Workaroud for Error when importing a csv file into a module with Dates in Columns
As you all might be aware that when we Export and Reimport the same CSV with dates, the timeformat changes in the export file. When you open the CSV file in Excel the dates reformat incorrectly. Below are the workaround steps to ensure the time periods are not reformatted to a date incorrectly in XLS. Step1) Use filetype…
Issue with conversion to csv
Hi, Our client will load a csv to Anaplan where we will compute the scorecard base on the dates on their transactions. However, we notice something the contract number column which is a general format in excel becomes scientific format once it is in csv. Please see attachment. We can change it back to the format that we…
Use if not and sum formul
Hi, Can some one advise me how to use a if not construction then sum(...) else ? I would like to have some examples. .. as I tries different formulas and it seems it's not working
Two set Operations in one script is not working correctly
Hi All , Below script is not working correctly let me know if i am missing out anything. Only one operation is working while running the script. echo off set CertPath=path1 set PrivateKey=path2 set WorkspaceId1="abc" set ModelId1="xyz" set WorkspaceId2="bcd" set ModelId2="pqr" set ServiceUrl="path1" set AuthUrl="path2" set…
importing into a list - duplicate item error
Hi All, I have a masterdata module with products which have an attribute of size. I have a list of all possible sizes. I have imported into the size list from the masterdata a module to ensure that if a different size is added, that my size list gets updated. All good so far - however when I run the import I get an error…
7 2 3 activity import data into employee details module facing Troubleshooting Invalid Date
Excel Add-in: Send and Refresh multiple sheets at once
Hi, I have an Excel workbook to input data into Anaplan. This workbook consists of over 10 sheets connecting to different Anaplan modules. It would be great if we can send and refresh multiple sheets at once as "Refresh Multiple Connections" functionality. I believe this "Send and Refresh Multiple Connections"…
8.5.3 Activity: Import Data into Volume Inputs Module
I'm unable to map source and Target after importing the data. Also unable to view the Target items as explained in the learning anaplan. Could you please me here.
@Echo off set AnaplanUser="***" set WorkspaceId="***" set ModelId="***" set Operation=-service "https://api.anaplan.com" -auth "https://auth.anaplan.com" -export "***" -execute -get "***" rem *** End of settings - Do not edit below this line *** setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion || exit /b 1 cd %~dp0 if not…
REQUEST: Be able to export pictures on Management Reporting Page to pdf
Currently when exporting to pdf all pictures disappear. As we are using pictures to create standardized backgrounds and embedded column headers (column groupings) all pages break when exporting. This makes the whole management reporting either not portable or way less customizable. Current way of…
Hierarchy Creation
Hi, I want to create 4 level Employee hierarchy from an Employee flat list. The employee-flat list has all employees, but I only need employees under one particular function. (let is assume 30 employees of one specific function out of total 100 employees). There are no departments or cost centers available. The only…
Restrict access for import
Hi, I'm trying to amend the UX page for my organization. in the UX page, each user can import data into 'General expense' line item. After they import, they are able to check and view what they have imported. How can I set the access such that each person is only able to view and check the numbers they have uploaded…
Hierarchy in New UX export
Hello, When I do export a grid from anaplan in a .xlsx format I'm loosing the tabulations which distinguish my hierarchy levels. Is there a solution to get the correct display in my export ? Here is what I have in anaplan: And here is what I have in my excel export File: Thanks, Antoine
Clear Target before Import
I have a users list wherein the users have read or write access to different companies. I have also created a security dashboard with an import action wherein administrators can give or takeaway access to certain companies for certain users. The problem I am facing is that in spite having the correct import action the new…
Import Shipping Expenses into OTH01 Module
Hi, I am getting the below error. Here is my mapping What am I missing? Appreciate the guidance here.
