Hello , Im in activity Import the data from your Data Hub model, DAT03 Historic Volumes
please help me , I think im doing wrong in mapping
Supplied by line item SYS08
Hello, in Level 2 print 3, for the country summary report there is a reference to a line item Supplied by which is supposed to be in Sys08. Maybe did I missed something in my previous sprints but it was not part of SKU upload file and if it is suppoed to be a formula I don't know how to build it (where should the data come…
Error in Rep05
Hi everyone, please help as I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I uploaded the currency data into SYS03 but everytime I try to make my formula for Local Currency in REP05 it gives me this error. My country currency is a flat list - I thought it was supposed to be. Please see attached screen shots and tell me if you see any…
Level 3 Exam Question Help
Hello, I just completed my MB Level 3 certification, and passed the technical exam with 90%. I just couldn't manage to get the answer to the final question right, would it be possible to get some help to explain what went wrong on that one? Thanks!
L1MB SKU Volumes Imports
I was stuck , Can some one clarify my error
Create Shipping Export Module and Create a Saved View - Half Year Values
Hello everyone, I'm hoping you can help me with a question. I am trying to create a new view for the export shipping model for the Conclusion module of level 3 but for some reason it keeps showing me half year values making my import to the FP&A model not work. Please see attached. Can you help me so I'm only seeing the…
No data in Confirmed Purchase Order Receipt
Hello all, I'm really struggling with 3.3.6 testing the shipping cost formulas. No matter what I do I can't get the data in Confirmed Purchase Order Receipt to show a value. Even before switching it over to the POST function, no data comes up. Is this something to do with DCAs? Please see my attached screenshots and let me…
L2 Model Building - Conclusion Upload Supply Chain Model History
Hey folks - I uploaded my Supply Chain Model History on Jan 6, 2021 and haven't received any updates on the grading status. Is this grading still part of the Level 2 Certificate of Completion? Thanks!
3.3.11 and 3.3.12 HELP
Hi all, Seem to be stuck on these for far too long and would appreciate and explanitory walkthrough Attached are screenshots of my model Figures seem to be different from the course... "Do not include half-year or full year summaries, unless all months that are included in those periods are selected. For example, do not…
how to register anaplan in updated version
Level 1 Model building - lesson 13.9.5 how to eliminate the scroll bar in text card
I created the text card but it comes with a scroll bar which should not be there as per the lesson. How to eliminate the scroll bar?. My screen shot below: pls see scroll bar circled in Red Will appreciate guidance.. thanks
Workspace Access
I do not have access for workspace as my organization do not use the Anaplan. Now I have to do the Level-3. Anaplan talent builder is already extended my workspace access 3 times for completing Level-2. Now they are not allowing. What I can do now. Please suggest. I have to do the Level-3.
Level 3 - 4.6.4 Sales Planning Model: A2 List
4.6.4 Sales Planning Model: A2 List In the Sales Planning model: Import data from the Data Hub model to populate the A2 Account>Product# list * For each list item (Product name) include the Account (parent), combined Account_Product code, and display name from the Product Flat list I have completed this but not sure my…
What causes the Change workspace/model to disappear in the Manage model screens of the App?
When I open the app contents screen and select Manage this app button, I click on the Manage models button. In some of the Page rows I can see the drop down for Change worksheet and Change model but not all. I am a WSA and a PB. Both of the Pages belong to the same Workspace and Model. What causes some to display the…
How can i access the free 90 days workspace for building model?
Can you please provide guidance on how to become a certified model builder?
Also, I wanted to know if I can work in a live Anaplan environment. P.S. I am not eligible for any student free access
Accidentally changed Switchover date to 2023 when it was meant to be 2022, what can I do?
As the title reads, someone in our org changed the switchover date incorrectly and we lost an entire year's budget, is there a way we can revert this and salvage all of our information? Thankfully we have an archived model but we have tons of connections written to this model and want to continue working in the one that is…
- Import into DEM01 Module
only october month is loaded during importation targert still on week eventhought i changed it for month time mapping
INV 02 country summary
Hi team i have an issue with the country summary module In country summary, stock safety flag i have given a formula but its not showung Sku list in the module, and if inv01 safety count flag should be ticked but what should be ticked? i got sutck here please find the attachments and help me in sloving this module
The SUM Function
Summary: This lesson describes the purpose and use of Anaplan's SUM function to aggregate values of items that meet one or more specific criteria. The lesson also provides a guided practice activity. Audience: Model Builders Lesson Duration: 8 minutes This micro lesson is included in Level 1 Model Building training program…
How to use the SUM function
Summary: When building Anaplan models, the SUM function is used to add up values that meet one or more specific criteria. Find out how to construct a formula using the SUM function in this short lesson. Course Objectives: By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to: Identify source and mapping cross reference data to use…
Source to Target Mapping in Formulas
Summary: When writing formulas in Anaplan, it is important that the platform knows where to retrieve the data from. This lesson reviews the concept of source to target mapping in formulas. Audience: Model Builders Lesson Duration: 10 minutes This micro lesson is included in Level 1 Model Building training program available…
13.3.1 Level 1 - Unable to create Margin Summary page
While creating Margin Summary page, I am getting error as "A page with this name already exists" and unable to create the page. Please help, thank you!! However, I am creating this page for the first time. (I am on 90 days Free trial)
The summary methods in INV01 Inventory Ordering line items didn't match
In ' Check Your Work' Level 2 Model Building : Sprint 3, I succeeded on comparing the INV01 module that I've made with the first and second example above (on SKU level) without changing the summary method. Then, I change the summary methods (in the picture below). I also succeeded on comparing it to the third…
Show/Hide Production List
Hi, I want to show or hide production list. This is original table. It has Country List(Like France). When I show only Japan and Thai Items in TEST APP, there is France Item in Prod APP. We should not use show hide function, should use filter function? Or there is another way to show/hide production List?
3.3.6 Activity: Test the Shipping Cost Formulas
Why am I not able to get the check box for Override Shipping Method?
I've missed the order of steps for building a model twice. Can somebody please help me understand which steps I have gone wrong? Step 1. Build centralized dimensions in the model (time, version, lists) Step 2. Build Modules in the model Step 3. Build centralized Import data into modules Step 4. Set user access and…
Dropdown-formatted line item with default as one of the list items and restrict turning as Blank
Hello Everyone, Is there anyway we can make alteration in Dropdown-formatted that having a list item as default and blocking user from making that as Blank? User can able to add new list item in that module where i am using that dropdown-formatted line item If not i will add that default list item manually TIA
Please let me know why im getting empty name results while importing the Employee details
Level 2 Conclusion DEM04 Demand Export
@Misbah Could you tell me what I am doing wrong in this formula. Demand = 'DEM03 Demand Forecast'.Final Forecast[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product]