Remove time mappings that rely on fiscal year
Description of the enhancement: Remove time mappings that rely on fiscal year from import dialogue when model time setting 'Weeks General' Business case -why this would help the business process: As a user, I expected I could import file with a time format of weeks in numbers (e.g. 201712) while my Anaplan time settings…
Allow time functions on regular lists
Allow a model-builder to do functions like cumulate, previous, and next on regular lists. Currently this is only possible on the Time dimension. Many use cases for this, e.g. in a tiered compensation or bonus compensation plan.
Special characters
Ability to handle special characters in the code field.
Allow the native search function to search any part of a string, not just from the beginning
Description of the enhancement required: Allow the native search function to search any part of a string, not just from the beginning of the string. How would it help the business process: Having this option would make it very transparent to users when filters have been applied. Would also help model builders to configure…
Problem with specific tenure?
I am looking for the best solution how calculate/distribute an amount within specific tenure once it was triggered by a variable. Example: 1 million of revenue will be recognized equally over 24 months once the project is completed. The 1st month of the recognition starts on the following month once the project completed…
Add a custom formula for summary that doesn't necessarily apply to rest of cells in that line item
Description of the enhancement required: The ability to add a customized formula for the summary that does not necessarily apply to the rest of the rows within that line item (currently the formula for the line item becomes the formula for the summary if you are to select the "Formula" summary option). How would it help…
Abkhazia not on Map Chart
Country Code for Abkhazia is not in the "Map Regions & Codes" downloadable, and subsequently won't show up in Map Charts. Please provide the country code for Abkhazia
No subtotal for Weeks: General time setting
Description of the enhancement required: In the timescale settings add Total of All Periods for Weeks: General timescale How would it help the business process: For example, looking at the travel and tourism industry, which is highly seasonal (e.g. different destinations, hotels, and services are in demand in the summer vs…
Editable hover-over text on cells
Description of the enhancement required: The Hover-Over Tip function: Allows the user to hover over a cell, table, module, model, dashboard or buttons which then shows a short description or identifier for the object. An example of the enhancement: User wants to see a short background description without having to drill or…
Search grid data
As an admin/end-user I want to search on data as well as column/row labels
No way to get last month of quarter in one line item
As an example, if the first month of the Fiscal Year is Mar 15, I want "May 15" returned because that's the last month of the quarter. This is my formula (on a line item formatted as Month and no Timescale): FINDITEM(Time, NAME(PERIOD(END(PARENT(TIME.'Apr 15'))))) However, this returns 'Apr 15' due to this in Anapedia:…
Convert time period to a date
Description of the enhancement required: As an extension or alternative to the DATE function
Additional week formats
Description of the enhancement: We would like to have a Week format that will combine the number of the weeks in period and the period associated with the week. For example, for week 50, we'd like to see Wk 2 - P13 FY14. I imagine this is a concern for retail companies as this is the way most retail companies look at…
Drilldown displays formulas without parenthesis, and cannot be copied back into line item
Description of the RFE: Users are copying and pasting formula from drilldown dialog, which isn't possible because parenthesis are removed. This is an RFE to retain the parenthesis, or at least provide that option. Use case: Drilldown formula is removing parenthesis. This is causing come issues for us working with a large…
Syntax for a variable Line Item in a formula
Hi I'm building a module where I want to pull values from a subsidiary model, but the line item I want to pull from varies according to the member of a particular dimension. For example, if I'm looking at dimension member "APPLES", I want to get my data from the line item "line_item_a", but if I'm looking at the dimension…
Find the common parent of two list members
I have an Entity list which contains the entities in my organisation. If, as the result of another calculation, I have been returned two entities in the Entity list, how do I determine their lowest common parent? Some combination of PARENT and FINDITEM seems likely... but they might be at different levels.
How do I sort a list?
In excel, order the list members (members only, not parents, etc, just the members as they appear in the list in Anaplan) in the order you would like it in Anaplan. Then copy just the list members. In Settings->List->Grid View (not Tree view!) of the list, click Insert, choose Start as the ‘position’, paste in the list,…
Count the number of sparse cells in the MODEL
Hi There, Can anyone lemme know if we can count the number of sparse cells in our Model? Basically, we want to know the number of blank/non-zero cells in a model (Or) can we count the number of cells which has data in it? ( as per my understanding, if we get the sparse/non-sparse cells we can subtract this from the Total…
Line Item (List) link into a module
Hi everyone, i have a module with several line items. One line item is a List, another one is a number. After i have selected a value and entered a number, i want to link the value into a module which has the List as in the rows. Any idea how to link the data ? I would like to have the value number entered only appear on…
Restrict Access of Line Items to Supplier
Hi, I have a dashboard, containing a module, with approx 20 columns of data, dates and text. We are sharing this dashboard with a supplier who have their own user, and role setup. In the dashboard, there are 6 fields that are updateable by users within the business The supplier needs to be able to see ALL the fields, BUT…
Synchronizing dashboard scroll bars
Anaplanners: I am thankfully almost done with my dashboard which is essentially composed of the same modules but I need have the up & down scroll bars synchronized; I tried to sync the rows but that simply collapsed the modules. Is there an effective way to synchronize the rows so that the user will have the same rows at…
Adjusting Long Formulas Tip
Since trying to follow long conditional formulas can be tricky within the Anaplan formula bar, a tip to make it easier is to use the Drilldown capability on a cell within the line item. By doing this, you're able to see the If Statement/Formula indented with each If Statement. After seeing it in Drilldown, you're able to…
Level Mismatch on Common Dimension
Hi All, I have a data entry module with 3 lists: versions, row id, and line item list. I have 3 line items: person, cost center, country, with type of List and link to person (L3), cost center (L2), country (L1) lists. The input is to select person, then cost center and country is derived from the hieararchy. The second…
Versions to compare latest plans
I want to be able to compare to earlier versions of the plan ( so when we can to month +1 i want to be able to compare ‘current’ plan to previous plan ( and also with earlier versions). There is a solution in creating a seperate version and then bulk copying into it. Is there a more automated , best practice or simple…
Holding a Breakback on two different module views
Hi all, I have, in a Dashboard, two tables form two different views of a single module. Those tables allow to change data in it and both are linked to the source module. The first table displays by country (with product as a fliter) and the second one displays data by product (with country as a filter). I have a breakback…
Numbered Lists renumbering
Hi, The number of IDs on the numbered list is 999,999,999 (based on information in topic related with numbered lists)- what about reaching this limit. Is there any list renumbering possibility?
Multiple Selection of List items and their total
Hi, Anaplaners I have faced an issue where I am not able to select multiple list items (in the attached excel, Product A and Prodcut B) to show what is selected and their totals. What I came up with is when products in the row do not equal to Selctor 1 or Selector 2, set 0 and hide 0s. But the problem is this idea would…
creating a discount table
Hi There I am trying to drive a different profit margin based on volume (by client). Simplistically, I want my margin to be 20% for a volume of 1-5, 19% for a volume of 5-10, 18%: 10-15 etc.... I am sure this is simple but I just cant make it work Anyone got any advice, please?
How and Where can I use data tags.
Hi, I am trying to understand how to use data tags , I uderstand that we create tags in settings and assign the same to various objects in the model however I am not sure how and where can I use those tags.
Access denied to 299 Project
Hello, I have tried to get access to the 299 Case Study. But, the access is denied. Can you please help me found out where the problem is. In fact, I already passed all the courses and certifications required for this step. My username is NFWADE. Thank you for your help.