Import into DAT03 Historic Volumes
Hi, Im currently on Level 2 Sprint 2. For Importing the DAT03 from the Data base to the Supply Chain, I keep getting a error This is stopping me from running the proccess 9. I have connected the Supply chain to the Data hub. Please help, I am lost and have gone back to see what I have missed but nothing is coming up
Level 1 Exam Activity 5 - import txt data error
Hi All, I'm stuck and getting multiple errors when trying to upload the SYS08 txt file for activity 5. I saw another forum to not change the txt file to csv and to map e2 to code, but I'm still receiving errors. Do you know of any reasons why this error is persisting? I've provided screenshots attached. Also, anaplan did…
Level 2 Sprint 3 INV01 Beginning Inventory - Import from DataHub
I have issue to import Beginning inventory from DataHub view to Supply Chain DAT01 Beginning Inventory module. Loading process has no issue to complete 371 lines, but when I check module, it only imports first Location - Country list. All location sub in DataHub and supply chain list are matched. So Frustrated, Please…
Missing data when importing flat file
Hey! I am facing an issue when it comes to a data import. I want to build lists based on a flat file, and I get the file from another system, so I do not have option to modify the source file. The file structure is like the one below: Product CategoryProductCatregory AProduct A Product B Product CCategory BProduct…
Can we use Model name & workspace name instead of model id adn workspace id in Anaplan connect scr
Can we use Model name and workspace name instead of model id adn workspace id in Anaplan connect script.
Activity: Import from Data Hub to Supply Chain model
Hello, Below is the prompt from Level 2 Model building. My question is the following: 1. How does one import a saved view Data Hub Model into the P3 SKU list? What am I missing? What am I mapping to the Code, Parent, and P3 SKU? a. The import video & materials don't seem to go over importing modules into lists Please advise
Overview of Anaplan Data Integration Options and Which is Right for You
* Manual Import/Export * Anaplan Connect * CloudWorks * REST API * Anaplan HyperConnect * MuleSoft, SnapLogic, Boomi, and OneCloud * Power BI, Tableau, and DocuSign * Anaplan Tab in Salesforce.com * Conclusion Anaplan offers various ways of integrating data into the platform. The decision of how to import and export data…
Stop a process in CloudWorks
I kindly ask to add a "stop" option in CloudWorks Integrations Menu, because I have a process which is stuck and I need to spent a lot of time to delete and re-create it every time a process doesn't work. Thanks in advance!
Anaplan Integrations Roadmap?
Where can i find any information related to Anaplan integrations roadmap? Thank you. Anya
Date Format Conversion
I have source data DATE format as 01-01-19(MM-DD-YY) . I need to map this date format to destination format as JAN19(MMYY). 01-01-19(MM-DD-YY) -> JAN19 (MMYY). Kindly someone help me in this .
What is Anaplan Live!???
Hi there! I would like to know... What is Anaplan Live Event? I can see pop-ups every day but I can't find clear information about the event. Thank you in advance!
Change 100items at the same time,from "Clear target prior to import" to "Only update imported cells"
Hello Anaplan! It will be very helpful to bulk updates in the Actions settings. In particular, the setting "Clear target prior to import" to "Only update imported cells" in 100 items at the same time, rather than doing so 1 by 1. Anaplan, Could you create something to do so? Thank you in advance!
Change 100items at the same time,from "Clear target prior to import" to "Only update imported cells"
Hi there! I would like to know how can I change one settings characteristic in my Actions. In particular, would be to change from "Clear target prior to import" to "Only update imported cells" in 100 items at the same time, rather than doing so 1 by 1. It would be very usefull. Thank you in advance Community!
Web Scraping within Anaplan
Hello All, I am checking to see if there is any way for web scrapping and loading to Anaplan. From what I understand about Anaplan, there is no direct web scrapping method built in within Anaplan (unless I am not not aware of). If we had to load data from a website, say for example, the stock price of companies from the…
L1 Model Building - Lesson 7 Data Mapping issue
I was able to import everything but the formula CODE(ITEM('E2 Employees#')) does not seen to be working. I see everything correctly EXCEPT data in Code line. Any ideas? I already tried saving the downloaded file with opening.