L2 Sprint 3 INV01 Shipping Time Weeks


It shows just zero in Shipping Time Weeks line of my INV01 Modules although the formula is correct.

On the other hand, TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week do not have data yet.

I don't know where I am doing wrong. 


Here is my screenshot with the formula for Shipping Time Weeks line : 





All helping efforts are appreciated...




  • @Markcol 


    Your formula for the "Shipping Time Weeks" Line Item is correct. The formula is pulling data from the module "TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week". You mentioned that this module doesn't have any data yet, which is why your formula is returning a value of 0. TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week should be populated with data. Hint: It should be pulling data from the module "DAT02 Shipping Metrics"