How can we auto update current time period?
Hi Friends, I find that the Time settings don't get updated with new month? Other than Dynamic Time, is whether any other way to auto-update it?
Not able to open Excel add in file with 4.2 version
Hi, I have installed Anaplan Excel Add-in 4.2 version. But now I am not able to open files which were prepared on Anaplan Excel Add-in 3.4. IF I open a file it closes down automatically. What is the workaround for this issue? Regards, Ajinkya
Data Import Issue via Anaplan Connect Script.
Dear Expert , While Doing the Import to Anaplan List/Model via Process in Script , I am getting below shown Error. Could you please let me know Since Same script works fine by changing the parameter for other models. Warm Regards Deep!
HELP with module setup
Hi hope someone can point me to the right direction. I have a module which Dimension by Agreement Number (xxx1, xxx2 etc) Timescale by month (Jan 19, Feb 19 etc) Line item :Start date : (when the agreement start) Feb16, Jan 17 Etc Line item Income : by the contract for every month I now need to show that data by: Timescale…
Help! 7.2.1 Activity: Import Data into Product Details Module
I have reviewed several posts to track down why information is not populating. I compared my L1MB SYS modules to the the finished sample modules and they match. Here is how I am importing the Products (1).csv: And here is the result: as compared to the sample file (what it should look like): You can see I have extra rows…
Import Transactional Data into DataHub
Dear Community, I have a question related to import transactional data (Net Sales) into Data Hub, with the following requirements: * The Net Sales and Qty Volumes are grouped by more than 10 attributes required for Sales Planning Purposes. Best practices in Anaplan is to concatenate those attributes that will be the key…
Employees list import mapping
Hello all, I have an issue with mapping Employee details data. Would you please take a look? Thanks
More ways to access data - Transactional APIs
Check out this article by our colleague, Rebecca, to see the latest exciting developments on our APIs - opening up more ways to work with and process your data.
Anaplan connect via JDBC with SQL DB (partial data loading)
Hi, We are using Anaplan Connect 1.4 to load data into SQL database via JDBC conneciton. the export script when manually exports 2459 but when the export is triggered through Anaplan connect only partial data is getting loaded. Can someone suggest me what is going wrong here? - - 2021-01-26 13:06:16 INFO 216 |--…
Exports should allow for added attributes during export window
Exports should allow for added attributes during export window
Level 2 Sprint 1
Hi Team, I'm trying to do replicate in Level 2 Sprint 1 but I'm unable to do so although I feel the individual components are correctly set up - may I have your feedback on this please? This is the view required: My SYS07 view I'm connecting to which is required to be a flat list I believe My Import View -…
Import without errors and warnings (extra columns in headers and times)
Hi community! I want to bring up the next topic. Best practices and guides suggest that all imports should go with a green check mark, without warning. If there is a warning or an error, then something went wrong and the administrator must intervene. But I found a case where I don't know how to achieve this without…
Limitation on data import (anaplan connect)
Hi anaplanner, I have problem with import file using anaplan connect, when i import file with large rows 1 milion or more i have notice out of bonds, but if i import rows less than 1 milion is succesfull. my question is is there a limit to the number of rows that can be imported? Regards, Panji
Make a copy of our Prod model and make it our DEV Model?
Hi there, I currently have a DEV model that is not deployed where i create a revision tag, push it to our UAT deployed model, then push it to our Production Deployed model. I want to refresh our DEV model with the latest data in our Prod model. I was wondering if i can take a copy of our Prod model and then make this the…
Level 2 Conclusion - Import Final Demand Forecast into DAT02 Module
I'm literally at a loss at what its asking me to do here...nothing I do seems to work so I obviously dont understand the question. Please can you help?
Data Import : Ignore all by default in mapping
It could be great to have a feature that allows to ignore all fields by default during data import mapping. As of today we have the options to "Match", "Ignore" (unitary), "Clear" (unitary) and "Clear All" mappings. It would be great to have an "Ignore All" button to handle only exceptions.
Level 2 - Sprint 1 - Import Data into Historic Volumes Module
Hi everyone, I'm having trouble importing this into DAT03 Historic Volumes. I've been at this for 3 hours and I'm not sure what's wrong. Can anyone help? I can't move on to the next activity until I get this right. Thank you.
Search Function within Edit Process
It will be great if there is a search functionality for a specific action within the Edit Process (or Create Action -> Process), especially useful for a model with long list of actions. At the moment, I need to search the action from Actions pane, note where its position is i.e. top, middle, or bottom of the list, and use…
Pulling data from Power BI to Anplan
Hi All, Is it possible to pull data from Power BI into Anaplan. I know it's possible to do it the other way round. But I need to take data from Power BI and push it into Anaplan. Thanks, Stu
Not able to access Level 2 Model Building: Conclusion
Hi Team, I have achieved 80% for Level 2 Sprint 3. But I am not able to access Level 2 Conclusion. Can somebody please help me with this? Thanks
Import Data from a saved view to another module - Production Data or not?
Hello Anaplanners, I have a saved view from one module that essentially captures the line item quantity at a moment in time and is saved into another module which is then referenced as the "frozen data". I know I need to change the settings for the import or the import data source as production data but am not sure which…
Regarding Anaplan Connect Script issue while intrection to Anaplan system via middleware route.
Dear all , we are trying to import via Anaplan connect script .Actually we have system flow as mentioned. Windows server(Anaplan connect script run) -----> Data power Server(middleware for security reason) ---- Anaplan Cloud system(model ,workspace) if we are executing script via using certificate based authentication…
Anaplan-Informatica Cloud Integration
Hello, I'm hoping someone has had this error and was able to resolve this. Would like your help on it. I currently have a Dev and Prod model setup and I'm using a simple import to a date-formatted line item action to refresh the current date. I was able to set it up on my Dev model and it works perfectly. But when I…
Data Export Script error.
Dear Expert , Looking for your kind guidance , I am trying to export the data via script . we have been given process to use in script to export the data from Ana-plan . When i am passing the Details in Script i am getting below shown error And Script sample as below which i am trying to run. set…
Anaplan Tableau Connection error
Hi, We have a refresh extract set up between Anaplan and Tableau Server however it's not very stable. Here is an example of the error message we are seeing: com.tableausoftware.nativeapi.exceptions.DataSourceException: Name: Ajax Module unhandled error Message: {"jqXHR":{"readyState":4,"responseText":"<html><body><h1>504…
Import Numbered List
Hi, I'm trying to import into a numbered flat list using a module saved view and the list is returning only the Number ID and not the names. I checked the numbered list option in the General Lists menu and added a display name property formatted as text and selected it from the dropdown menu in the General Lists menu. I…
level 2 1.3.3
Hello I was wondering if everything imported correctly. The excel sheet is what I was taking the data from.
Talent Builder Beta Access
Hi there I have registered for Talent Builder free 90 days beta access and was able to complete Level 1 and halfway through Level 2 certification. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to complete it within the allocated time. Would like to find out what are the options for me to complete the pending Level 2 certification. Should I…
Questions about Statistical Forecast
Hi, we are trying Monthly Stat Forecast Model. (https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Statistical-Forecasting/ta-p/40359) And we are doing the functional verification. I check the model, but there are somethings I don't understand. Q1. Can we use specific history data? ex) Using 2018-2019,2021-2022 data as…
Anaplan Connect: Master Script
Prerequisites: * This article is designed for those more advanced with Anaplan Connect. * Utilizing CA Certificates is the best practice for Anaplan Data Integrations. The Master Script is best leveraged with CA Certificate authentication in the individual scripts for security purposes. If you would like to learn more…