Versions to compare latest plans
I want to be able to compare to earlier versions of the plan ( so when we can to month +1 i want to be able to compare ‘current’ plan to previous plan ( and also with earlier versions). There is a solution in creating a seperate version and then bulk copying into it. Is there a more automated , best practice or simple…
Holding a Breakback on two different module views
Hi all, I have, in a Dashboard, two tables form two different views of a single module. Those tables allow to change data in it and both are linked to the source module. The first table displays by country (with product as a fliter) and the second one displays data by product (with country as a filter). I have a breakback…
Numbered Lists renumbering
Hi, The number of IDs on the numbered list is 999,999,999 (based on information in topic related with numbered lists)- what about reaching this limit. Is there any list renumbering possibility?
Multiple Selection of List items and their total
Hi, Anaplaners I have faced an issue where I am not able to select multiple list items (in the attached excel, Product A and Prodcut B) to show what is selected and their totals. What I came up with is when products in the row do not equal to Selctor 1 or Selector 2, set 0 and hide 0s. But the problem is this idea would…
creating a discount table
Hi There I am trying to drive a different profit margin based on volume (by client). Simplistically, I want my margin to be 20% for a volume of 1-5, 19% for a volume of 5-10, 18%: 10-15 etc.... I am sure this is simple but I just cant make it work Anyone got any advice, please?
How and Where can I use data tags.
Hi, I am trying to understand how to use data tags , I uderstand that we create tags in settings and assign the same to various objects in the model however I am not sure how and where can I use those tags.
Access denied to 299 Project
Hello, I have tried to get access to the 299 Case Study. But, the access is denied. Can you please help me found out where the problem is. In fact, I already passed all the courses and certifications required for this step. My username is NFWADE. Thank you for your help.
Anchoring Certain Months Data Forward Using Boolean
Hello All - i am trying to forecast out data using actuals. I want to take the weighted average of the last three months of actual data (green box below) weighted by net auctionable (purple box below) and forecast out the rest of the year using this average. I setup a boolean row (red box below) in order to indicate which…
Parallel hierarchy
Hi All, Can anyone please let me know how to create parallel hierarchy in lists? I am working on a problem and as a part of the same I need to display same data in 2 different hierarchies. Thanks
Switching calculation based on a property or a code
Hi I want to set up a module that contains a set of scenarios. The idea is that the module would contain various iterations of a set of base data, and that the calculations happening in the module could be switched to use a different scenario's data. I'd like to make that switch happen without having to change the…
Generalised currency conversion
Hi I'm building a model which holds revenue data. The revenue that the company receives is in a mix of US Dollars, UK Sterling and Euros, so one of my lists represents currency. There is a requirement as well to aggregate that revenue into a single "Converted Sterling" currency, which would be calculated as (Revenue in…
Good practices to improve model performance
General recommendations It is important as model calculations increase to ensure that the calculations and structures are as optimal as possible. Easy checks include: * Ensure the dimension order in the "applies to" is consistent * Consider if all of the dimensions for the calculations are necessary * Reduce the number of…
RANK function ONLY returns 1 when ranking in Anaplan Time dimension. Bug or intentional?
Hi Forum, I am new to Anaplan, this is my first post ... Set up to Demo problem: * 2 dimensdional module* Anaplan Time dimension in columms; * 2 line items in rows;* 1. Some numbers to be ranked * 2. RANK function ranking Line Item 1 Problem: RANK only returns rank 1 for all the numbers ranks, even though they are…
201 Intermediate Model Building Section 8 actvity #10 Numbers don't match
I'm working on Section 8 of IMB and the numbers in the sub-region Goal set don't match for US South and US Central. The totals in the bottom row do match with the guide and instruction video, but these specific sub-regions don't. PY Sales and Sub-region % are correct, but the Projected Goal is not. All other sub-regions…
Page Selectors - Isolated
Hi We have a module that has 'Customer product group' as a page slector. and then many line items. On the dashboards (3) we place the Customer Product Group' list, to allow the user to choose a customer and then synchronize the output. However, when we select CUSTOMER A on one dashboard, the other 2 dashboards also change…
Limit Date Format
Is thier a way to limit the years that is available for selection when using the format line item as date?
