Re-order function for Quick Links (Worksheet Page)
Hi, It is undeniable that the quick links in the worksheet page are super handy for users to access to other pages without going back to the landing page or so. But it would be more wonderful if there is re-order ability or at least the ability to update new link under same name (now just able to Delete or Edit Name). For…
New Formula Editor - Positioning and Default Setting
For the New Formula Editor is it possible to: 1. Be able to dock it at the top and left of the screen as well as the bottom \ right 2. Set a default so that each time you expand into the new editor box it opens to the left\right\top\bottom depending on your setting, or if a setting is not possible then have it default to…
Ability to Lock Field Card For Input
Need an ability to lock Field Card for Input - just the way we have an ability to lock grid cards for Input Sometimes Field cards are used to display information in the form of text which can be of multiple lines and we don't want users to edit it.
Allow the Modules List to be searched with fuzzy logic, the saem as the Model Search function
The new fuzzy search method available in Model Search is excellent! I use it to rapidly jump to another module. But we still must use the modules tab to copy modules. I now find myself trying to use fuzzy logic when using search in the modules tab. Could we please get this implemented here?
UX Idea: Conditional Formatting Pre-saved Templates
As a page builder I wolud like to be able to save templates for conditional formatting to select it later for alike line items (with same dimensions in the same module). This will save me a lot of precious building time doing repetative tasks because currently I have to prepare CF for each line item from scratch. Let's say…
New UX - Turn off Classic models/Switch Search Order for Classic Models and show New UX at the top
We started to get use cases where we have New UX only. However, when people search for apps they see Classic Models as first in the list. Ideally we would like to manage access to Classic Models per user to avoid confusion by End users and turn it off per user. At Minimum we would like to switch the search that Apps show…
Move 'Body Text' field from 'Overview' to 'Text' in the Card Configuration of a Text Card
Currently the 'Body Text' field is in the 'Overview' tab of the 'Card Configuration of a Text Card. This separates the text entry form the tab with the formatting for that text. It can cause confusion as a user might type in the 'Description' field, thinking it is the 'Body Text' field. Consolidating the Body text field on…
New UX: Ability to sort columns/rows via Show/Hide in worksheets
Currently, the end user cannot change the order of list items displayed in columns/rows in the worksheet pages. In the old UX, while selecting items to show/hide, you can change the order of the list items. With this enhancement, the end users can customize their "My Pages" better and it will eliminate the need to utilize…
Ability to show/hide an additional insight card based on a boolean line item
On worksheets with a large number of additional insight cards, it can be overwhelming for the user. It would be great if we could configure each card to be visible / invisible based on a boolean line item. The behaviour would need to be context-sensitive: for example, the boolean might be dimensioned by Users, or by one or…
Search shortkey within
Would like to have the same shortkey as within Classic UX (Ctrl + Shift + S), to go directly to the search bar within grids/ worksheets.
Make dimension drop-down menu wider
In the UX, when clicking on a selector when you have a big hierarchical hierarchy, you can't read the elements anymore in a proper manner. The drop-down menu box should be wider instead of having to scroll to be able to read it.
Looping Time Period Graph
What I am looking for is to leverage the concept of a continuously changing graph, essentially, having a pie chart, line graph, area chart, bar graph, etc. that when changing across a dimension (say time), that the data and identifying features also update as the given graphical display updates. In short a pie chart that…
Easier Way to add User Access
it would be great if there was an easier way to add read/write access for users for multiple people at a time. whenever we have a new rep we have to go through every person that needs access to see their data and its a very manual process and sometimes we miss people. being able to add multiple people at once to have…
NEW UX Automatically generate code in forms
End users have to populate Code manually when using Form. This can generate manual errors. It would be very helpful if we can generate codes automatically based on name or other properties of the list.
Too many blank spaces
The new UX in Anaplan has a lot of white/ blank space. This is especially not helpful when you are using Anaplan on a Phone/ Tablet.
