Not able to login in anaplan front door for exercise purpose


I have started a Level 1 model building course But to practice Model in
Lesson 1.4.1 there is an option for download a copy of the level 1 model
building 2.0(New UX) model where it takes to a new page to login but I m not
able to log in where should I do the practice.


  • @NSH Are you trying to login as Single-Sign-On or by providing email id and password? 


    Generally once you click on the download link, it takes you to Anaplan login page and then you can login the same way (SSO or by email authentication). The model would get download in the workspace which you have access to. Go to Manage Model, look for the model which you have downloaded and click Open to open the downloaded model.



  • Hi,

    I m not able to login in both the way SSO(where it is showing invalid) and in normal way with user id(email id) and password it is showing wrong email id or password.


    Are this module available for academy purpose?


  • Hi @NSH ,


    To download the model, you need to have a workspace access. If you have workspace access then only you can download it.





  • Hi,


    I don't have access to work place.

    So can you help for study purpose how can we do practice for such model because in model 1 we have to download this module for practice.

  • Hi @NSH ,


    if your organization doesn't have Anaplan license to get workspace access to work on that. 

    Try with this link and register to get access. it's 90-day trial access program for learners outside of the Anaplan ecosystem. you can download the model once you got the access.




  • @NSH To learn and work on Anaplan platform, you need to have access to Anaplan workspace. 


    As @naushad786 mentioned, you can get a trial period access to Anaplan platform. However this trial period access is available for specific individuals within an organization


    *Anaplan is only considering non-profits, government agencies, health care providers, pharmaceutical companies, and academic institutions for this free trial. Anaplan will review all applications before granting access to workspaces.


