Selecting Levels in Excel Add-In
Hello everyone, When using the Excel Add-In, we find many advantages such as overall better selection/filters for line items and dimensions in the Pivot & Filter section, however a major drawback of using the add-in here is that we cannot select levels like in the browser. Unless I haven't found how to do it properly,…
Save UX Export Definition as An Action
It would be great if we could save/automate dashboard exports from the UX in the same way that we can in the old dashboard experience. Right now, if we want to automate the sending of a dashboard export (a PDF), we need to do it as a saved view of a grid or build an old UX dashboard to export from. Right now, if I export a…
Ability to Wrap Text in Action Cards
Need an ability to Wrap Text (Have Multiple lines option) in Action cards because the name of the action drives the size of the button horizontally. With this idea we can control the size of the button as well as the dashboard real estate.
New UX: Column headers hight
This is not quite the same idea of my colleague, but it has some similarities: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/New-UX-Column-Headers-Wrap-Text-by-Words/idi-p/99307 In classic UX we were able to select number of lines of the headers of a module on a dashboard: It will be nice to have it in NUX also, or any…
Ability to hide an empty Columns header in a Grid in the UX
Currently, if the PB publishes a Grid on a Board where One dimension is in the Rows but no dimension is in the Columns they end up with a large whitespace where the Column header would be. Requesting better handling of this whitespace by allowing the PB to select 'Hide Column Header' during the setup of the Grid Card.
Allow Process to call the same Action more than once
I have a number of Actions that need to be repeated several times as part of a process. This requires multiple identical Actions to be created with an incrementing suffix and then called sequentially. This would be partially resolved if a Process was allowed to call another Process Allow a Process Action to have other…
Report: Dynamic Page Sizing
The Report Designer limits you to the following page sizes - A5, A4, A3, Letter, Folio, Legal and Executive all of which are "printable" options, however, with the option to export to PDF (a highly dynamic file type), it would be useful to have the option to set page size either by px, in., cm. and then have the option to…
Allow for filtering on Users tab
As a Workspace Administrator, I'd like to be able to filter and sort the Users tab based on values in different columns — just like we can do it for modules. The most important is to allow for filtering on 3 columns: Model Role, Workspace Administrator and Single Sign-on. This could really help with managing users access…
Summary columns always available with Anaplan default filters on screen
When we create a screen to show some volumetric data in line items against the master data dimension and we also have additional line items which are properties of the dimension. We have enabled the summary for the dimension to check the summary of volumes. If the user wants to analyze by filtering out by any property,…
Adjust Anaplan tab in Salesforce to land on specific Page instead of home page
I need to be able to Change the landing page for users who click through to the Anaplan tab from salesforce, to ensure a smooth experience for my end users and push them to the correct Anaplan page to continue their process
Success response back to source system after DI
When I have a DI between a source system and Anaplan, I need a way for Anaplan to ing the source system to confirm the job was successfully complete
Link Style of None on a KPI card could follow the link by clicking on KPI value
If a KPI card has a link and the Link Style is set to None it currently means the link won’t work. For an Image card, setting the Link Style to None means the user can click directly on the image and the link works. Please consider allowing the value of the KPI or the name of the KPI to trigger the link. I prefer the value.
REQUEST: Set a selector to Label if there is only one option available
If a user only has one option on a selector on a page, could is just show as a Label? This would allow a dashboard to let an admin change selections (because their selective access grants visibility to multiple list members) but, if a User, with access to only one List Member, loads the DB they would see the selector as…
Display a list of existing saved views when using "Save As"
When a model builder selects "Save As" in a module, it would be really helpful to see a list (dropdown?) of saved views already available for that module. This would help * When a model builder is trying to overwrite an existing saved view; they wouldn't have to type out the exact view name character-for-character, instead…
Edit Revision Tag Description
Please enable the ability to edit revision tag descriptions. Thanks!
