Manual selection is not user friendly, especially when there are a lot of level in the hierarchy. Forms - Select ParentForms Worst Case with many…
Show new items once created in NUX
Does any one know why new list item created by create form in NUX is not showing up in the grid ?
Delete Comments as an Admin within NUX
An admin could have the ability to mass delete comments or delete comments associated with specific cards. Currently a comment stays forever and is only refreshed when a new version of the card is published. We could allow users to delete their own comments but I am suggesting just an admin has the ability to wipe them…
MAILTO can be added into an Action
The action of sending emails could be linked to an existing action; currently the MAILTO formula only sends when a user clicks a link. If a user could click a Process button (that incorporates other actions) and it automatically create the email based on the user that clicked it. This would be immensely helpful for…
Combination chart - stacking method and calibrate 2nd axis
Combinations chart I miss the possibility to select stacking method for every line item. as an example I would like to make 3 line items as stacked column and one as clustered. But as-is I need to set the all or non to stacked. And then it is not just all column that will be stacked also the line items with area format…
Provision to save a page in new UX as a template
While creating a page in new UX, it would be helpful to refer to similar pages from other apps as template format or reuse the same.
Option to set predefined or custom color palettes for graphs in new UX
Silimar to classic dashboard, option to set or change predefined/custom color palettes for graphs and visualisation in new UX will be helpful.
Composite list navigator - New UX
We would like to provide our end users with a mechanism that allows them to navigate through the various levels of a composite list to “drill into” the data they need to analyse. For example, we’d like our users to first select a country, and then select a region from a list of regions that belong to the selected country.…
NUX: Enhance and Simplify the Charts like the Think Cell Software
Hi, I used the Think Cell for long time and this is very powerful tool to create Charts in Excel or PowerPoint. My suggestion here is for Anaplan Developers inspire in Think Cell to do the next enhancements in Charts. Think Cell has a lot of functionality to build in an easy way (I had some difficult to build a Waterfall…