New UX for modeling: Formula broken down into lines & color coded
In the new modeling UX, it would be great if the formula is broken down into lines and indented when different parts of the formulas are in use (especially for multiple IF statements). Right now, even though the colors change per formula, it's hard to find where the breaks are. Additionally, right now every IF statement…
11.3.2 Activity: Import Data into P&L Actual and Budget
In 11.3.2 Activity: Import Data into P&L Actual and Budget I cannot import any data to the Budget version as it seems like only Forecast and Actuals version exist in the new model I have created. However I cannot tell why the budget version is not there? My systems module for version looks like this: And versions is set to…
Better Formula Editor for Anaplan; A new Chrome/Firefox/Edge Extension
Hello all! I have made a Google Chrome and Firefox extension that enhances Anaplan formula editing by using the Monaco editor. This is the editor used by Anaplan's new modelling experience. My extension works with this new experience adding enhancements over and above what Anaplan have done. It also works with the…
Option to sync Dimension Order across all modules with the click of a button
If we had a button in the Modules pane to sync all dimension orders, we won't have to manually (for each module) click on the applies to section and close
Level 3 Model Building Sprint 2 Territory Data
Hello, Many of you have probably finished the Level 3 Model Building Certification. As I start Level 3, Sprint 2, I got confused with the below instruction: My questions/clarifications: 1. In Sprint 1, the Level 3 Model is connecting with the Data Hub, and there was an option to download a New Data Hub or Use the Data Hub…
Enable an option to enter the functional area in the New Module creation screen
As soon as we create a new module, the module opens up. We have to immediately go back to the Modules section to set the functional area for the module. If this option was also present on the New Module creation screen, we won't have to go back to set the functional area.
Level 1 Lesson 11.3.4 Activity: Add Formulas to Profit and Loss Report Module
Hi I have a problem in fixing the formulas for the above lesson. I have attached the screen shots for the first formula I was supposed to create which is for Headcount. REP03 Profit & Loss Headcount FormulaError message displayed for the formula Further, I would like to know whether the formula repeats itself for all the…
When adding a new module, enable option to position it [Below, Above, First, Last]
This functionality is already present for line items and is very helpful. If this is also made available for modules, we will be able to insert a module at the end of the module list
Optimizer Inventory Rollover Exercise
Inventory Rollover setup is required to avoid circular references when using previous function and will allow for rollover within dynamic time construct that the Optimizer requires. Review and complete the Dynamic Time portion of the exercise prior to starting Inventory Rollover.
Allow multi-selection option for the dimensions appearing on pages
When dimensions are appearing on pages, we can only select one single value from each dimension. This is a major limitation. Having the option to select multiple items from whatever is on pages will help a lot.
Visibility of whether a line item is referred by an action
In the blue print view we can only see if a line item is referred by formulas. If we similarly had the visibility of whether a line item is referred by actions, it would be very helpful.
