New UX IDEA - Show/Hide for individual combinations of items in nested dimentions of a module
This will be nice to have Show/Hide feature options to select between Every occurrences or Selected like we have in classic UX. Currently New UX Show/Hide feature acts like "Every occurrence" only.
New Formula Idea : Convert boolean into a number and stop IF BOOLEAN THEN X ELSE XX
Hello community, I have to do a lot of controls (boolean) and base and theses controls give me a value based on its true or not. I do a lot of these technicals line items for : -Controlling element -Color Coding -... I code it in 3 steps : * 1) Business Element (Number) : Uselly a business value * 2) Control (Boolean) :…
Undocking in New FX
It would be helpful if the new user experience allowed you to undock tab's like you where able to in the classic interface.
Import a time range
As a model builder, I would like to be able to Import settings into Time Ranges. This would enable me to make Time Ranges more sustainable by driving their settings from an Admin Screen with actions.
API call to determine if a model is currently busy
As a data integration owner, I want to be able to check if a model is locked/busy running a process before I initiate a new process, so that I can avoid running excessive processes and have smoother orchestration between my calls. I'll know this is successful when there is an API call when I can submit a model guid and get…
Azure Cloudworks navigation
Hi, At the moment its quit difficult to navigate through Azure Cloudworks processes and imports/exports. We are planning of having around 70 - 80 different integrations. Only thing what we are doing is naming Process names by numbers, but even so, number order is not working in all cases. It would be great if there could…
Refactor the action "Imports" tab
The action import tab should include: - all the info that is in the first tab the source ID ( especially the last execution date) - source object should be exploded into workspace/model/module/view fields - the data source ID should be available here as well - an export button, just like on the first tab - the ability the…
Choose column separator in Exports
When we export modules containing text-formatted line items and we choose csv or txt format, the column separator is automatically forced on 'comma'. If the text within the line item contains any comma in its body, it will shift the following columns and damage the whole file. It would be great to be able to choose the…
Include Categories as part of in model Pages Menu
Apologies if this has already been posted but I was wondering if it would be possible to include categories (and perhaps an option to filter by these) in the Pages tab of the model development environment. At present it is only possible to sort by name, this may be confusing if categories are used to identify stage of…
Snapshot Current System time function
Currently there is no current date/time function in Anaplan. After talking with developer from engineering group, we understand that one of the challenges to implement this is that Anaplan is "moment of time" system, if you have a formula reference Current time, then it would be only true for that moment, what happen if…
NUX Board optimization : Copy Formatting
Hello everyone, I am a Solution Architect and building applications and pages. I am aware of the functionnality "Save card as template". Nevertheless, I think we miss a functionnality here. In fact, the functionnality "Save card as template" give us the possibility to copy & paste a same card to another page but the…
Show Precedent Line Items
Excel has a great feature that shows dependent and precedent cells for formulae. For those that do not know, here is a screenshot of trace precedents in action: The blue arrow is indicating that Profit is dependent on Costs and Revenue. This is a great visual way to show how cells affect one another. Whilst Anaplan…
Report Page: increase the slide limit for export
Hi all, We ask you to increase the slide limit for export to 50 units. We have developed a monthly financial report for a group of companies on 38 slides. In the future the report will be supported and the number of slides will increase. Right now it is not possible to export all slides at once, so it is inconvenient for…
ALM Version Structure Settings - Allow for CURRENTVERSION setting updates in PROD model
Other structural version settings are now unique to the production environment and the Current Version setting should be allowed to be changed directly in the PROD environment as well. Currently if you are using the native version formula settings in order to calculate for specific versions, there is no dynamic way to…
Time Subsets
We would like the ability to create time subsets for more granular time ranges (days, weeks, months), that may not match the current model Time Scale of Years, Quarters, etc.
No reference cell count
If Anaplan can provide the column for the total number of no reference cell count for each line item in module grid view, It will greatly help modelers to identify the line items which is having more sparse cells. Modelers can work on those line items to less the sparse cells. I believe it will help at the module level as…
This is an idea of how to improve the app
NUX Context Aware Import Action
Could we make import actions (that are set up to select context each time an import is ran) context-aware to the UX page it is on? Just want to make that action "smarter" so that users aren't scrolling to select each context every time they want to do an import for that specific context only.
JSON as Import File Format
With the JSON format being the pervasive format for API data interchange it would be excellent if Data Import actions could use this format of file as a data source.
Formula Editor with AI suggestions
As a SA, when we perform the model review, one of the most common issues are badly written formula. MAT analysis does provide a list of potential issues. It would be nice to add another button in addition to apply as Suggest, so it can warn the users when they try to create complex formula. Even better, given the vast…
Functionality in "MY PAGES" in the UX
In the US, the My Pages is missing/disabled functionality that is critical to the users to complete their planning: * Actions are disabled in the My Pages-This is a critical function for the business to complete their planning processes without having then to return to a default page to run required actions. * Being able…
Switching models when you access a page for the first time in the UX
When you have access to multiple UX apps, when you access a page for the first time, the model can be switched back to the first model and the user does not look at the model name they are now in. Models with the same underlying structure and purpose but different data associated with the same page (ie. Split production…
Make the 'Referenced By' section of a Module Blueprint CLICKABLE
I want to be able to do the following: * Open a Module in Blueprint view * Scroll to the right to see the 'Referenced By' field of a Line Item * CLICK on this field and have one of two things happen:* If there is only one Line Item in the 'Reference By' the module with that Line Item opens (in Blueprint Mode) and (bonus…
number settings
Currently number settings can be done only at Line item level. It is cumbersome to repeat number settings across all lines in the modules in a model. Like Time and Version settings, can we have the option to set up Default Number Settings at a model level. Similarly, Rounding of numbers can be set up a default across the…
Merged: Disable action button based on a line item
This discussion has been merged.
Allow for Copy/Paste of 'Reverenced By' to work in 'Model Search'
The new 'Model Search' is awesome! I use it all the time! I have noticed that it cannot handle a few search prompts. One of them is if the user pastes a full reference for a Line Item. An example might be 'CALC Store O4 Month Results'.Store Hours Threshold Pasting this in Model Search produces no hits. But the ideal result…
Allow Column Series Stacking to respect a dimension
I have a data set where I am using Stacked Columns to show a build-up of a number. I have now added Versions to this Module. I want to be able to see two sets of stacked columns, one for each version. Here is the current result: And here is the Actual and What If Versions, each as their own chart: Finally, here is the…
Provide Markdown support for text cards
Currently, the text editing features are very limited. While a rich text editor would be appreciated, simple Markdown support would allow for easy, in-line styling without the need for a rich text editor bar. I know this will be enacted when a user can use basic Markdown syntax to stylize text within the text card in the…
NUX: Possibility to enlarge width of Filter area on Board Pages (similar as for Worksheets pages)
As NUX user I would like to have the possibility to enlarge the "Filter" area to the left using the drag-and-drop. It is similar of what can be done with the "Additional insighst" or "Filter" area in the Worksheet pages. Sometimes the elements to filter have long descriptions and users cannot easily see the descriptions of…
Increase 1 million list item limit for Order list action
Requesting to increase the limit of 1 million list item count for Order list action. Currently we will get the following error when list item is over 1 million: Cannot Run ActionThe number of items in the list (1000001) exceeds the maximum allowed (1000000)