Circular Reference with OFFSET function
I'm getting a circular reference while using the OFFSET function, but I don't understand why. (1) IF offset_value = -12 THEN OFFSET(Gross Revenue, -12, 0) ELSE OFFSET(Gross Revenue, -11, 0) vs. (2) OFFSET(Gross Revenue, offset_value, 0) Dimension is Months and 'offset_value' always equals either -12 or -11 based on a…
Allow selective updates on an input table
Hi, I have a module which i have designed for input. The module is based on Time (months) and Versions list (Custom versions not Anaplan built in version). The input module therefore looks something like this: Versions (drop down) Jan-18Feb-18Mar-18Apr-18May-18Jun-18Orders Sales Now i have another module which helps me set…
Reference one column in Module based on single dimension
Hi, I am stuck at a point from where i am unable to proceed further. I have a module "Module 1" which has one list as page, one list as rows and columns as line items. It looks something like below PageList 1(dropdown) Line item1Line Item 2Line Item 3 (Formatted as List 1) List2 1st value List 1 value 1 List 2 2nd value…
Formula for a specific cell
Hi, I have a module with 2 lists: currency (Local and GBP) and list item e.g. Expense. I input data into Local and Expense cell e.g. 1000. I want to calculate GBP amount of that 1000, by multiplying number in Local cell with FX rate. How do I write formula for the GBP cell? I find that I can only write formula for the Line…
Create a formula from text
I am trying to perform a lookup across multiple modules, but would like to avoid a gigantic case statement.I'll try to illustrate with this example. There is a list called details and a module called data. I'm trying to aggregate the data into a new module called summary. Right now, my formula is a massive conditional…
Linear Optimization Examples
No idea if this is going to be helpful for anyone, but it was helpful for me. It’s a basic 2 variable linear optimization question. I haven’t done a lot of optimizer demos, but I’m anticipating someone asking me “what is optimizer doing exactly?” This basic problem really helped me think about the madness Gurobi is going…
Optimizer Scale Limitations and Question
Hi all, I created a simple model for assigning sales reps to advertiser accounts. The reps list has a max book size and a max account limit, and the advertisers have a corresponding book size and account size (default 1). There's also a complexity and location property on both lists that have to match in order for an…
Display List Elements
Hi, When you export a module, you can choose to select any element from the source list, to display in the export. Can this be done in a module, so you may show maybe 2 list items? Module in Anaplan Module Exported to XL (with extra column shown)
Replace line items with line item subset for a view of a module
Hi, I have a module that consists of few line items. I want to create a view of this module with line items as a page selector but I want to show only a few line items in the dropdown on the dashboard. Is it possible to use a line item subset for only one view of a module? How can I do this?
Find an item from a list with a property that isn't code
I saw the post about Find List Item based on a property, but the solution was the create a number list where the property for the Finditem was the code. We can not have it as a code, and they have similar role ups so the can not both be used as dimensions on a line item. How can I find the list item?
Summation using Months and Year
Hi All I have a piece of data which is based on unique keys. Each key has data for multiple months. Also there is another column which specifies the financial year. I have created an intermediate module where each transaction for a key is flattened out by month. So i have line items which derive the month value in text…
Referencing data from one time range to another time range
Hello All, How can we reference data from a line item in a particular time scale to another line item with different time scale ? Like i have my model calendar as FY 2016. And i have added a time range as FY 2017. Lets say i have a line item (x) whose time range is same as model calendar, and another line item (y) whose…
Find List Item based on Property
This is probably straightforward, but I'm struggling with it... I have a module that includes historical department names, which are combinations of numbers and text, i.e. "5100 Engineering". Sometimes the department names change, for example "5100 Engineering" might become "5100 Core Engineering". I want to create a list…
Pull/Lookup data from general list into module with numbered list
Dear All, Appreciate if anyone can help me on this. How to pull/lookup data (properties data of Total Area sqf) from a specific general list (Detail Project Component list) into a module (Master Tenancy List) that contained a numbered list with parent hierarchy is Detail Project Component? If not using numbered list, yes…