Automatically sum line items of a module
Is there a way to sum all the line items in a module? Let's say I have 20 line items in a module at the moment and I want to sum it all up in the 21st line item. (1) Is selecting 20 line items one by one to get the total the only way? (2) Is there a way to ensure that if a new line item is added somewhere between 1st and…
Ability to refer to the total of all line items in a module
Presently to get a total of all line items in a module we have to create another line item and manually add the other line items in the module. This is both time consuming and error prone. Also if there is ever a addition of a line item in the module the formula for total has to be updated. Instead if we had a simple…
Anaplan Way Certification
Hi All, I want to enroll for Anaplan Way certification but it is showing to enroll in classroom classes. Kindly guide me on this how to enroll for Anaplan way. It would be helpful. @Misbah Thanks , Ayush Srivastava
level 1 exam activity 5
added all the formulas for bonus ,car allowances,medical...but adding all car cost, medical are showing zeros
Optimizer: Dynamic Time Setup
This video will demonstrate how to setup a dynamic time list for use with the Optimizer. Download the attachment for instructions on how to setup Dynamic Time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD7Wt4wcxwM
Optimizer: Exercise Walkthrough
This video is a walkthrough of an Optimizer exercise. Download the attachment for a printable version of the exercise instructions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwwXAB9Rbp4
Increase the limit of list item beyond 999 999 999
As a anaplan coe lead, i need to enable more complex and scalable use cases into anaplan and integrate seemlessly with high volumes system working with event or log based architectures. To cover these, one limiting factor is the hard limit over the 1billion minus one on lists. I d like to have this limit raised to higher…
How to look up first instance of a numbered list
I have a module (Module A) that applies to a list. Job Title Salary Bob John Katie I have a different module (Module B) that uses a numbered list. The display names of the numbered list matches the names in the regular list. How do I look up the first instance of the "Job Title" in Module B so Module A shows Bob's Job…
Level 3 Sprint 2 Assign action [Finalize Assigments button error]
Hi Good day, Invalid selection message Can anyone give me some hint? Thanks
Error message L1 model building - 6 Module 6.6.5
The formula for 'SYS01 Time Settings by Year'.Forecast Year? is invalid: Forecast Year? = 'SYS00 Time Settings'.Forecast Period? 'SYS00 Time Settings'.Forecast Period? is not a recognized line item or list member I received this error message when I try to enter formula to the line item Forecast Year And I am also not sure…
Enhance Users list with Subsets by Role/Manual/etc
We use users list in many of our filters modules/line items but the usage of the filters might be only for some set of users. We don't have option to use the relevant people only in users list for these modules. Which will result in more sized modules. Having option to manage subsets in users list by role or by manual or…
Trigger an action with a boolean
It would be nice if we could trigger an action and/or clear a line item based on a checkbox. For example when overriding values, we often use an "Override?" boolean to make a line item writable. If the user unchecks it he expects for the input to be cleared/reset. This can be achieved with an additional action, which is…
Level 3 Sprint 2 Employee Details into G3 Sales Reps
Hey Team, I have encountered some issue(s) with importing the datahub saved view employee details module into the G3 Sales Rep list in the Sales planning model. After a completing the import, the results (per the attachment) are not the employee names but numbers. Could you advise on how best to quell this issue and…
Sum function not working correctly
Hi, I have a data module with Dimension E3-Emp. This data module has following dimensions as List type Line items (Site, Tier, Rate, Tenure) When I try to create a module to group Emp HC by Site, Tier, Rate, Tenure and E1-Emp Class ( Super Parent for Emp). The result doenst look good. My formula 'DATA01 EMP Roster'.HC[SUM:…
Level 3 Sprint 4.5 Finalize Assignments Action Button
In the screen shot for 4.5, there is an action button for "Finalize Assignments". I have read through the user stories and the in the build steps and I cannot find any reference to this. What does this action do?
Export View with 4 dimensions to the left side and time in the columns
Is there a way to export with 4 dimensions on the left side and time (months) in the columns? I created a saved view and used tabular multiple column export (filtering the specific months with a boolean in a separate module). However if I put the line item and time in columns it errors stating line items must be in columns.
L2 Sprint 3 - 3.3.6
Can anybody please help me with why my data is showing 0 instead of 16388 in Confirmed Purchase Order Receipt (week 3) after following the instructions in the screenshot? I have applied the following formulae: PO Submitted: IF Submit Purchase Order Request? THEN 1 ELSE 0 Confirmed PO Delivery: POST(PO Submitted, Final…
L2-Sprint 2, DEM03 module
Hi, In L2-Sprint 2, DEM03 module we created few line items and applied some formulaes, after applying formulaes the data is populated for only FY2020 since we have only 2019 actual data we pulled the data from 2019 to 2020 by applying OFFSET function. In DEM03 module, for Baseline forecast line item we applied a formulae…
Module Lines System Generated 'Created by' and 'Modified by' Detail
All module lines should include system generated "Created By" and "Modified By" detail for audit trail, compliance, and support reference. It is not always clear as to whom created or modified a line in a module. If a consultant or contractor is making changes to lines, the only way to find that detail is by combing…