"Model Health" / Performance Dashboard
As an external Anaplan partner, we get regularly the question to look into the performance and structure of customer models to assess the health of a model and to find opportunities for improvements. I built for this a model that allows me to upload f.e. line items and gives direct insights on key areas like size, usage of…
Create a Roles List That Can Be Referenced in Modules
Having a Roles list that is auto-generated and able to be leveraged in modules would be very helpful. For example, in certain system/admin modules we assign read/write drivers on partiucular line items. Currently, the users list is leveraged to dynamically change the access via a formula and an import. However, having the…
Notes for NUX Pages
Please add Notes to NUX Pages for Page Editors to view. In the Notes for Page Editors we will be able to maintain context/background for individual pages. This could be useful as some pages were used in one way for a particular group/role in classic dashboard, but the page is now used for a broader audience or for a…
make the SSO user setting just like the Workspace Admin: unchangeable by yourself on your user
Years ago, Anaplan users used to remove their own model builder accesses, sometimes leaving the workspace without any MB to give it back. Anaplan updated the platform so that you cannot remove your own WSA access. Anaplan should do the same for SSO login: today if you check the SSO and you don't belong to the workspace…
Cloudworks configure job to run as another account <Service account>
It would be nice to configure Cloudworks integration to run as "user/account" <Service account> instead of using the current account when you create/configure an integration.
Add ability to add a time constraint (filter) to the Bulk copy functionality.
Idea: We are asking Anaplan to consider adding the ability to add a time constraint onto the Bulk copy functionality. For example, when performing a bulk copy, I want to pull in a sub-set of data based on time vs. all data. Business Impact: When doing a copy of my forecast version I copy the entire time scale of my Anaplan…
Allow Workspace Admins to use NUX dashboards when a model is offline
It would be helpful for testing purposes if workspace admins could still use the NUX dashboards when a model is offline.
My Pages - Admin Overview
I see that the My Page feature has picked up significantly at some customers, particularly with worksheets. Yet, as an admin it's a great trouble to understand the impact of changes to these personal pages. Today it is only possible to see the number of "My Pages" created by each model. As a Workspace Admin, I want an…
Selective Access to Time Scale
It will be helpful to have selective access to timescale as well as there are different people looking into historical data and projection data. We don't want to show projection months data to people. We tried with filters but people can break the filters by pivoting the view from classic and NUX pages as those views…
Workspace Management on Tenant Admin Console
Currently in order to allocate/redistribute the workspace within the tenant we raise a ticket with Anaplan Support and get it done. Idea I am proposing is that we have this feature for Tenant Admin or Tenant Security Admin on Admin Console. This will save some time in getting the redistribution done. Also Tenants will play…
ALM Role
Create a new role for ALM admin. This role has the possibility to deploy models and to undeploy models. This way you can prevent that workspace administrators take a model out of deployed model by incident. In our setup we do need people to be workspace admin to be able to assign user roles etc but we do not want them to…
Add “Open” button in line items subset menu
There is an "Open" button in any settings menu: "Modules", "Dashboards". Please see screenshot for the "General Lists" menu: But there is no such button for the "Line Items Subsets" menu:
Ability to automate ALM syncs using Anaplan API
A description of the enhancement requested: The user would like to be able to automate ALM synchronization through the use of Anaplan connect scripts. An example of the enhancement: We have 12 models to synchronize one at a time. We'd like to be able to run a script which would sync all of these with the click of a button.…
Enhance cell history to show higher level breakback cell data changes when making lower leaf change
When data is input into lower leaf items when breakback is active, the cell history does not update in the higher level summary cells. This can lead to confusion and frustration with nothing detailing where a data change was made, especially when large amounts of data are being manually input. This means some users…
Add Codes to Modules
Idea Add unique system generated codes to modules/lists/actions/dashboards that cannot be changed. Purpose Allow for easier documentation of modules/lists/actions/dashboards by referring to system code. As codes do not change, references will stay valid even if names change. I imagine that unique codes already exist for…
blue toaster - on large models