Ability to designate modules by their specific role in DISCO
DISCO is helpful for model builders to use as they build from scratch, or even getting up to speed in an existing project. I think Anaplan should have a way to designate which part of the DISCO framework each module is being used for. (similar to "Functional Area") While there is the "Functional Area" column that could be…
Adding Timestamps column to 'Enable' or ‘Disable’ a User from the Tenant Administration Area
As a Tenant Administrator, I need to know the timestamps of when a user was Enabled or Disabled from the tenant, So that I can track this action more accurately for compliance purposes. I know this is done when I can see an extra column to report the latest Enable/Disable timestamps in the Users=> Internal section of the…
Module with only Non-Actual Versions.
Suggesting the ability to have a module that only applies to Forecast/Budget versions as its used predominately in Forecast assumptions. Saves space and enables users to add in Forecast assumptions without having an unnecessary Actual dimension.
Mass Delete pages from an App
Hi, It would be great to have an ability to check multiple pages to duplicate/move/delete in an app to allow faster reorg of apps for different use cases. Doing it one by one takes a long time. Thanks,
Conditional Formatting for Dot Charts
Hi, When putting together a dot chart utilizing a list rather than fixed number of line items in rows to populate the dots results in random colors for each dot. For example, when there are 5+ list items per column, and that number goes up and down based on each selection, having a rainbow of colors for each chart does not…
Use Saved Templates on Worksheets
Could you please allow the page builder to use Saved Card Template to create primary grid on the Worksheet. As of now it only allows page builders to use Saved Card Template for Secondary Grids. Benefits: Page builders can mimic Worksheets pretty quickly Misbah Miz Logix
Change The Units of Line Items
In the UX there is no good option for my client to display a chart with units in billions. The options are as follows: * Divide our final output line item by 10^9. They don’t want to display it as 3dp which is the required level of detail in other columns. * Divide our final output line item by 10^3 or 10^6. The…
Dependent Dropdown in Forms doesn't work
I tried to work out a dependent dropdown in forms (New UX). It doesn't seem to be working It would be great if we can get this functionality.
Set Anaplan Import Source via URL
Currently, when creating an Anaplan to Anaplan data import, the process of setting the source is somewhat tedious - it requires specifying the workspace, then the model, then the source type, then finally the actual source. However, with the recently released feature that an Anaplan Model URL specifies an active…
Enhance "Delete from List Using Selection" by accepting filters in combination with Users list
As a model builder, I would like to have the possibility to create an action with the option "Delete from List Using Selection" by using booleans line-items in combination with the Users List additional the List where it is needed to delete the elements. Currently, when trying to build an action "Delete from List Using…
Ability to add a property column before dimensionalized columns
The customer request is added flexibility to add initial columns in grids that are not dimensionalized by the columns in the grid. This is mostly for improved experience/planning for end users, but also can help refine modules. The first image shows how we would like to display the property in a separate column: The second…
Show and Hide Selections in the UX - Custom View
Hello, If we can manage that the end user doesn't lose the show/hide in the icon card after we hide nested columns in a custom view, this will be very usefull. Today when doing this, a warning message appears. Many end users i'm working with would like this option to be enabled. Thanks ! Sofiane
Excel Add-in: Send and Refresh multiple sheets at once
Hi, I have an Excel workbook to input data into Anaplan. This workbook consists of over 10 sheets connecting to different Anaplan modules. It would be great if we can send and refresh multiple sheets at once as "Refresh Multiple Connections" functionality. I believe this "Send and Refresh Multiple Connections"…
Grid-based Cards on Boards do not scale with monitor resolution changes
In the New UX, Cards on Boards snap to the resolution of the screen (i.e. they scale to resolution); however, if that Card holds a Grid then the Grid itself does not snap to the new resolution. After a quick troubleshoot, it is as if the font does not change size as a result of resolution change, so the grid within doesn’t…
REQUEST: Be able to export pictures on Management Reporting Page to pdf
Currently when exporting to pdf all pictures disappear. As we are using pictures to create standardized backgrounds and embedded column headers (column groupings) all pages break when exporting. This makes the whole management reporting either not portable or way less customizable. Current way of…