Model 'Time' settings import / export via API as a JSON object
It would be an absolute game changer to have the ability to export model 'Time' settings as a JSON object via the API. Subsequently, the ability to import a modified version of that JSON object to update the model calendar via the API would go hand-in-hand. This would allow for automation of moving the 'Current Period'…
Password protection to Excel Add-ins
hi, we've got users who have been asked to increase the security of the data they hold. They currently use Excel Add-ins, and tried putting password protection onto their spreadsheet. However, the data uploads failed with password protection activated (even though they'd already opened the spreadsheet with the password).…
Ability to disable selective access for a specific module
We have selective access activated on several lists (mainly organization) and for 90% of our needs it works well. However, in some modules we would like the users to be able to see the data of the entire lists (even if they don't have read access on parts of this list). Currently, the alternatives as we see them are: * to…
User Access Management Control
In Anaplan, All the users having "Workspace Admin" are able to add Users to the workspace. I would like to propose an idea in which among all the 'Workspace Admins" only certain set of users among them should have the option of adding new users to the workspace. This will help one to easily manage and keep a track of the…
Show whether a line item is used in an action
I'd like ability to see, in blueprint mode for a module, whether a line item is used in an action. This, along with an existing Idea requesting to see if a line item is used as a filter for a Saved View, would significantly speed up model clean-up time
Data depersonalization
My company does not want to upload personal data of employees to the cloud. However, there is a need for sales management. Obviously, identifying calculations / reports by identifiers rather than by employee names is not productive. It is necessary to be able to personalize through the identifiers the data received from…
'Last Modified: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss' in Model Management
Think it would be a good idea for 'Last Modified: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss' to be present as a 'column' that you can also use as a sorting option for your models in Model Management. Would be particularly helpful for determining the date a model was archived, which is a semi-common request made to Anaplan Support.
The New UX should have ALM capabilities for managing changes like the old UX
Hi Anaplan, The New UX currently lacks ALM capability like the old UX does. The benefit of this would be managing updates to apps as you currenly can in the old UX. It would great if the New UX had ALM capabilities like the old UX. Thanks, Usman
Ability to search for list items when granting read or write permission to users
Assigning read/write access to users is currently laborious, especially when the list is a composite list with several hierarchy levels and list items. For example, I built a workforce model where security was applied at a cost centre level, and the cost centre hierarchy had 7 levels and thousands of members. The ability…
Ability to Disable and Modify Welcome Email
We want to be able to control who gets a welcome email stating that you're Active on Anaplan. Our access to Anaplan is via another tool and the email stating the person is an Active user is: #1: Misleading because they also need to be provisioned in the other system where we are controlling the link access to Anaplan and…
Promote Revision Tag to Multiple Spoke Models at One Time
With the way our Anaplan environment is structured, it would be a huge time saver to promote revision tags to multiple spoke models at one time instead of having to update them individually. Anyone else share the same need?
Take Locked model offline
As a Model Builder and member of CoE, I need to be able to set the model in the Locked status as "Offline". Currently, when the model is Locked, all users who have access automatically have access to it (so it's in "Online" state). But sometimes, we need the model, which only Workspace Admins can see, but it's not editable…
Change NAME() and add CODE() to Users list
As a Model Builder, I need a function to return User's First & Last Name, so I think the best solution would be adding CODE() function for Users list (which would have current functionality of NAME()), and change behavior of NAME() function applied to Users list. For backward compatibility, if NAME() cannot be changed,…
New formula for checking User's access
As a Model Builder, I would find new function really useful: Syntax HASACCESS(x,y,[f]) Returns Boolean, "TRUE" if User has specified access, where: * x: Users list-formatted line item containing . * y: Item of the list with Selective Access enabled. * f: Flag which tells which access formula should test, keywords: "ANY"…
Dynamically Updated Whaterfall Chart for general lists
The issue is related to the ALM functionality. Currently, if you set-up a Waterfall chart, based on production list, it can be transferred into production model incorrectly. That is because waterfall chart shows list items based on their "internal" code (from Anaplan words), meaning that if in prod some items will be with…
Single Sign on security enhancement
We got a requirement recently to limit access to single sign-on setting. At the moment all administrators are able to deactivate this for themselves at any given moment and effectively skip all security controls. We believe that not all admins should be able to do this. In companies which have more builders (for example…
Ability to Reorder, Sort, Filter, Group and generally Organize the users list
Our model has 700+ users so the list is quite overwhelming to deal with. They're also in some who-knows why randomized order. I see no easy way of changing this order short of removing them all and re-importing them in a different order. It would be really helpful to deal with this size of a list by allow admin to: *…
Bulk Delete Models
a workspace admin, I should be able to bulk delete models, rather than 1 by 1
Alphabetize a selection of Actions in the Actions List (Modules, dashboards too!)
I'd like to be able to select a bunch of actions in a list, and alphabetize just those actions. Currently you can alphabetize the list of actions but it only does the entire list. Our model has many actions (just shy of 2 thousand)...some of these are specifically grouped together by function, or by dashboard they're on…
Move User's Model Access into a separate boolean
It would be very helpful to have user role and user access to a model to be separately managed values. In some instances, we use ALM to move a big group of changes into our production model so we will remove access for non-admin users and reinstate them later. Instead of changing each of our 700 users roles to "No Access"…