Hi Team, As we work with larger and larger models - Data Hub and now Hyper Models the instances of blue toaster errors are becoming intolerable for most people. Even the slightest error can result in blue toaster for 10mins per time. It other forms of IT there is a distinction between verbose error handling and truncated…
Copy a Process
I am frequently encountering cases where i need to copy and existing Process then edit it slightly. Current example is a DEV model is being rolled out to many regions. I need to have a suite of Processes per Region as they are slightly different in the way they update from Data Hub. Right now i have to create a record of…
Export Actions in a Process
It would be useful to be able to export the Actions contained in a Process. Currently the only way to extract them is to highlight them all copy and paste into Excel. Add a column numbering 1 to x and then sort on the action name to get rid of the "Remove" labels and then re-sort back on the key to get the Actions in the…
Toaster Time / Blue Box Culprit Anonymity
One of our best Anaplanners at Tableau recently left the Sales Operations organization. She unfortunately will not be an Anaplan user in her new role. Before she left, I made this "best practice" image for her, referencing an incident 2 years ago, when I was only 2 months on the job here. Joking aside, I've recently been…
Make Time Ranges Production Data
In order to support varied testing and especially split-model deployments (same dev model with different data sets/time periods), it would be useful to have Time Ranges be Production Data. This will provide value in allowing all deployed models linked to the development model to be configured independently and save on…
Ability to not show Top Level in List Formatted Drop Down
Hello- It would be really great if there was an option, when formatting a line item with a List for drop down selection, if we could exclude the top level from being selected without having to make it its own level in a hierarchy. Maybe a "Don't Show Top Level" box on the formatting screen? This would prevent some…
End User display name
I have an end user in Japan who would like his name displayed in double sided in Japanese and English. Idea proposal: Much like a numbered list item can have a display name, so too with end users there would be an option to use either the email address or input text to display as the user name.
Retrieve Cell Data for a view via API for non-admin users
We are able to retrieve cell data for a view, but that’s possible only for Workspace Administrators. Generic accounts always do not have admin licenses and there's no way they can read cell data. Without admin setup we are not able to neither wright back, nor read back. If non-admins could read cell data it would allow to…
Allow User Admins to Enable/Disable Workspace Administrator Configurations
Fully replicating a non-administrator's access requires a model builder to either have two Anaplan accounts (one with WSA and without WSA) or requires another WSA to disable/enable the model builder's WSA configuration. The first option can be infeasible for certain Anaplan customers, and the second option becomes…
Change history
My customer is requesting a change history recording function as in Excel. Multiple users normally work on the same grid at the same time; at that time, they want to display the change history of which other users changed which cell and how on the screen. Without that functionality, it's possible that users don't realize…
Allow Migrations between Non-Production and Production workspaces that have separate SSO containers.
Our company, and I presume others, use a production and a non-production SSO environment for security purposes. We have our Anaplan workspaces setup to use them, accoringly. However, the Anaplan platform does not support migrating code from two workspaces that do not reside in the same SSO container. We believe this should…
Hide pages in New UX based on user role
Being able to hide pages in the new UX based on role, not just selective access, in a way similar to Contents for the classic UX would help control user access so that users don't see pages that aren't relevant to their needs.
Option to bring the target model back online automatically after synchronization is complete
In the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) environment, when synchronizing models there is a checkbox to "Take the target model offline" at the beginning of the synchronization process. I would like to see a checkbox added on the same window to "Place the target model online when the process completes". This would bring…
Redirecting a failed log-on to the Status page
As a Tenant Administrator, I want Anaplan to redirect my end users to the following status page whenever they face a failed log-on caused by an Anaplan platform outage (either planned or unplanned): status.anaplan.com So that my end users can be informed about the root cause of this specific type of log-on failure.
Tenant Admin Enhancements - User Management
As a tenant admin user who's instance spans many organizations, workspaces, and contracts on the same tenant, there is a need to enhance the tenant admin for user management/reporting across the platform. Our instance holds hundreds of unique users belonging to different groups, functions, workspaces and models. Currently…