Showing UX Page Name on Delete Confirmation Dialog Box
I think that it will be useful if UX page name is shown when confirming to delete a page in order to avoid deleting an incorrect one. Regards Andre
Designate a dummy module as a Group, show alternate formatting for clearer model building experience
Similar to how you can set a line item to different formats to help readability and organization, I would like to have similar functionality in the module view window. Organizing the module view in a similar way would be really helpful as module count grows in large models. Currently the "best practice" is to create a…
Tree View Available even if we have large lists
Hi, Tree View have to be available even if the list is large. Anaplan could show it on different pages. It's a big limitation to the client if they can't see the tree view list.
Management Reporting - Open link to page in new tab
When looking at a management report and wanting to look at other dashboards in more detail it would be great if the link to page opens in a new tab. This way you can continue presenting and refer to the second tab for more information seamlessly. Currently you have to right click to open in new tab which isn't as seamless…
Central model up-/downtime management
After @DaanishSoomar posted this article , I wondered why there is actually no central admin setting to wake-up a model automatically. Most customers I know with larger models have either hourly imports during working hours or they run specific wake-up scripts. Particularly larger, complex models can take 10-15 minutes…
Use Page Selectors to Select Data for Export via Export Actions
As an End User I need to be able to select data for exporting using Page Selectors in the UX, providing a common navigation experience for interacting with data in Anaplan. Currently to select data for exporting I need to use selection criteria (Booleans or List Formatted Line Items) to select what I want to export. It is…
NewUX view Source Module
In the NewUX, you cannot go directly to the source module. When selected it takes you to your default dashboard page in the classic version. This is not helpful for users that aren't model builders with access to everything. This functionality and the Drill to Transaction is needed in order to make the NewUX functional for…
NUX : Selector - Equal treatment of direct change and hierarchical filtering
There is some unconvincing behaviour regarding the difference in handling of direct selector changes and selector changes as a result of hierarchical filtering. There is a hierarchical structure consisting of G1 Region, G2 Country and G3 Location. There is a board page like this one, on which two cards are placed. The…
Revision Tag enhancement: Compare vs current state and/or edit Description
I have what I think is a minor feature request that would be very useful for anyone using ALM or Revision Tags generally. On the Revision Tags page, we compare the changes between two previous Revisions, but I haven't found a way to compare the current untagged state of the model to a saved (usually the most recent)…
Selecting Levels in Excel Add-In
Hello everyone, When using the Excel Add-In, we find many advantages such as overall better selection/filters for line items and dimensions in the Pivot & Filter section, however a major drawback of using the add-in here is that we cannot select levels like in the browser. Unless I haven't found how to do it properly,…
Save UX Export Definition as An Action
It would be great if we could save/automate dashboard exports from the UX in the same way that we can in the old dashboard experience. Right now, if we want to automate the sending of a dashboard export (a PDF), we need to do it as a saved view of a grid or build an old UX dashboard to export from. Right now, if I export a…
Ability to Wrap Text in Action Cards
Need an ability to Wrap Text (Have Multiple lines option) in Action cards because the name of the action drives the size of the button horizontally. With this idea we can control the size of the button as well as the dashboard real estate.
New UX: Column headers hight
This is not quite the same idea of my colleague, but it has some similarities: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/New-UX-Column-Headers-Wrap-Text-by-Words/idi-p/99307 In classic UX we were able to select number of lines of the headers of a module on a dashboard: It will be nice to have it in NUX also, or any…
Ability to hide an empty Columns header in a Grid in the UX
Currently, if the PB publishes a Grid on a Board where One dimension is in the Rows but no dimension is in the Columns they end up with a large whitespace where the Column header would be. Requesting better handling of this whitespace by allowing the PB to select 'Hide Column Header' during the setup of the Grid Card.
Allow Process to call the same Action more than once
I have a number of Actions that need to be repeated several times as part of a process. This requires multiple identical Actions to be created with an incrementing suffix and then called sequentially. This would be partially resolved if a Process was allowed to call another Process Allow a Process Action to have other…