Setting to ignore elements when imported into a time dimension.
Hello everyone! I constantly face the problem that I described in this topic. The problem is that if, when loading data, you have time in the columns, and the rows have several non-embedded columns (reference for the user, outgoing measurement (and the mapping is done according to an additional LI: code), then at the start…
Enable Hot Key Refresh for modules, etc.
Hello, I find myself trying to refresh classic dashboard and backend modules with Alt+R, similar to the UX, and it would be great if we can get this functionality on the backend for module build.
Toggle the Aggregation (e.g. SUM:) part of Formulas Off to Make for Easier Reading!
Hi Anaplan, One of the things customers love about Anaplan is the easy-to-read formulas/ references that are visible through drill down or when modelling. However, the aggregation part of the formula (while important) can sometimes make the formulas look more intimidating than they really are and much harder to read. It…
Ability to Use Copy Down/Copy Across on a Higher-Level Breakback Cell
Currently, when a builder has Breakback turned on for a line item and selects "Select Levels to Show" in a module and only selects higher levels in a hierarchy, copy down/copy across will not work on these summarized Breakback cells (Fig01). I would like the ability to use Copy Down/Copy Across in a module for on these…
Ability to Export Adhoc from NUX
Unlike Classic, New UX doesn't have the option of allowing users to export the module/view from the dashboard directly without the pre defined actions. Idea is to provide the option to the end users so that they can export the data without running any pre defined export actions.
NUX restrict access - rename please
I find the Restrict Access naming very ambiguous and always have to test it to confirm how it works. This screen is not restricting access but Granting access. I click a user Role to grant it access. I accept that deselecting is restricting but .....
Management Reporting: Context Selectors Synchronization for Subsets
Have context selectors synchronized for list subsets when they are made from the same list. Let's say that I have a page that contains both a chart and a grid. Both are dimensioned by two different subsets created from the same list. Therefore, I have two context selectors. Those context selectors do not synchronize when…
New UX - Pages Visibility Layer (by Roles and NewUX Pages)
Hi team, Currently, we have a few global programs in different business areas that unit numerous groups of users from different regions and countries. Mainly we use a global approach for each of county but still need minor customizations for them, so for end-users convenience we have to create customized pages based on the…
Retrieve Cell Data for a view via API for non-admin users
We are able to retrieve cell data for a view, but that’s possible only for Workspace Administrators. Generic accounts always do not have admin licenses and there's no way they can read cell data. Without admin setup we are not able to neither wright back, nor read back. If non-admins could read cell data it would allow to…
Ability to create Formulas between models
As a workspace admin, i need to build connected planning between models, meaning direct formulas references between models themselves. This is needed as our current only option is to either use import actions which need to be either run manually, or scheduled through cloudworks or would require a substantial amount of…
Cloudworks - add a "run as" option
As an integration admin, i need to be able to optionnally choose under which user id a process or integration would run with cloudworks. This is necessary as for instance we want an integration admin to set up scheduled process using a system account with a determined access rights perimeter with the help of dca.…
Organizing Model to Model integrations in CloudWorks
As a Integration Admin I would like to have the possibility to organize the integrations/processes with, for example, folders and/or categories. This in order to have an good overview. With our setup the list of different processes is long, at least ss long as no function for sequential run of different processes is in…
New UX Notification Action Dynamic setup
Anaplan has rolled out a flexible option of Notification action but based on clients requirements few enhancements would be helpful. Please find below few thoughts on enhancements: 1. To setup dynamic text by looking at any entities in model 2. To have look and feel customizations like adding custom logos, etc 3. Add…
New UX - Color formatting Hierarchies by level
it would be useful to have formattable levels in hierarchies in the new UX, to obtain more readable views
Maintain Native Application Formatting Following Refresh (Excel/PowerPoint Add-Ins)
We have found that when leveraging the Anaplan Add-ins for both Excel and PowerPoint often times any formatting done on the data to resize columns/rows or change fonts/colors is completely lost following a refresh of the underlying data. We would like the ability to maintain native application formatting when refreshing…
Allow User Admins to Enable/Disable Workspace Administrator Configurations
Fully replicating a non-administrator's access requires a model builder to either have two Anaplan accounts (one with WSA and without WSA) or requires another WSA to disable/enable the model builder's WSA configuration. The first option can be infeasible for certain Anaplan customers, and the second option becomes…
New UX: Pivot user setup persistent after refresh worksheet
Hi team, I would be great if the pivot setup available on worksheet for end users was keeped in memory after refreshing the page like it is already for filter, sort and show/hide features. It was fix for show/hide function recently (Idea 68473), would be good to have the same for pivot as well. Thank you!
