Formula returning the date \ month of first data in line item
Hey Anaplaners, so my need is to create a formula that will go through the line item, that has a monthly timescale (that line item is filled in as numbers by the user) and return first month \ date (date better), when the data is met in the line. So it kinda scans and whenever meets "non-zero value" - gives me the time of…
Find week (custom time dimension) from date in import
Hi all, I'm working on a model which has a month format in my time dimension, this is nessecary because of workspace restrictions. But there is a need to add FTE using a begin and end week, so I've constructed a custom time dimension which looks like this: The weeks are genererated and are given a begin and end date in the…
Waterfall chart missing items
Hi All, I'm new to develop charts in Anaplan. I'm building the waterfall chart in anaplan with attached sample .csv data file. After building the waterfall chart it is missing few items i.e; TOTAL UTILITIES, TOTAL TELECOMS, TOTAL while plotting the chart, why it happens ? Please find the attached sample data and waterfall…
To hide the Parent list members from the List-Formatted cell
Hi Anaplan From the drop-down list of the list-formatted cell, the users is able to see and select the parent item. Although it is an invalid selection when the user select the parent item, is it possible that we can have the option to hide or remove the parent item from the list-formatted cell?
How to correctly calculate Ratio in the nested axis
Hi, Anaplan friends I have faced with a problem in calculating ratio in a nested axis. Please see the attached file for what I have now and what I would like to have. I have lists "Sales Region" and "Competitors" as the nested axis and Line items "Sales". "Share" and "Sales Ratio" , whose formulus are empty (input field),…
Take value from another version when value = 0
Dear experts, I have 3 versions(Actual, Forecast, Plan). Then, since forecast have only short term such as 1 or 2 months, I'd like to copy value from plan data into forecast data, if forecast data is 0. Image of formula: IF Versions = Forecast and Value=0 THEN Value[Select:Versions.Plan] ELSE Value Could you give any…
Can we use COLLECT() to get data from multiple modules with different dimensionality?
Dear Experts, We are creating line item subset from multiple modules. Each of these modules have a different dimensionality. Example: First source module has ENTITY, DEPARTMENT with standard TIME & VERSION. Second source module has ENTITY, POSITION with standard TIME & VERSION. Can we use COLLECT() to get data from…
SELECT not working when SUMming from a Module with a Numbered List
Fellow Anaplanners, We have a summary module in our Headcount planning application which pulls from both the new and existing headcount module. The new headcount uses a numbered list, existing headcount module does not. We have two formulas documented below....in the first one, we are pulling from the existing headcount…
Automatic Sum Error
Hi, Anaplanner friends (Please refer to the attached excel file) Here I have a source module with Region (List) in its Page and Customer (List) in its Row. The result module would like to have total sales (roles up to Total Region and Total Customer). When I tried to make a direct link (Sales by Customers.Sales) in Sales'…
Map a list in the target module to line items in a source module
I have 2 modules one is for performing calculations the other is to report on the calculation results. The line items in the calc module align with a list, not a line item subset, that the reporting module is dimensioned by. There is a single line item in the, Amount, in the reporting module. One other twist is that I need…
RANK function options
Need help on Rank function from Anapedia Result = RANK(Source, Direction, Ties, Include, Group) I have 2 group parameters for rank function (Parent(Product) and Parent(office)) but don't know how to include them both to formula in Group section
Calculate Inventory Catch up date
Hi Is there any way or function to calculate inventory catch up date? i want to calculate 1st date that recover the sales plan. Jul 01Jul 02Jul 03Jul 04Jul 05Jul 06Jul 07Jul 08Sales 20 10 Production 10 20Inventory -20-20-10-10-200Catch Up Date Jul 08 Jul 08 in this case, sales of july 03 will be recovered by july 05…
Function to get Current User Details
Hi, Is there a way to get the First Name and Last Name of Users? Thanks, Dennis
How to inherit parent value?
