Adding a code to an item in a numbered list
I am working with the New UX and used "Form" to insert into a numbered list. I do not want to depend on the end user to create the "code". Is there a way to add the code to the list item via import? Cannot import by code because the code does not exist yet. With the Classic UX, I used a module to have the user enter…
Export Data Sources
Hi Team, Colleagues, I don't know if this has been brought up by now as I am not able to see any similar topic. Is there any possibility to check export data source, especially Module saved view it's pulling from? If not, are there any plans of upgrading to this feature? For us, would be a life saver as we use multiple…
deleting an Item in a list import
Hi All, I was trying to import a list from another but came to know that when i add an item in source list it gets reflected but if i delete an item in source list it does not gets reflected in target list. is there any way to implement that part?
Ability to change the format type of labels when exporting
Description of the enhancement required: When exporting labels for a number formatted field the output is in text format in all export file types currently. We need the ability to select the label format when exporting, so a numeric formatted field can remain number formatted when exported if desired. If we make this…
Data import with non-numeric values
While importing data from one module to another, one of the fields "currency" is non-numeric. For example, we will have the following records: Product A, Customer B, 02/2020, 1000, GBP Product A, Customer B, 03/2020, 2000, USD In the case above, the data values are loaded correctly to both months, but only the first…
Deletion of numbered list consequences handling
I have created a module where i have some list formatted line items and some number formatted line items (all as columns) along with a Numbered list with display name as 1,2,3,4,.....(manually given by us) to create a blank view for the end user to enter records in each row(for reference; see the below attachment). The end…
Period format in export file.
Hello, I am saving some export definitions for my client. To print all the codes in a flat .csv export file, I would have to put 4 or 5 dimensions in the rows, but it's limited to 3. Instead, I am using the tabular method with a filter for time and version. The only problem is that when time is transposed Anaplan changes…
Import Issue
Hi, Please see attachment. Regards
Action on numbered list
I have created a numbered list and an action to add new items. Is there a way to ask the submitted to add a textfield so the new list item doesn’t appear under a List id number?
Excel Add-in 3.2 - Push data back to Anaplan ?
Good afternoon, We would like to use the Anaplan Excel add in to enable user to modify data from a view and push it back to Anaplan via Excel. Apparently the last available version to download is the 3.2 that doesn't allow a two ways connection. Version 2.6 allowed it, but is not available for download anymore. Any other…
Anaplan Connect Error - One Drive
Hi team, I am receiving the below error when trying to perform a simple upload using Anaplan Connect & One Drive. This action will perform if I change the directory of Anaplan Connect & the batch file to the local C: I have reviewed the Anaplan Connect help document & saw there is a section about Network drives (pg 43) but…
Module or line item id using restful API
Hi Guys Does anyone know if we can export module / line items ids using anaplan rest api? Using rest api i can export workspace /model/files IDs etc however i cant seems to find any unique keys for modules /line items . Surely there has to be unique IDs for modules / line items behind the scene . Thanks
Consistent columns headers in model history
Description Currnently, the columns headers seen in model history are dynamic and change depending on what is in the history. We would like the column headers to be consistent and not change depending on what is in the history. Example of Enhancement All column headers remain the same, regardless of the content. Benefit /…
Anaplan Connect Error - Process
Hi team, I'm trying to use Anaplan connect to run a Import process but my script is incorrect. I attempted to modify my working import script per the instructions in the Anaplan Connect guide (pg 27) but it is not working Below is my script and error, any help would be appreciated!
Simple Import failing and cant see why
Hi, I have a saved view in one Module in Finance Model and it has about 20 fields, one of which is Unique called 'NPD Ref Code' I am importing this view into a list in NPD Model, using 'NPD ref Code' and selecting 'Name only' It is giving me an error on a record "New property combination found but name or code already…
need to do a look up formula
Hi, I need to do a lookup in my line items so that I can import the data into a module. I have a flat hierarchy factory list. I have 2 line items Inbound Qty and Lot Numbers. I've split them so that I can see: Factory 1 inbound Factory 1 Lot Number Factory 2 Inbound Factory 2 Lot Number I'm not sure what formula to use in…
Importing forecast numbers with forecast version and time scaled into a module without forecast vers
Hi All, I am trying to import forecast numbers from one module having forecast versions(list) and Anaplan time into a module only with time-scale. The idea is to have a page selector(forecast) in the target module and when users select the respective months ,they should be able to see the numbers forecasted in that…
Copy-Paste from text into User Selective Access Columns
Being an Anaplan Admin, I would like to be able to copy-paste text values into User Selective Access columns.Currently, Anaplan only accepts either Selective Access List ID or copy-paste directly from Anaplan cells of the same format. Benefit: it will save a lot of time during access review instead of running User Import.…
Anaplan Architecture
Today I appeared for an interview, they asked me:- What is an Architecture of Anaplan? I wasn't able to reply. Someone please help me with this question.
ALM question
Hi All, I have a Dev model where I made various changes in the hierarchy (production data), re-shuffling lower levels and adding a couple of new ones. The data itself, however, stayed the same as I didn't delete anything. I need to transfer the changes to the Prod model now, and I want the data in Prod to be re-allocated…
Best Practice suggestions to reduce published import action buttons ??
We have two models across which we need to import data by versions (Actual and forecast) and product category, as different categories are managed by different heads. The actual data needs to be imported by month, and forecast data needs to be imported once. We are planning to provide data Import to these head users…
Anaplan Connect 1.4.2
Hi, Please check the attachment for details. Regards,
Option to ignore duplicates during import action
We have import actions to lists where we have and expect duplicates. We receive the ‘Another row has been processed with this key’ error because we are loading list items that already exist. Given the way we are processing the data, this error is unavoidable. Our automation saves all the error logs and due to these…
Dynamic Cell Access - Import
Hi Team, I created a module dimensionalised by Time with Dynamic Cell Access set to Read for all periods except for Sep19 to Jun20. The setup was working as expected when tested manually. When I Imported data from another Model with the same time dimension the data was uploaded into the Read access periods & the write…
importing the same day's data
Hi. I have a question about importing. I want to import excel data(below) but the days are same. So I want to import value into Anaplan( -7+7=0 ) After imported, import completed successfully and the value became 0 as I wished. In Anaplan, the value was 0 because it was conducted (-7+7=0)?? If so, even if I have the same…
Model 'Time' settings import / export via API as a JSON object
It would be an absolute game changer to have the ability to export model 'Time' settings as a JSON object via the API. Subsequently, the ability to import a modified version of that JSON object to update the model calendar via the API would go hand-in-hand. This would allow for automation of moving the 'Current Period'…
Import Issue
I have 3 models in my workspace. 1 is a data hub while the other two are production models. I imported data from data hub model to one of the models and it was right. But when I imported the same from data hub model to the other model, it is changing the data even when the mapping has no issue. Can someone please help with…
Level 2 - Missing actions
Hi, I am currently doing the Level 2 training am just about to get started with the second user story in sprint 1. There it says that I should have a number of actions in my model already (actions that came with the model), but I don't. See screenshots below. I am essentially missing two import (highlighted in yellow in…
about date format
Hi, I'm trying to import date data. I failed importing as date format, so changed to text then succeeded.(below "week date") Next I'm thinking that changes to date format. So I tried using Mid function and Date function, but the value wasn't filled with cell. What should I do or is there good way to import date?? Best…
import data into module
HI, I'm trying to import data(below 1) into module(below 2). And mapping are(below 3 4). But result was below 5. Please let me know if there is solution. Best, Regards,