importing data into list item
Hi! I'm taking a lesson list's course which is before 102 and have a question about Central Library(list import). I imported the data of Employees.csv, following the guide, but unlike the guide, error occurred. So next I filled in all source blank like photo, then I imported successfully. Why error occurred regardless of…
Sharing Lists Between Models
Is there a way to share lists between models? We use a number of different models all for the same company which uses the same structure - and it would be really handy if it were possible create a 'shared' master list(s) in one model that could be referenced by all the other models.
How to Export a Dashboard to PDF?
Hi, I was wondering if there is a way in Anaplan to block the export in PDF and Excel of Dashboards and modules? The client have asked to limit that for confidentiality (e.g. for salary), I know the users will be able to copy and paste the data in Excel and so on, but theoretically we would need to block the direct…
File imported in random order
Hi I am importing a .csv file into my list .The file got imported succesfully,but I see the records are not in the same order as in the .csv file. ex. The first record in the .csv file appears in the middle of the record set in the list. Is there anyway , I can insist the records in my list are appearing in the same order…
Import - Values inconsistent
Hi, PLease see details on the attachment. Regards,
Import - Values inconsistent
Hi, PLease see details on the attachment. Regards,
FP&A Case Study: populate sales forecast module with Budget Units
Hi, I've been trying to upload the budget units (from the sheet input units from the 2017 budgeting excel file) into my Sales Forecast Calculation Module. In that module I look either at the actual units, and if not present, at the forecasted units to calculate revenue, COGS, ... However, I cannot manage to import the data…
Delta Load
Hi, How incremental load works from any data source(other than anaplan) to data hub in anaplan?
Anaplan Connect API - Load a Java Class
Hi, Please see attachment for the details of my query. Thanks in advance Regards,
Being able to copy a cell with lines of text separated by a line break from Anaplan to Excel
Posting on behalf of Thales Example: Car 1 and Car 2 are separated by a line break When copying the above cell to Excel, we get: It creates two cells. To keep the text in one cell, the current workaround is to use a space instead of a line break in Anaplan, but for some users, it is easier to separate two distinct elements…
Edit Dashboard
Dear Members, I am getting a Slider which I want to remove. Desired Format has no Slider. Please help me to remove the slider from Dashboard. Thanks.
Dashboard Header Module
Dear Members, Require your help in removing the Module Name from Dashboard. I have shared the Desired Format (How I want) and My Format (How I have). Please feel free to ask in any difficulty of understanding.
Create Child in Numbered List
I had the original Model, and I was trying to replicate it. The pic 01 and 02 are the Original ones. The pic 03, 04, 05, 06 are my Model. It is restricting me to enter the values:- Soft Drinks, Tea.... I even tried creating .txt file and import it but it failed too. I need your kind help for this. Please feel free to ask…
Import period format to Time Periods or Date formatted line items
As we drive to remove Text from our models, dealing with Dates is troublesome. When mapping files to Time Periods in modules, we can choose periods and define the format. For example, in my file I have YYYYMM. However, when I am trying to bring this data into a formatted list I do not have this choice. Even when formatting…
Import Failure while importing from one line item to another in same module.
Hi Can anyone explain me the cause of the error " No value loader exists for this type: NONE " . Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Why won't my vendor roll up to my Total department. It seems to be only this vendor.
I created a a vendor call MISC. Its to group all the vendor under a certain amount to MISC rather than showing a bunch of vendor. When I select Total Department, MISC won't show up. But if I go to the specific department call N/A or No Department, which is the roll up level. It will show up. I tried moving N/A around to…
Importing Text: Result ends up longer than import
This is a pretty bizarre one... am importing in a transactional level data set which has a unique code for my list - model best practice fans. Then as I load into one of the properties of the module some of the information transforms from a four digit character to the same four digits but with FIVE leading zeros. I've…
201 course activity 4
Hi ! I'm taking a class activity 4 of 201 and trying to import data of 2015headcount. But I failed to import in terms of stat and end date. I'm thinking the reason is that I used a different date format. So in the guide line, there is written " select the Rep Setup Line Item Tab in the mapping wizard and choose Custom…
data import unsuccessful
Hi I am trying to import data from a .csv file into one of the list that I set it up, but the data import fails with the message ' New property combination found but name or code already exists'. Please see the screen shots attached for the setup. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Regards Prabakaran
Distinguish between List Item or Line Item
Dear Members, I am new to Anaplan, so I would request your generous help. Order Number or Transaction Number is a Line Item or List Item? And if the answer is List. Then let me know, if millions of transactions happen daily in any Retail chain or Bank. And if we create Numbered List for the Transaction, after 1 Billion…
Anaplan Connect - Illegal Argument error
Hi, I tried to do the run on Anaplan Connect 1.4.1 Basic Authentication and this is what I receive as a message. I temporarily remove the password on the batch file. Please see attachment on the script with error Regards,
API: Running a process
So if I have created a process that I use via a dashboard button. Step 1: clears a list Step 2: The file to upload selection is available Step 3: You choose the file Step 4: You hit run The process runs manually without issue. If I use the Anaplan Connect, I created a .bat file and can trigger this process and it…
master data list synchronization between models
Master data lists needs often be synchronized between the Data Hub and spoke models. At the moment we do this as follows (for incremental loads): In the spoke model: 1. Set the property 'in use' of all list items on FALSE 2. Load in the data from Data Hub to your spoke model (incl. the TRUE flag for 'in use' property). 3.…
"Show history" for list items
Currently one is able to export history in two ways: * As an admin: via setting "History" tab * Via a module. Selecting a cell or a range, one can get history for only the selected data. I propose two other ways of interracting the history logs: * Via General Lists tab: For example selecting a List and pressing "Show…
A way to identify import target
When a process contains several import with different input files (IDS) with targets that have long names it's impossible to distingush which file file stand for what. The screenshot below displays a situation when you can see two identical rows making it very confusing for an end user: Admin in this case may guess the…
Develop error when adding to a subset parent
When creating elements in a list that has a subset as parent, we can get an error because some element have the wrong parent. It would be very useful to have a more detailed error, with for example the rejected lines.
Data Mapping for Import failing
Dear Community, I need a help. I am trying to import import the Unit Cost and Sales Price. My file image 002 depicts desired output. Image 03 is the .csv file to be imported. But I am unsuccessful. I need help badly. Kindly guide me. I have shared screenshots for reference.
Import mapping should update if a line item is renamed
On a model to model, module to module import if the name of any of the below changes the import will still import into that line item as it was set up: -the target model -the source model -the target module -the source module -the target line item If: -the source line item is renamed then the import will not import that…
The action created for importing a .csv or text file does not save the mapping used. I can edit or view the mapping only if a module or list is imported from another module or list. Sometimes while importing a file there are possibilities the file has wrong header names and hence they are not mapped. To view the mapping…
How can I return the current date in line item?
How can I return the current date in a line item i.e. automatically get Anaplan to show the current date in date format so that it updates each day? Tweakbox Tweakbox Tweakbox Many thanks, iosman