Bringing the UI to life! Icon and Image Resource
This is a cracking site for finding icons ready to download - I have included the specific area for UI based icons here, but check out the whole site! Free and easy to download. Get your users engages and make it easy to navigate your Anaplan application.
Line Item Subset: include non-numbered members, boolean only for dynamic filtering
Using line item subsets to filter line items in and out of a view is very helpful in giving users the ability to change their view in a single click; however developers are limited to Number-formatted line items. Giving the ability to add non-numerical items to a LISS and limiting the format of a line item dimensionalized…
Anaplan Job Board?
Hello — does anyone know if there is still an Anaplan Jobs Board in Community? I have a position that I would like to post and I can't seem to locate this anymore…. it was part of the old platform and I wonder if it's not included anymore. Thanks, Stacey
Ability to copy paste objects in the designer mode
Presently to copy paste objects such as grids, cards, text boxes etc, we have to publish them as templates and there is no straight forward way to simply copy and paste. Having this functionality would help a lot.
Current page option in the context area for a context selector filter
I would like to apply a filter to a context selector to use a filter dimensioned by what is also another context selector and wanting the filter to update with what is chosen from that other context selector. For example: I have a list as a context selector and time, which I only want to show the items chosen in the list…
Ability to auto-name PDF based on context when exporting from Management Reporting
When exporting a PDF - the name is always the name of the page as it appears in the app. It would be good if you could configure this so that it recognises the context of what you were exporting, but could supplement this with text. E.g. if you were exporting a board pack, you could select the context of "Europe" and…
- Create a User Experience Page
Hello All, Can please tell me what are the steps for creating a a user experience Page ? I don't know where i should start this activity, Cheers
New UX 30 Minute Quick Start course
Hi! Could you please help locate a 30 min New UX general training for new users? I know there is a 90 minute one, which we will use but I recall there was a shorter version for a quick start and I cannot find it. A 90 minute long version if needed.…
Hide Scroll bar on new UX Dashboard Cards
Hi! I'd like a toggle option to hide the scroll bar on a card. There are instances, for KPI cards for example, where when I make the card the size I want and the data is displayed correctly but there is a unnecessary scroll bar. I either have to make the card larger, taking up real estate on my UX, or leave the scroll bar…
Level 2 2.3.13 Create UX Pages
Hi Experts - I have created the UX page as part of the training, I have started to create it inside the demand category but once I finished I see that it is under the "Uncategorised", How can I get this back under the "Demand Planning"? Screen shot attached.
Challenge Question on Sprint 2 : 2.2.2 Front to Back Model Design
Hello everyone, I just start my Anaplan learning session like 2 months ago so I'm still newbie here. I have a Question about this challenge question. I already try like 10times, but my answer always wrong, could anyone tell me and explain for this question, because they didn't give any explanation for this questions. Thank…
Ability to Add actions like data write, forms and notifications in to Existing System Process
we could combine any of the UX actions with each other and with system processes which help user to run process once instead running running using 2 seperate action button.
Nex UX Reports page - Additional "Export to PDF" options like in Dashboard
Hello, It would be great and really useful to have more options when I'm exporting a report in the Anaplan New UX, as it's available on the dashboard as shown below: In fact since now it's possible to have dinamic fields in text, if I set up a simple report like this and the text will exeed the A4 page, it will get…
Shortcuts for Anaplan in new user experience
Having in mind recent improvements in the way that anaplan is using new formula formatting and "inteli-sensne" like interface when using bottom formula bar, its so much wast that there is so few shortcuts inside anaplan. Some of them are not working at all with new experience (Ctrl+>, Ctrl+< - working only with anaplan…
SKU to Format, Flavour, etc
Hi Guys. I have the following issue with our Anaplan implementation. Our SKUs can be rolled up either to Format (FO), Flavour (FL), Volume (VO), etc. All these have parents such as F1 > F2 > F3. The common denominator between all of them is the SKU. I have created a SYS module that has all of these as properties, therefore…
How can I see which modules are used in App pages?
