Docusign - Create Flexibility for Signing Order - Data Population
The Anaplan Docusign Integration currently has the following limitation: When the text fields are assigned to a non-first signer recipient, it will not work. Only the first recipient can be assigned those text fields and the data from the model will populate. For companies that follow the signing order of 1) Employee, 2)…
Filtering text and numbers (NaN) in same module
Hi there, I have one module(saved view) which is the basis for an export to another system. This saved view consist of number and text (format), the export in the other system blocks when one of the number returns a NaN. Therefore we need to exclude these NaN. We thought we found a solution by creating a Line Item List…
"error parsing key for this row no values" error while Importing a list from a list in another model
Hi I do not have a module setup for an import of the list from another list from other model. and I get this error 'error parsing key for this row no values'. How can I get rid of this error. Thanks in advance!
Anaplan Way Online Training
Not so long ago I was able to start an online only version of 'The Anaplan Way' which didn't cost anything. There were quizzes to take, videos to watch, etc, similar to online level 1 and 2 trainings to some extent. Now it would seem the training is only available in person and for $1500? Hopefully I've just failed to see…
Data import error in Level1 training
Hi. I receive the below error when uploading the Employment Details csv file. It doesn't refer to a particular part of the mapping, so I have a hard time figuring out where to find the issue. My mapping setting is as follows. Can you please help?
How can I change my email id
Hi, Please help me here as I have changed my organization and for new organization I will be using different mail id. How can I change my email id from old organization to new organization in Anaplan community. Thanks, Vicky
API Python Workspace and Model IDs
Hello, I have successfully setup my Python environment. I did have a question around a specific requirement. https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Using-Python-3-with-the-Anaplan-API/ta-p/33150 From the above link, I have tried the “get models”, “get modelinfo”, and “getworkspaces” Python scripts. What I am…
Indicate the source module in a worksheet
Our users need to know the source module in a worksheet in order to be able to use the Addin Excel extension. It's possible to see it in a card on a Board, it is regrettable not to offer this information also in a worksheet. Board: Worksheet 😞 :
activate Excel-addin by gpo
Hello, I'm trying to deploy the Excel-addin 3.1 on a Citrix environment. I've used the msi installer and picked the multi user option. I've given full access to the users to this path C:\Program Files (x86)\Anaplan\ExcelAddin. Still a user can't find the plugin in their Excel add-ins. Then I tried to open the plugin by…
Importing User Data For Selective Access with multiple Items
Hello, I'm trying to design a process to update my user access by importing user data from a module. It works for the most part, except when one user needs access to multiple items in a selective access list. I've tried importing the list items as "Property 1, Property 2", but I get an error "Item not located in Property…
- Import Data into Historic Volumes Module
Am i right to assume the formatting of the volumn line item is incorrect?
Unsupported Media Type : POSTMAN
Hi, I am trying to upload a ".csv" file into Anaplan using Postman. Below is the API used. PUT https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/((workspace_id}}/models/{{model_id}}/files/{{file_id}} But it is throwing an error of "Unsupported Media Type". Below images(also uploaded) are the configurations used. Can someone help me…
Anaplan Power BI Connector
Hi I am using the Anaplan Connector to load data into my Power BI Desktop. Is there a way to do the same to Power BI cloud version? If so what are the steps required?
Field Separator for Export File from View
Is it possible to export data from AnaPlan using a pipe separator for columns. I can't find where this can be changed from a comma. Thanks
New module is not shown in Excel Add-In
I created a new module and it doesn't show up i Exel Ad-in. I've waited three days so its not just a questions of lagging. What am I missing? Ad in version Thanks for your help! /Tove
Retrieve Model ID and Workspace ID via API then load as CSV?
Hello All, I was wondering if it is possible to retrieve Workspace ID and Model IDs of any given Model which then can be pulled into a CSV file? Then imported into my current model? What I am looking for is something like this: 1) Retreive Current Model Details via API, extract into CSV. *Looking for ways to grab either:…
Dynamic exports - Export actions linked to saved view with filters or user selection
As a model builder I would like to set-up exports that are connected to saved views and that synchronize with a dashboard to provide end-users with dynamic and efficient exports and ensure sustainable integration with other systems. An example: A module is published to dashboard with month as headers. I want an export…
ADD User Profile a SSO ID textbox field
The user profile has very few fields and should have more, especially dealing with SSO. Anaplan has an email field box but doesn't have a field known as SSO ID, which can align with Azure SSO field values. A user's email might not be the same identity as what their IdP (identity provider) has assigned. Anaplan can use this…
SYS08 Employee Details
How do I resolve the greyed out items? Please help.
Error while importing data into SYS08 Employee Details module
Error while importing data into SYS08 Employee Details module
Level 1 Model Building 9.2.5 Adding the two formulas
When I try to copy and paste the formulas it tells me that the “Dimension of mapping used for lookup doesn’t match any dimension of the result” please help.
how to import locations.csv in level 1 model building
how to import locations.csv in level 1 model building
Mapping the products.csv file in level 1 training
Hi, I created a hierarchy of product family and products. I need help with mapping the products.csv file. Please find the screenshots attached.
Regarding Email Notification via Anaplan Connect Script .
Dear Expert , Hope you are doing great! I am looking for your kind advice on Subjected Matter . I am working for Anaplan Connect Script for Import ., where we need to trigger mail to support team in case of any error while importing to Anaplan model . Could you please help me with the details and sample script to write and…
how can I automate or schedule a process with in Anaplan
Hi, I am looking for a functionality about how can I automate or schedule a process with in Anaplan, which transfers data from one model to another model with out clicking manually each time on that process in dashboard?.. I appreciate your help on it. Thanks! Suman
Got struck in 8.5.3 import volume file
While mapping i am a bit confused how to map time dimension to the source and line item mapping .please help me out on . I am attaching screen shot of what i mapped in the import
Anaplan Cerificate
Hi, I have completed my exam with 90% marks, screen shot attached. But the Level 1 certificate link if not available for printing.
New UX and blocking actions
Hi all, I'm starting to implement the new UX to replace some of our existing dashboards and I would like to know if users working on a page are affected by blocking actions (import/export) as it happens in the model. This is one of our biggest challenge (ie: reduce blocking actions) to increase the anaplan adoption in our…
Excel Add-In
I have an excel sheet with multiple connections to Anaplan that run off saved views with filters on the lists I have a problem that when some sheets are refreshed it won’t allow them to be updated because it claims the "dimensions of the view has changed". It then requires you to update the pivoting, even though no…
Importing List Formatted Line Items into List Formatted Line Items (Numbered List)
Hi, I have been getting import errors when trying to import a line item formatted as a numbered list into a different line item formatted as the same numbered list. We import directly from our source into a list formatted line item and the only workaround I've been able to come up with is to make a new line item, make the…