Hi, I am a beginner in Anaplan. I created five lists which have 'currency' in its property tab for organization hierarchy. (LV1 though LV5 and LV5 is the most detailed list) I noticed that LV3 'currency' value of property tab is not inherited to LV4 and LV5. *LV3 is parent of LV4 I tried to put formula for the LV4…
How to move anaplan model to the next FY and do not lose data
The Case: * Current Fiscal Year = FY17; * Some data is brought forwarded from Dec16; Option 1: Set new Current Fiscal Year + Increase Number of Past Years by 1 Option 1 results: * Original brought-forward value is still in place; * Original FY17 data is still in place; * New FY is added; * Module size is increased. Option…
Anaplan Model Evaluation
Hi All, I have been assigned the responsibility of evaluating an Anaplan Model created by my peers. I need to submit a formal documentation with recommendation on areas of improvement. Do Anaplan have a standard template for such evaluation. If available could you please share or let me know the path. Any other model…
Selectively tally rows from a module based on '(column name) IS x', or similar
I'm trying to write a formula in the module 'Spend (FY18)', that refers 'Budget (FY18)'. I want the formula to check the column 'Period' (which is a pick-list of four options) and if that period equals Q1, it will take the £amount from that row, and add all such rows together to give a £total for that Quarter (repeat for…
How to calculate NPV in Anaplan to match Excel's NPV?
Since the current NPV formula in Anaplan is similar to Excel's XNPV, Anaplan NPV results can fail to match Excel NPV results. This situation can lead to a lack of confidence in Anaplan's calculations when they are compared to an established Excel workbook model. Is there a method within Anaplan that can be deployed so…
Workaround for version formatted line items
Hello All, This is my issue: - I have a module called "Billings" where I have my billings by version (version A, version B and version C) - I would like the end user to select a version (A, B or C) - Ideally from a dropdown - Then, I want to create a line item (it can be in a different module) called "Billings (from…
Process in production
Hi, Could anyone please tell me, how we can run a deletion process (Deletion from list using selection) in deployed mode.
Implementing sumif in Anaplan using two different modules
I have one module containing of data from January 2010 to December 2020. In another module my dimension is not the Time period but a defined list of months. In these 12 columns of the second module, I want sum of January figures from data module to come in January column, sum of February figures from data module in…
Calendar type: 4-4-5, 4-5-4 or 5-4-4's restrictions
Hi all, I have a question regarding Calendar type "4-4-5, 4-5-5 or 5-4-4". When this type is selected, I can't any import files which have monthly buckets. Only weekly or daily buckets can be imported into Anaplan my model. But I can input and change monthly buckets' value directly on the model. Do you know Calendar type…
How can I count the cells of lists?
I can count the cells of modules using "Modules" in model settings menu. However, I don't know how to count the cells of lists that is calculated from the product of the item counts and the property counts. Because each cell is 10bytes of data, I think it is possible to assume the model size by the product of 10bytes and…
Profile Function - Pulling apart the components of an aggregated sum
I am trying to pull apart the components of a profile function so I can understand the impact of a certain period. Example - I have a ratable revenue recognition treatment for my bookings and I would like to understand the impact of Q1's bookings in Q4. By the time we get to Q4 we have now layered on Q2 - Q4. Is there a…
How to replace a last period with a switchover?
Hi team, I got a problem with a switchover when I can not replace the last period on the time scale with an actual version. I have two versions: Plan and Actual for one-year timescale Jul'16-Jun'17. I have been replacing the plan version with a switchover each month. When my last month has been closed I had no option to…
Dynamic Time selection
Trying the following: Module A: Lists: Territory, Brands, Versions Line Items: Avg Module B: Lists: Territory, Brand , Versions, Time, Scenarios Line Items: VolumeA, VolumeB I have Module A.Avg formula set as ModuleB.VolumeA[Select:Time'FY17', Select:Scenarios.S1]*.. Would like to replace time element in a dynamic way by…
List Hierarchies
Hi Team, I have a question with regard to the use of List Hierarchies , I am trying to import data into two lists List A and List B where List A is parent of List B. There are certain list items in List A which are also in List B Eg: List A has list value dt and List B also has dt. When I try to import from a file List B…
Zero needs to be shown instead of 'Infinity'
Hi, 'Infinity' has been returned as the result of MIN function as the attached screenshot. What should I do so that Zero value can be shown instead of 'Infinity'? Best regards, Maki Yasuda
Setting Today's Date via Informatica Cloud Services Integration
We've seen many requests to replicate Excel's TODAY() function within Anaplan. While Anaplan may or may not eventually build this functionality into the platform, we have implemented a workaround using our Informatica Cloud Services (ICS) integration that might be useful for other Anaplan users utilizing automated…
Error : Target server failed to respond
Hi, I'm trying to load the data from database(it is not our local db connecting to customer db) into my Model, after few tables were loaded into Anaplan then there is an error generating. Below is the error msg. "IO: com.anaplan.client.transport.AnaplanAPITransportException: Communication failure (Anaplan API:…