import file amount rounding
hi anaplaner, i have problem about impor/upload file, when iam upload file number format, data in anaplan and excel file always different, ex: excel file 497.157.884.509 but in anaplan 497.157.000.000. how to fixing that problem?, and why is that? Thanks, Panji
Anaplan connect 1.4 Shell Script
Hi Leaders, I have got encountered with the below error as I try to do Anaplan connect version upgrade 1.3 to 1.4. Not able to figure out the error. Script: # This script executes a data load import to the model set JAVA_HOME="/****/jdk1.8.0_191/bin/java" set CertPath="/******/OpenSSL-Win64/bin/certificate.pem" set…
Importing into a list based on a specific value of the parent
Hi, I'm trying to add functionality to a model where G3 items in a list are deleted and replaced with other items in that same list. The model has the following Hierarchy: In the G3 list, each Resource is either a resource in the current scenario or in the future scenario, this is achieved by the 'Type' property: On a…
Error when importing a csv file into a module
I am facing an issue with exporting and importing a csv file. So I have a file that I am exporting with data for 12 months (Dates are formatted as Y-M, (i.e. 19-Jul) in the exported csv file). Then when I try and import the same file using custom mapping (Y-M) for Time, I get a failure dump and an error which reads: Import…
Importing a list data by end user
Hi, Just want to know, can end-user able to upload data into the Anaplan list? or only workspace admin can do it? Anyway, he can upload changing user access? Import Action can solve this issue but anything other than that? Thanks & Regards Sai Bharadwaj
See mappings for file imports
Hello, I constantly run into the same issue and I'm hoping that someone can help suggest a solution. When I create an action that imports from a csv file into a list or module, I always find it difficult to re-open up that import action and revise (or just view) the mapping that was previously created. Instead, I have to…
Excel Addin 3.3 - Filter on Line Item
Tried the new Addin, great improvements vs. 3.0 but still the same constraint of 1M cells. With that, I think we really need to have a Line Item filtering function to be able to control # of lines to download. Will this function be added? Thanks.
Length of Text value
Hi Anaplanners I have a question about the length of Text values.I tried to import a text data(500bytes) to a text format and failed.I was wondering if I had exceeded the length limit. Is there anyone can tell me the maximum length for Text values.Thanks!
Anaplan Connect 1.4.2 Shell Script
Hi, I was encountered with the below error code as I execute shell script. Shell Script : # This script executes a data load import to the model set JAVA_HOME="/****/jdk1.8.0_191/bin/java" set CertPath="/******/OpenSSL-Win64/bin/certificate.pem" set PrivateKey="/******/OpenSSL-Win64/bin/private2.key" set…
Tracking historical data in a live model without making the model huge
Hi Community, I've built a model where end users input information and it calculates outputs. This tool will be completed by end users on a adhoc basis, some will use it weekly or monthly, while others will it once in a while. One of the outputs, shown below, is based on live information in the model: As we want to keep a…
Territory Allocation Urgent
Import current month data
I already have previous month data. Now I want to import only current month data. Please assist.
Number are being imported as thousand instead of decimals
Hi! My numbers are being imported as thousand instead of a decimal number. But in my blueprint, the number is set up to have a decimal delimiter as dot, and thousand delimiter as comma. and those are the values that should be entered. Does anyone know what is happening? thanks.
Export selected list members
I need to export only few list member details. Can someone suggest which will the possible way to do so?
Selective List Export
Can you please tell me is it possible to export particular two List Members and corresponding Line Items?
How to add filters to data export?
Hi Experts! We need to export only a small set of data from Anaplan modules (Ex: Export only ACTUAL data for 2017.05 for LINE ITEM 'REVENUE'). Please suggest if this is possible using standard functionality.
About the imported display method
Import to dashboard using anaplan connect. I want to display only items that have been imported and entered Is there a way to automatically display only items that have been imported and entered? Can you filter automatically? I'm worried about setting the line item formula or setting the filter. I would be happy if you…
Clearing/ updating old records while uploading data into Anaplan without knowing what to clear?
Hi All, I have an issue which needs to be addressed for a client. I do have a solution however would like to reach out to amazing community and get a different viewpoint on this if possible . Problem statement : we need to clear an item from a module however there is no simple way to identify the item to clear Below is a…
API customising for UPSERT ENDPOINT
It is required for the deployment of the UPSERT EndPoint as part of the Anaplan API to send only the new and changed entries from the SAP system to Anaplan instead of sending each time the full load file. We are currently trying to get Data from SAP via CPI( SAP Cloud Platform Integration) and we are facing this challange…
Anaplan Connect 1.4.3
Hi, Is there a way to configure the format of the dump file from tab delimited to comma separated values? In addition, is there any documentation that has a list of all the error messages that can occur within the application? I looked on the Anaplan Connect guide and whilst there is a small "troubleshoot" area, it seems…
Option to delete multiple saved view in one delete action
Hi Anaplan Team and community members, I think It would be great if we have a option to delete multiple saved view in a module in one action. Currently I am having a module with 321 saved view out of which I have to delete 167 views one by one which is consuming a lot of time. With a multiple select and delete option ,…
Automating Import from csv file
Hello experts, We are looking at scheduled import to Anaplan through custom integration and I have a question around that. Context: There will be a csv file provided on a server periodically and the import needs to be automated. 1. I read that it it is only once I manually import a file to Anaplan, that there can be an…
Is there a way to lock a period when doing imports?
I have done dynamic cell access to lock periods in a module. This is working fine when doing direct input to anaplan. But when using import function, even if access is only ready only data is still loaded in Anaplan.
Add all error types and description to Anaplan Connect User Guide
It would be a great addition to the Anaplan Connect User Guide to have all the different types of error that could be dumped whilst using the Anaplan Connect client to run actions/processes in Anaplan. It would be particularly useful for users not familiar with Anaplan (IT teams that manage the scheduling on behalf of the…
Model ID to display in Imports tab
It would be good to see model ID as a column in Actions->imports tab somewhere near Source Label & Source Object. I faced a specific issue when the model has a lot of imports, which were developed during a long period, and during this period, the source model was several times moved/renamed. Then it is nearly impossible to…
Scripts and Java and MS Access
Hi, I have an overnight script that imports data from an MS Access query into a list, this worked fine with the old certs and the 1-3-3-3 environment. Now I have had to update my scripts and use 1.4.2 and there seems to be a problem with the url. Old script -jdbcurl "jdbc:odbc:EPOS" -jdbcquery "SELECT * FROM qry_EPOSLive"…
User Information
Hello, I am trying to create a model that pulls all the user information (Model roles, First Names etc) from each model in our system. This is really useful for Auditing purposes. Is there any way to import from the user lists in model settings to this model, or alternatively to create a dummy module in each model which…
Continuously polling and downloading data(every minute) from operational model
Hi All , I have a requirement to continually poll(every 1 min) and export data from an operational Anaplan model . I expressed my concerns about locking / slowing down model therefore to test it out i wrote a script which runs every min and downloads data from an operational model . Data to be downloaded is relatively…
Losing data from saved views & processes
Hi Team, I have a process that exports three saved views from 3 modules, however when I run it, it doesn’t capture all the data that’s in the module. I think some line items are missing. What is the best practice to either: * Ensure saved views are dynamic and update automatically for when new list items or line items get…
How to import multiple header rows into a module?
The import file is an export file from a module that I am working on. There are several header rows that I need to import into the module. How can I do this? Jan 19Jan 19Jan 19Jan 19Feb 19Feb 19Feb 19Feb 19Mar 19Mar 19Mar 19 ActualActualForecastForecastActualActualForecastForecastActualActualForecast…