New Line Item Text Format Type - SmallText
First, I would like to address that I do not know how the back end of Anaplan is built, so I am unsure as to the possibility or ease of implementation of this idea. The idea is taking a concept from SQL Server. SQL Server has the following data types for storing integer values: bigint, int, smallint, and tinyint. The below…
Google Sheets Add-on: Ability to remap connections
As an end user having the ability to repoint/remap connections can be very beneficial. If the underlying source model is to be changed or is accidently deleted, users do not currently have the ability to repoint existing workbooks. This leaves them unusable and requires rebuilding the workbook from scratch. Currently this…
Insert into a table of Dashboard
When any user try to insert a record into a table of dashboard, we will see "Child of" first as an option, though this is not expected behavior, as structure of production list will be broken. The clients will be satisfied if they see "Before" or "After" for options because they can easily imagin where to insert a record.…
Change history
My customer is requesting a change history recording function as in Excel. Multiple users normally work on the same grid at the same time; at that time, they want to display the change history of which other users changed which cell and how on the screen. Without that functionality, it's possible that users don't realize…
Ignoring some columns when mapping timescale through column headers
When we get a source file with time in the columns it is very common to have columns that are not relevant for the mapping. As time usually requires using an "automatic" mapping it is quite inconvenient that columns that are not relevant are processed as a FAILURA in Anaplan. It would be fantastic to have the option to…
NUX : Refresh filters (columns and rows) after data input
When changing input values (inputing numbers, checking/unchecking boxes, ...) filters that have been applied on rows or columns (for grids and/or chart views) should be updated. As of today, the user must refresh the whole screen after changing such inputs (mostly used for filtering).
Ability to Show/Hide Time-related levels in the Context Selector Settings of the New UX
Currently, it is possible to Show/Hide levels (i.e. summaries/details or L1/L2/L3) of lists and line items in the "context selector settings" of the New UX. It is not currently possible to do this with time. The dropdown list will be at the lowest level of granularity of the array of data on the page (e.g.the grid has…
New UX - Show / Hide levels of time context selector on Worksheets
Currently, when we have time as a context selector in worksheets, users are able to see all the different granularities that are present. I find it a little clunky, with load times that may take longer than expected, especially if the dropdown goes down to the granularity of days across multiple years. It would be great if…
Management Reporting: Ability to show/hide slides
Having the ability to hide slides to cater a presentation to your audience and deliver your message. You may want to have the information available but may not want to show it based on the audience.
New UX Export Code Option
For cases when end users want to export the modules for offline reporting repivoting (due to space constraints) we need to offer parity with the Classic UX where there is an option with Code Export. Workaround means we need to include one extra line item which has to be built for every place required.
Search Read/Write Access
Assigning read/write access to lists is very cumbersome when there are hundreds of items within that list. There should be a search bar within the read/write access when granting users so what that user needs access to is easier to find.
App Page Grid Text/Value Alignment Options
In the app pages, values automatically align to left, center or right based on value type, which can be useful for differentiating value types. However, I believe there are times it would be useful to be able to manage all line items alignment to the same setting of left, center or right for readability purposes. This is…
Allow Migrations between Non-Production and Production workspaces that have separate SSO containers.
Our company, and I presume others, use a production and a non-production SSO environment for security purposes. We have our Anaplan workspaces setup to use them, accoringly. However, the Anaplan platform does not support migrating code from two workspaces that do not reside in the same SSO container. We believe this should…