I am making changes to a list that is used in multiple classic dashboards and NUX pages. I can identify the modules that include the list in their applies to and then identify the dashboards that include those modules. However, the only way I can see how to identify the modules included in the NUX pages is to open each…
Separator Lines on the UX grids
It would be nice to able to add separator lines between sections within a grid. For example, if I have nested grid, it becomes difficult to identify the separations. We could add separator lines in the module as line items, so that they can be used in the UX. These would be set as “No Data” by default and cannot be…
Top three underappreciated features of the UX
Author: Kait Chura, Certified Master Anaplanner and Solution Architect at LiveRamp. Reflection is a common practice for me when entering a new year. It's important that I find appreciation in both my personal and professional life, so I know what made my year better. Then, I can either build upon good behaviors in the…
Conditional Formatting - Extra Options
It would be great to see another condiitonal formatting option where you can change the text/number colour only based on conditions. Particulary with management reporting now having an option where you can make unfavourable variances in red as opposed to the full table cell change colour. It will just make some of our…
UX User-Filter & Context Selector Issue
Hi, I have a user filter that was working correctly before (and still working in some old UX pages) but it seems that after the last Anaplan update a bug had happened and I am not able to apply the filter anymore. In my UX page shown below, the user-dimensioned selector (Blue box) filters the context on the page (green…
3.3.12 Activity: Create Product Replenishment UX Page
Hi, In this activity I cannot select the desired month for Planning Period Filter and when applying filter there is something wrong. It's is not same as the screenshot. Somebody please help. I'm attaching the screenshot. Thank You very much.
Anaplan Homepage Ability to Hide the Model Tile and Show the App Tile
We just upgraded some of our models with hundreds of users to the NUX. Per the business owner's requirements they wanted to force a migration to the NUX and not allow for the users to use the old dashboards in Classic. To accomplish this we removed all the dashboards in Classic and instructed users to open the App instead.…
Applications of Newly introduced process/action timestamp .?
Hi Anaplanners, Anaplan is has recently introduced start date and time update w.r.t each process/actions run which has been very helpful. Is there a way through which this timestamp can be published on DB or used in model building..? Thanks in Advance. ~ABhi
REQUEST: extend the Data Write action to toggle
Allow the Page Builder to set a Data Write action to "Toggle." It would set False to True and True to False.
REQUEST: extension of Actions to KPI/Image Cards
REQUEST: Allow the Page Builder to do the following for a KPI or Image Card: Configure Actions select an action (I want Data Write) Setup the action Publish the End User can now click the Image/KPI and the action is performed. This would be limited to a single Action.
REQUEST: one click, save all Cards on a Board into Card Templates
REQUEST: ability for the Page Builder to, with one click, save all Cards on a Board into Card Templates. To handle cards without a Title it could Prompt for names Show a list of cards and require names or auto create names based on the name of the source Board.
REQUEST: ability for the Page Builder to “convert” a Board to a Worksheet
Select Source Board Select Grid Card as Worksheet Grid All other cards are placed in “Additional Insights”
Publish list on the dashboard in New UX
Hello, Could you please share how can we publish the list in the New UX dashboard ? Thank you.
How to apply Conditional Formatting on multiple line items using one rule
I found this cool hack to apply similar conditional formatting to multiple line items by using just one rule! Generally, we need to make a line item for each conditional formatting or add one rule each line item which gets very tedious when there are more than 20, 30 of them. Here’s a simple yet effective hack to make this…
New UX Import Dashboard Feature - Enable/Disable Pivot Default
Hello, My team and I are in the process of migrating hundreds of classic UX dashboards to the New UX. I've noticed that while using the "Import Dashboard" feature, the dashboard that is imported to the New UX does not factor in the existing pivot setting that was set in the classic UX, and instead defaults to disabling the…